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In order to study and contain the nightmarish phenomena of the world, the Authority made heavy use of involuntary subjects during the first century after its separation from the papacy. But as humanity advanced, new and sophisticated methods of containment and study became accessible through scientific engineering. Old, barbaric use of CSDs slowly diminished, but old habits die hard, and many of the unethical traditions of the early Authority still linger. C&D Resources is the contemporary Authority's solution to this, created in order to organize and regulate CSD use to fit modern ethical standards.
— C&D Department Head
Confined & Disposable Resources is responsible for ethical-evaluation, housing, acquisition, and logistical coordination of the Authority's involuntary disposable personnel (CSDs). Each sub-department fills its own niche, and are at constant odds with pushing against the Presidium's boot just to get the job done. Most Authority facilities operate with their own unique systems and regulations which make C&D's work considerably more complicated and varied.
Ethical-evaluation is performed by the C&D Disposition, who work tirelessly to minimize inhumane treatment of CSDs. For all of its operations, the Presidium Office of Ethics and Review always has a watchful eye, silently waiting for the Disposition to slip up and violate the ethical codes, granting OEaR leeway to reacquire the department from C&D.1
C&D Upkeep's only written responsibility is to confine and contain CSDs which aren't in-use, but its efforts dig far deeper. A majority of Authority personnel are good-willed, and use of involuntary subjects — effectively slaves — is unconscionable for most. The Authority is supposed to be a force for good in the world, but if its actions are far more negative, then it isn't worth it. For this reason, the most important factor for maintaining personnel morale is to maintain CSD morale.2 C&D Upkeep is always working against the Office of Financial Affairs to provide livable spaces for its CSDs.
C&D Acquisitions is responsible for all external sourcing of CSDs, including subjects on death row and within sanitariums/asylums. This requires careful negotiations with many state governments, and the Office of Diplomatic Relations is always trying to influence or involve itself in them. In addition, the Office of Human Resources will often reject acquired CSDs if they do not meet the department’s meticulous standards.
Last but not least is C&D Logistics, tasked with the safe and effective transport of CSDs between Authority facilities. Differing regulations of such facilities make logistics between locations substantially more obtuse than the other sub-departments have to deal with, as C&D Logistics does not have the luxury of subdividing its operations to individual sites.
C&D Disposition
The Disposition handles the approval and safety-assurance for all CSD usage within the Authority. The Disposition is managed by two officers for each regional command, carefully selected from the Office of Ethics and Review's ranks. Known as the Disposal, these officers are, in theory, the sole deciders and ethics arbiters of CSD use for any purpose within their jurisdictions.3
If you can't get Disposal to sign off on your requested CSDs, you'll be forced to cancel the task, alter the task to be less dangerous and hope they'll sign on that, or find an alternative that doesn't require CSDs. Personnel from the more occult branches of Research often run their rituals on themselves because they can't get Disposal to grant CSDs for their esoteric, bizarre experiments.
Requests for CSD subjects are rated on a three-point scale according to the estimated risk involved. Tasks without risk of significant injury or psychological strain are classified as L1-Tasks. Tasks with unavoidable but improbable risk of serious injury or death, or are otherwise horrific/demoralizing in nature, are classified as L2-Tasks and make up the bulk of all CSD assignments (approx. 80%). Tasks with a great chance of dismemberment, psychological damage or death are classified as L3-Tasks.
The CSDs themselves are ranked with a corresponding three-point scale based on the quantity and severity of cruel and despicable actions the subjects had committed prior to acquisition. Those who lived mostly mundane lives without serious ethical transgressions are designated as L1-CSDs, those with psychopathic tendencies and actions against others are designated as L2-CSDs, and those who have committed extreme actions to end or permanently scar another person's life (rape, murder, etc.) are designated L3-CSDs. It is not uncommon for the L3-CSD pool to become exhausted when additional CSDs are needed for gruesome tasks. In these cases, L2-CSDs are selected at random to perform necessary L3-Tasks.
Once the Disposal approves a CSD request, it's up to the main body, known as the Disposers, to dispose and persuade those requesting CSDs to seek alternatives to human testing, decrease the number of CSDs being requested to the bare necessary count, and to introduce greater safety measures within testing.
If the Disposition does its job well enough, it won't be hard for C&D Acquisitions to keep up with demand.
C&D Upkeep
C&D Upkeep handles the maintenance of CSD living space, morale and similar. Upkeep usually allows CSDs who are mentally sound4 to eat in the same cafeteria as Maintenance Union personnel and to participate in other various recreational activities in order to maintain morale of both CSDs and Authority staff. However, despite the homely exterior, C&D Upkeep is also in charge of CSD instruction, integration and discipline, often grueling by necessity.5
All efforts are made to prevent revolts and rioting, but ASF personnel are always prepared to handle a situation.6
Most major Authority facilities have a wing for permanent CSD storage.7 CSDs are kept separate by level as determined by the Disposition. Exact specifications for confinement cells vary by site, but the mandated minimum by the OEaR is 3.5m28 for permanent holding and 3.0m29 for temporary holding. Any cell in which a CSD is confined overnight must possess a suitable mattress/bed, toilet and sink. Additionally, most facilities will allow and provide for any CSDs to have a writing journal and/or a deck of playing cards.
Personalized amenities are often granted for extended compliance with personnel, under strict regulation by the Office of Financial Affairs. It is common for personnel of the Maintenance Union to purchase items such as music players and board games for CSDs they’ve become familiar with when it is not within Upkeep’s budget to do so.
It is standard practice for CSD attire to be color-coded, with yellow for L1-CSDs, orange for L2-CSDs and red for L3-CSDs.10 CSDs are usually allowed to choose from a small selection of clothing styles provided.
Every CSD is identified using a unique six-digit numerical code (CSD-XXXXXX) listed within the Authority database. However, individual sites and regions may also use their own, shorter systems. These numbers are rarely used in communication; personnel generally call CSDs by their given names or designated codenames.
Although rare, it is possible for CSDs to decrease their level through parole based on amiable behavior, or increased for particularly egregious behavior. Occasional interviews are held with CSDs in order to build ongoing profiles for the kinds of locations and tasks individual subjects are best suited for.
It is often necessary for the Authority’s extraterrestrial facilities to maintain on-site reserves of CSDs. These facilities have significantly reduced ability to provide amenities and such; for this reason, primarily CSDs with a particular affinity for space environments are transported to these facilities, as CSD morale will be high no matter how awkward and unideal the living conditions may be. Consequently, most CSDs in operation by the AEDF are eager to cooperate and be deployed.
C&D Acquisitions
C&D Acquisitions handles the acquisition of new CSDs into the Authority and must be able to generate a supply great enough to keep up with CSD usage across the Authority. Usual sources include subjects negotiated out of death row or asylums/sanitariums as well as malicious agents captured by the Protection Division.
Acquisitions tends to be the connecting component between each of the C&D sub-departments, even more so than Logistics. Acquisitions works to collect as much data and background information on subjects as possible, critical for the Disposition to be able to cast judgement, and helpful for Upkeep to determine the best location for each CSD to be held during and after the integration process. Furthermore, Acquisitions’ transport of CSDs makes up a large majority of Logistics’ work.
There are certain, rare times of crisis in which the Authority is in desperate need of CSDs, much more than Acquisitions can provide normally. The Directorate may call for C&D Acquisitions to take extreme measures. Subjects may be taken from refugee camps, and the OFA may bribe individual prisons to transfer petty criminals who normally wouldn't be taken. These emergency CSDs are kept separate from the main pool, and are returned to their original locations as soon as they are no longer needed.
C&D Logistics
C&D Logistics handles most transportation of CSDs between sites and within major area locations. This sub-department prides itself on its efficiency, making use of all-terrain transportation jeeps and utility helicopters fitted for landing in adverse weather conditions, on uneven ground, and over water; only twice in the sub-department's existence has an emergency CSD request been critically delayed.
In order to maintain a cohesive logistical system on a global scale despite the numerous restrictions11 and special cases12, the Logistics Networking Team (LNT) keeps constant track of every CSD’s location and specifications, and uses complex algorithms to determine the quickest, most efficient connections and routes for each region, each facility, and each CSD transport.
Because of this complexity, sacrifices have to be made in order to ensure CSDs can be delivered without delay on urgent calls. However, this focus on efficiency is often at the cost of CSD morale and health, stirring discontent with C&D Upkeep and the Office of Ethics and Review.
Logistics helicopters are fitted to carry around 6 CSDs at a time13, held in a closed chamber and strapped down to a seat. Jeeps are generally able to carry 6 CSDs at a time, and larger transport trucks for long-haul transit can fit up to thirty. The Authority also possesses a small number of refitted passenger aircraft which can each hold up to 30 CSDs, but only a small percentage of facilities possess a suitable landing location nearby.14
In order to conceal Authority operations, CSD transport vehicles are designed to appear similar to the prisoner transport vehicles used by local police.
You have acquired much of my department's work due to the recent budget cuts, but don't start thinking you're the best for the job. There isn't a department in the Authority that doesn't believe you're a bunch of ideologues. We'd love for you to prove us wrong, but we will be watching you carefully. We'll get our work back if you screw things up.
— Head of ECF, Presidium Human Resources
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