Obviously this is right up my alley and I'm a bit biased, but I think this is outstanding. It's so smartly written and the amount of care and attention to detail is gobsmacking. There are more allusions and references in here than an Easter basket; I appreciate the thoughtful onomatology in places like the primers, payloads, and unique classifications. I had to really bust out my search engine. My only quip is the line "like the one I described are indescribably rare", which sort of fumbles with word repetition, but even then, I can see this being intentional and OK.
My favorite part is how grounded most of this is; it doesn't feel like you have overextended the lore to make a bunch of stuff out of nothing, but that these are all available and straightforward considerations given the source material. The medical assessment templates are a nice, creative place to take this and inject some real unsettling tones, as is the utilization of these by the Authority on its own personnel. The mechanical ingenuity in the Authority's artificial augmentation of memes is another highlight, such as the Implantor.
If I understand the classification, something like RPC-001-2 would be a Rasa Class meme that doesn't quite ever make that last leap of self-redaction. ("Self-redaction" is a great way to put it, by the way.)
I also agree with Almarduk's comment about the sheer density of the lore being somewhat suffocating rather than fortifying. But, to me it's amazing you got this posted and it's doing well; any other site and you'd have to decorate it with a protagonist, a hackneyed narrative, lots of political ideology, and merri-go-round of classic article cameos in order to have a chance at keeping it afloat.
This is the kind of hard science fiction that thrives on this site.