Component Hazards Guide

This page will explain how to use the hazard icons in place of text within the Hazard Types section. The basic format is as follows:

[[include component:hazards hazard=true|hazard=true|hazard=true]]

replace each "hazard" with one that you want in the article. Only include as many as you need. For an article with the aggression, grouped, sapient, and sensory hazards, you would use the following code:

[[include component:hazards aggression=true|grouped=true|sapient=true|sensory=true]]

This is how you would use it in action:


**Registered Phenomena Code:** XXX

**Object Class:** Alpha-White

[[include component:hazards aggression=true|grouped=true|sapient=true|sensory=true]]

**Containment Protocols:**

Note that you do not include "**Hazard Types:**" before the include. It will show up automatically.


Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-sapient.png Sapient h-sensory.png Sensory

Containment Protocols:

If you don't want the hazards to appear below the object class icon, you can add "top-spacing=none". Here's an example:

[[include component:hazards top-spacing=none|aggression=true|grouped=true|sapient=true|sensory=true]]


Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-sapient.png Sapient h-sensory.png Sensory

Containment Protocols:

If you want to include an Additional Properties section, add "type=properties".

[[include component:hazards type=properties|animated=true|incorporeal=true|titanic=true]]


Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-animated.png Animated h-incorporeal.png Incorporeal h-titanic.png Titanic

Containment Protocols:

You can include both using two includes.


**Registered Phenomena Code:** XXX

**Object Class:** Alpha-White

[[include component:hazards aggression=true|grouped=true|sapient=true|sensory=true]]

[[include component:hazards type=properties|animated=true|incorporeal=true|titanic=true]]

**Containment Protocols:**


Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-sapient.png Sapient h-sensory.png Sensory
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-animated.png Animated h-incorporeal.png Incorporeal h-titanic.png Titanic

Containment Protocols:

If you don't want the text to appear, use "type=none". This can be useful for custom formatting.

[[include component:hazards type=none|aggression=true|grouped=true|sapient=true|sensory=true]]


Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-sapient.png Sapient h-sensory.png Sensory

Containment Protocols:

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