This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as RPC-632.
Registered Phenomena Code: 009
Item Type: Location
Lethality Rating: Orange
Hazard Types: Extra-Dimensional Hazard, Info-Hazard, Immeasurable Hazard
Involved Research Personnel: Dr. Quint Mallabar, Magus Damien Moriarty1
Abstract: RPC-009 is an extra-dimensional plane in which the physical manifestation of all abstract concepts is believed to exist. Access to RPC-009 for the retrieval of said concepts is possible, although highly dangerous. Entry methods are only to be performed by qualified DOC personnel, and must be immediately shut down should the Groves count reach critical levels within the vicinity.
Safe Handling and Usage: Due to RPC-009’s existence as an extra-dimensional space, no protocols are required for its seclusion from the common populace. Exploration of RPC-009 is only to be performed by selected individuals from Project Eidos. Requirements for voluntary enlistment into the project can be seen here:
Exploration of RPC-009 can be highly dangerous: anomalies that may result from Aberrations4 following performance of the Traumwandern5 are to be expected. Personnel must follow certain safety criteria in order to prevent accidents during testing:
- Personnel performing the Traumwandern must first be approved by the Site-112’s DOC.
- Testing will be shut down once ambient Groves in the room reach a count of 60 Vi.6
- A minimum of four Groves-Flint Counters are to be present in the testing room, three meters apart from each other.
- Test subjects are to be contained in separate, bullet-proof cubicles within the testing chamber.
- 1 bucket of specialized detergent is to be installed inside and outside the testing room in order to quickly remove chalk from the floor.
- Site-112’s RSS team is to be stationed outside the testing room at all times during the procedure.
- 6 censers are to be installed in the testing room, filled with different mixtures of incense, such as: olive oil, stacte, white poppy petals, oak wood, mauve carnation petals, amongst others (this has been shown to be an effective way to dissipate Groves Radiation).
In the case of an accidental Groves overflow, RSS units will proceed to evacuate and flash-sterilize the area. All of the victims that sustained ill-effects of the Aberrations will be immediately transported to Site-112’s Medical Bay for treatment.
All subjects venturing inside RPC-009 in search of RPC-009-1 instances must only retrieve, interact, or try to visualize/comprehend the specified concepts for testing. Attempts to retrieve any of the following concepts may severely endanger the lives of all Site-112’s personnel:
- Life
- Death
- Fields of science
- Scientific concepts
- Religious concepts
- Consciousness
- Specific Individuals
- The Ideal concept itself
- Concepts relating to the field of anomalies
Recent List Update:
- Colors
Description: RPC-00911 is an extra-dimensional plane believed to exist intercrossed to the Infoplane, with only its outer edges coming into contact with Baseline Reality. Going by existing testimony from members of Project Eidos, RPC-009 is measured to have a Coherecy between ACS-2 and 3.12 Access to RPC-009 is currently only available by means of lucid dreaming, which has been researched from the works of Volker von Groves. This method, however, has been proven to cause major spikes of Groves Radiation within the area.
The nature of RPC-009 is tied to that of abstract concepts, both in their basic and superordinate form,13 which first take form from the general consciousness and memories stored in the Infoplane. These can range from the generally perceived form and identity of various religious, spiritual, political and economic concepts, as well as those from physical entities such as buildings, objects or people. Concepts manifest within RPC-009 in their “ideal” form, referred to as RPC-009-1. Most concepts quickly disappear from RPC-009 as they travel—in the form of memotic quanta—into Baseline Reality. In this process, they lose their ideal properties until reaching a “stable” form, an imperfect representation of the ideal. This process is best described by Dr. Mallabar during one of his lectures:
Dr. Mallabar - 30th Decennial Research Fair - “The Idea of the Ideal” […] Now, imagine the most beautiful chair you possibly can: crimson red leather, filled with Goose feathers, wood carved by the hands of a Hellenic deity, all the gist. That is the “Ideal” form a chair would take within the Sea.14 But for something to take an ideal form, it first requires the thought of its existence and the action of its creation. Because as we now know, the Sea is merely a passing state between the incorporeal and the material.
As someone tries to replicate the ideal within the physical world, that chair begins to take form, slowly fading away from the Sea as it becomes reality. But sadly, nothing truly perfect can exist in the world, and that perfect idea for a chair becomes a Monobloc chair. This is the ultimate fate for most of the concepts that inhabit the Sea. Be it a perfect formula, a perfect building, compound, or even a perfect deity. They all become imperfect shadows of themselves within our reality. Now, any questions?
However, some instances of RPC-009-1 are never able to leave RPC-009:
[ You said “most.” Does that mean that some concepts behave differently? ]
Quite so! You see, for something to leave the Sea, it must take form within reality, the “action” of its creation, as said before. But these actions can also simply be the thought of, or have been actions that once took place, but were never finished. They can also be concepts so recurrent that they can never fully exit the Sea. Let's think of the Eiffel tower, for example: the design it currently holds was not the one first designed, the one first thought of. It was simply one of the many ideals of its concept. It lacks its ideal magnificence, its gothic design, its cathedral look or spiral shape…
The action of their creation was taken, but never fully completed. As such, these discarded ideals are forever stuck in the sea, timeless monuments of perfect craft standing within the waves of imagination. Some, on the other hand, are permanent ideas that will never take their full form in reality. They are our colors, the ideas of our sciences, the concepts of our religions and of our psychology. They are the eternal monoliths casting a shadow upon our world.
It is possible to retrieve purely ideal instances of RPC-009-1 directly from RPC-009 using a complex series of rituals devised by Volker von Groves during the 18th century, known as the Traumwandern. A brief summary of the process is as follows:
- Using hand-made chalk,15 one must draw a hexagon on the floor. Each side measuring exactly two meters in length.
- In each vertex of the hexagon, one must draw a circle with a diameter of 60cm. Each member of any given team of Project Eidos must sit within each one of those outer circles.
- Directly in front of these circles, a new set equal in measurements must be drawn. If done correctly, a total of 12 circles must have been drawn in total across the design.
- Lines must be drawn connecting the center of each circle to one another, thus creating a hexagram and an inner hexagon in the process. The final design should have a total of 78 lines.
- A 2.5 meter-tall obelisk of silver, tipped with a golden pyramid, is to sit in the exact center of the design. Each personnel in the outer circles is to face it at all times.
- Six members of the DOC are to stand in the center of the inner circles, facing the outer ones. They are to carry burning rods made from the Fraxinus’ wood.16 The rods shall be held above their heads while chanting the required invocations, imbuing the obelisk with the “desire” to seek a certain idea.17
- Personnel within the outer circles are to consume 25gms of Fromtol-A22 in order to achieve REM sleep and synchronized neural oscillations with one another.18
Should all steps be followed correctly, the Traumwandern will activate, and the consciousness of the sleeping participants will be transported into RPC-009. During this out-of-body expedition, personnel may attempt to find and retrieve a previously determined -1 instance19 and utilize its unique properties within a certain object or place in space within Baseline Reality. The way this is done is through the usage of the burning Fraxinus rods, which are able to direct the physical ideal concept (materialized on top of the silver obelisk) into the desired location. Results are highly variable even when repeated multiple times.
Expeditions, Ideals and their Inherent Qualities:
Due to the nature of RPC-009, physical recording is impossible. As such, the following documents will be close approximations of the events as gathered from personnel testimony. For a complete list of all expeditions from Project Eidos, consult your local Office of Information Records and Security’s archive.
Incident - 12/4/2021
During routine testing in search of the RPC-009-1 instance of “permanence,” it is believed that E-2 of Team #Z5 accidentally terminated the expedition before planned by interacting with a non-desired -1 instance, henceforth referred to as -1A.
Before waking personnel could notify present DOC members, -1A had already been linked to the test subject (one dying brown rat). The resulting events that led to the death of five personnel are unknown, as camera equipment failed immediately after the subject’s contact with -1A. Upon break-in by RSS personnel, the test subject appeared to have solidified into a non-organic stone-like formation. All non-deceased personnel had experienced similar injuries, having parts of their limbs and face transmuted into the same material.
E-2, however, was unharmed. She was instead found on the floor, staring at the remains of the test subject. An interview with E-2 for the assessment of the situation follows: