Besides the decent narrative behind this entry and the wistful air of the journal, the cups and string gave it a neat touch for me.
Very nice. The imagery in this was especially enjoyable, as well as the characterization of RPC-563-1-12 and the CSDs. Not to mention RPC-563-2's ending note, which is both amusing and sorta creepy. I also really like the custom formatting you use in this piece. +5 from me!
article a day day 6: RPC-563, by Logangreenjeans
a contest winner! surprisingly not tagged with what contest it was for lol but im assuming its below zero since its in Antarctica…
i dont see much wrong with the containment procedures- i do think things like "Due to high fatality rates" should be saved for the description, since the conprocs are (imo ofc) reserved PURELY for… containment procedures
other authors do this on occassion, and i probably have in the past, but i think its better to keep out stuff that isnt strictly necessary for containment people to contain
not enough to change my rating ofc :)
description: straightforward, but i can't help but feel like the footnotes either belong in the article proper, or could be removed
i'm referring to footnotes like: "The weather inside of RPC-563 is in a constant blizzard state." that is pretty important for the setting, right? i would include it in the description itself
alternatively, the footnote after "colonial era clothing" is "This was a common style for Europeans who traveled on ships." That could probably be cut? I don't know why it's there, both from a reader's perspective and in-universe why the authority would include it.
i also like the interviews! solid stuff :)
i cant think of any suggestions regarding dialogue- i think the css looks good too ❤️❤️
the experiment log: i dont really understand it? why did they bury the csd and how did they do it in only a few minutes? and we do see -2 and that it has a hand, so obviously there are some parts of it we CAN see and CAN describe, so why isnt that in the description..? i would at least give an idea of it
the second log with the two cups on a string seem kind of pointless… like i dont really learn much from it that i dont learn from the addenda before or after
as for the journals themselves: i like them! i wont put anything here to keep from spoiling it from anyone else aspiring to read it but i would give them a look- the drawings are lovely