Editing and Rewrite Policy


This is a writing wiki, which means that it's only natural that our articles would change and get refined over time. With that in mind, it's important to lay down a few points to clarify what you should or shouldn't edit, and when edits are appropriate.

  • When Can you Edit?: Articles that you have created may be freely edited by you whenever you want. Feel free to fix typos, reorganize paragraphs, or even make major content edits if you like! If you do make a major change to the content of an article, it's generally a good idea to make a post in the article's discussion page telling readers what you've changed or updated. You're also not required to post a list of changes made when editing your own articles, but it can be helpful.
  • Responding to Edits of Your Articles: If another user edits one of your articles in a way that you're not okay with, you may undo edits to your own articles at will.
  • Locking Edits to an Article: If one of your own articles is being heavily modified or vandalized without your permission, you are free to request that Site Staff make a temporary lock to edit privileges on that page until things calm down.
  • Editing Other Articles: You may make minor edits for grammar or spelling to other peoples' articles. Please fill out the 'Short description of changes' box. Major edits require permission from the original author or staff. Stylistic and tonal edits are considered major edits.
  • Editing Collaborative Articles: Some pages are designed to be collaborative with other users, and any user is free to contribute content if they so desire. Collaborative articles will include a pre-established format you should follow, and the creator of the collab page has the right to edit or remove any changes you make.
  • Creating Collaborative Articles: You are free to make any article, story or test log collaborative, so long as you make it clear to the reader what they can and cannot contribute. Please include an easily available copy and pastable format in the document that can be reproduced, and remember that it is up to you, as the article creator, to curate any edits other people make.
  • Things you Shouldn't Edit: Do not edit site rules, contest submissions or other staff-created pages unless the page explicitly tells you that you are allowed (for example, adding a submission to a contest page). Some pages, like ones with special CSS formatting or other additional media, may not be formatted in the same way as regular pages- contact their creators or Site Staff via PM first, before making any edits.


Times come when an article isn't up to snuff or an author feels it would be better off in the hands of another. For situations like these we have made a rewrite policy in order to protect and foster the improvement of existing articles. In order to rewrite someone else's article one of the following conditions must be met.

You must have:

  • Permission of the author

Or one of the following:

  • Twelve weeks of no contact from the author after asking for permission while the article is consistently under 3.2 stars.
  • Six weeks of no contact from the author after asking for permission while the article is consistently under 3.0 stars.
  • The article is under the deletion threshold (equal or below 2.7 after 6 votes) for any period of time.

If possible you must contact the author through both wikidot and discord to seek their permission.

In addition to these conditions the following rules must be followed:
- Only users who have written a 4.0+ star article will be allowed to rewrite articles unless they have received explicit permission from the original author
- The original author must be given credit in the discussion page
- If an author leaves any sort of "will" it is to be respected
- Rewrites must get criticism on the forums
Contact a staff member to approve your rewrite and clear the RPC slot.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License