Authority Government
Information Database
Overview: The Authority must deal with many and varied Entities involved with the anomalous; for the most part these are fringe groups, much like the Authority themselves. However, some Entities operate within the framework of the non-anomalous world, as agencies for nations and international organizations. Dealing with the population-control cult of Malthus is very different form negotiating with the legitimate representatives of China; whether hostile or cooperative, the power dynamics and threat that the latter may pose is radically different. Such Groups are registered within the Authority Global Information Database, colloquially known as the Agencies of Interest. The Database contains entries on these Groups as well as government programs related to the anomalous.
Table of Contents
People's Committee for the Acquisition of Anomalous Objects
Military Intelligence Section XIII
United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee
Project Blue Book
Vatican Primacy
Threat Code
People's Committee for the Acquisition of Anomalous Objects (China)
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- National

Overview: A primary influence in the Asian Pacific, the PCAAO is built with a mix of leading Chinese scientists and battalions supplied by the People’s Liberation Army. Created in the wake of the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, the PCAAO rose to prominence after the Korean War and further grew in power throughout the years.
The PCAAO is a valuable ally and formidable opponent. The rise of China parallels the PCAAO's expanding influence across Asia and Africa, bringing the organization into the global anomalous community. And yet the PCAAO is just as likely to cooperate with the ASF in Nigeria as it is to assault a dig team in Mongolia; it has carried out friendly and hostile acts in the same hour. The PCAAO of the 21st century is seemingly torn between opposite impulses; the international agency that works for the good of mankind versus the ruthless paramilitaries that protect China and her people from the anomalous at any cost, often at others' expense. Authority personnel are warned to approach the PCAAO with significant caution. It is often difficult to predict whether it will act in cooperation or violent self-interest.
Monarch Security (UK)
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Sculptor
- Multinational

Overview: Monarch Security, commonly referred as Military Intelligence Section XIII (MI13), was formed after the conclusion of a decades long government investigation. It was concluded that paranatural occurrences throughout the British Empire posed a significant threat towards the British government and Crown. As a result, Downing Street established a special department under the Directorate of Military Intelligence, designated as MI-13. To face the precedent threat against the occurrences, they were tasked with the security and protection of Great Britain and British Overseas Territories of all kind.
Monarch Security is overseen by a parliamentary committee based at Westminster, named the Defence Anomalies and Security Select Committee. However, the rest of the organization's structure and personnel management remains ambiguous, though it is clear that the organization retains much influence and funding than any other intelligence service body within the British government.
United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Multinational

Overview: The United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee (UNAAC) is an international regulatory body with the support of major national governments. While officially as a separate independent organization, the UNAAC is part of the United Nations System with its own charter and structure in comparison to that of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Established under the International Anomalous Accords, after the United Nations Anomalous Peace Conference, in 1945, directs the UNAAC to restrict and enforce the regulations and actions of all anomalous activity within the international scale. However, actionable enforcement of the accords is often weak and mostly left to the collective pressure of the World Security Council, consisting of members from the United Nations, during particularly outrageous rule violation, such as the unauthorized practice of anomalous activities.
In practice, the UNAAC is a negotiations table where The Authority carries the most weight, often needing the support of other nations to carry out its interests. Relatively impotent by itself, the UNAAC is valuable as a forum to redress grievances and smooth competition from interests between other nations in an established, diplomatic environment. Secretly, there are members within the UNAAC that push their own ideals and agendas to strengthen their geopolitical power. The Seventh Pact is one of these ambiguous, albeit unofficial, pacts within the World Security Council that tries to push the establishment of a separate entity that would overrule WSC decisions, often leading to disruption within international affairs.
Further Reading:
Project Blue Book

- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Sculptor
- Multinational
Overview: Project Blue Book is a large-scale multinational government agency formed by NATO to resist Incursion and assault by non-human entities and research technologies for use in the defense of humanity. Project Blue Book maintains multiple theaters of operation and can be found globally, of particular note is Blue Books "Solar" theater tasked with the defense of Earth by Space-born threats.
Blue Book operates in several subdivisions, not too dissimilar from the Authority. The Xeno Defense Bureau (XDB), Scientific Research Bureau (SRB), and the Engineering and Manufacturing Bureau (EMB) serve as the primary operational arms of Project Blue Book; however, there are a great many smaller bureaus and sub-bureaus that operate both dependent and independently of the primary three. The nature of these smaller bureaus are wildly varied and many are created and disbanded as needed by the wider organization.
The RPC maintains a tenuous relation with Blue Book dependent on the circumstances, they could either be at odds or working together. Blue Book as an entity receives a great deal of support from the NATO member states who feel that Blue Book is "More loyal and properly checked in comparison to the RPC". Many nations support Blue Book in some way or another whether it's allocating funds, providing troops, or hosting bases. It is particularly important to note that while Blue Book falls under NATO. Many treaties see non-NATO member states participating in some capacity.
While in the past this caused few problems in recent years Blue Book has found itself becoming more and more involved with the anomalous world as a whole.
The Vatican Secretariat of Supernatural Primacy

- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Structured
- Multinational
Overview: The Vatican Secretariat of Supernatural Primacy ("The Primacy") is the containment agency of the Vatican City-State established in response to the Papal Auctoritas Imperata declaring independence from the Roman Catholic Church and becoming the modern Authority. Tracing their origins to an obscure precursor organization known as the Auctorias Ecclesiastica, the Vatican Primacy is committed to preserving the holy relics and sacred doctrines of the faith and defending the Roman Papacy from supernatural threats.
Initially comprised of traditional Catholic mercenary units known as the Military Vicarate of the Papal States, The Primacy was reformed during the First Vatican Council into a dicastery of the Roman Curia in order to combat the Authority's jurisdiction over the anomalous in a period known as the Arcane Schism. This defensive and war-like mentality resulted in numerous clashes with the agency. However, since the Second Vatican Council, The Primacy has moderated its aggressive behavior and now cooperates with the Authority and UNAAC on a case-by-case basis.
This state of affairs is not likely to last. Recently, a rise in religious fanaticism has been observed among VSSP operatives, reflecting changing mentalities in the Catholic Church proper. Ideas that were once fringe in Catholic thought, such as declaring a new Crusade, restoring the Christianized Roman Empire, or calling for a Third Vatican Council are now gaining wide support within the agency. With over a billion Catholics worldwide, if The Primacy were to follow through on any of these objectives, they would present a significant threat to the Veil.