GRP-424 — "Installed Humanity"




Galactic Registered Phenomena: 424

Object Class: Beta-Orange

Hazard Type: Aggression Hazard, Animated Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

Containment Protocols: GRP-424 is to be contained in a 4x4 meter standard containment chamber docked at Station-015 until further information can be obtained regarding the identity of GRP-424-1. Under no circumstance is GRP-424 to be granted access to the rest of Station-015 due to its erratic and unpredictable behavior.

GRP-424 should be fed once every 24 hours a standard nutrient paste provided by Station-015 and should be given the same amount of nutrients as a CSD would require. GRP-424 should under no circumstance be deprived of nutrient paste, although in the case of aggression, Site-015 automata are to handle the feeding of GRP-424, instead of the typical CSD staff.

In the event GRP-424 becomes aggressive and attempts to breach containment, GRP-424's containment chamber is to be temporarily jettisoned from the rest of Station-015. Once adrift, a drone will be deployed to GRP-424's location and provide the required nutrients. In the event that GRP-424 breaches Station-015 proper, GRP-424 is to be carefully led by one CSD to the cafeteria wing1.

Description: GRP-424 is an unknown human being who has been forcibly fused to an experimental environmental exo-suit of an unknown make or model.

Radiology scans of GRP-424 reveal that the hazardous environment exo-suit or GRP-424-2 is primarily empty, with only trace amounts of vocal cord tissue, an intact eye, bone marrow, and brain matter fused with electrical components.

Burnt human flesh and heat stains in the suit lend credence to the fact GRP-424-1 has become conjoined to GRP-424-2 in a physical sense. Mentally, GRP-424-1 suffers from pyrophobia, not to mention dissociative identity disorder2.

Based on limited information derived from recovered schematics, GRP-424 interviews, and data mining, it's believed that GRP-424-2's sole purpose is the conservation of the user's, in this case, GRP-424-1's, consciousness by any method it calculates as necessary.

This process would recycle the body's own nutrients in order to keep the host's cranial tissue in functioning order. GRP-424-2 processes these nutrients back into GRP-424-1 to conserve energy for as long as possible. It is hypothesized that GRP-424-1's organic body had been starved of resources, and with no programmed stopping point, GRP-424-2 consumed parts of the body and mind considered nonessential.

A nutrient paste consisting of liquidated food can be used to supplement GRP-424's self-devourment3.

If GRP-424 is not fed within 24 hours, the programming of GRP-424-2 will take over motor functions as it enters what is colloquially referred to as 'Survival Mode'. In this state, the programming of GRP-424-2 will attempt to locate the nearest source of nutrients available via ocular or auditory sensors4. Once nutrients have been located, GRP-424 will attempt to devour it, regardless of its sentience. This method usually entails targeting vital areas, such as the throat or heart, and consuming the blood that exits the created wound.

GRP-424 contains within itself a small swarm of nanomachines, which can be 'exhaled' onto a target to begin breaking it down into its base organic components; this broken down material is then brought back into GRP-424. If damage is done to the nanomachines contained within GRP-424, or if the number of which reaches a critical level, the nanomachines will self-repair using iron produced by the small amounts of bone left intact within GRP-424, the red blood cells naturally produced by the bone tissue are then broken down and then used by the nanomachines.

Due to the unique design of GRP-424-2, a standard helmet was not implemented into the design of the suit, instead, the suit implements an air-tight, jaw-like mechanism that can be opened or closed at discretion. This jaw mechanism, while believed to have originally served as a method to allow the user to consume food with minimal effort, has instead been repurposed by GRP-424 as both a method of incapacitation as well as an inefficient but effective way of 'chewing' solid foods.

GRP-424-2 would normally be entered by twisting a medium-sized valve clockwise on the back of the suit, which would disengage the airtight seal of the suit, allowing the user to swing open the back of the suit and enter in. Once the suit detects the user, its internal computer scans the user for their exact mass, height, width, and any outwardly notable abnormalities5. Once calibrations are complete, the suit would lock itself into place automatically, with the user being able to disengage the suit by sending the internal computer the request to disengage via an electrical and chemical harness that is fitted onto the cranium during calibration, or in the case of an emergency, a second person could twist the outward valve in the previously discussed manner to force an ejection of the user6.

GRP-424 has shown extensive feats of physical strength, though a majority of its aggressive outbursts have nearly all been during its aforementioned 'Survival Mode'. GRP-424-2 has shown extensive feats of physical strength, denting steel walls, bending iron bars, lifting security personnel with one arm, and delivering blows with enough force to severely fracture a human's bones.

Despite extensive outward damage to GRP-424-2, no sign of motor function damage has been detected. Whether motor functions are maintained anomalously or not is currently under investigation, as attempts to recreate the hazardous environment suit's conditions with other similar exo-suits have shown an inability to perform similarly.

Discovery: GRP-424 was discovered GST 444,408hrs/24min/17sec on a planet orbiting a star in the Elnath System, within the Hydies Nebula.

GRPC Highland array picked up an emergency distress transmission from a Free Systems salvage craft in the Hydies Nebula. GRPC Ranger rescue teams rendezvous with the marooned 'FSS Vulture' spacecraft hours later. Upon docking with the spacecraft, GRP-424 is uncovered in the ship's main deck, huddled on the ground in a fetal position. The original crew members were never located, nor had their valuables been touched.

GRP-424 was fed occasionally in transit, and was safely transferred to Station-015. 18 hours after containment, GRPC Rangers traced the flight logs of the 'FSS Vulture' to an abandoned plant side research facility.

An expedition into the surface level of the facility provided few answers to the expedition team, as most of the facility had been destroyed due to an internal fire that originated deeper within the facility. It's hypothesized structural damage was caused by a combination of the aforementioned fire as well as environmental conditions of the planet. A single launchpad had been left relatively intact, however, no vehicles have been located.

Excavation of the lower facility revealed several half-burnt, mostly illegible documents, as well as several dry blood stains. What little could be ascertained from recoverable documentation, suggest Soviet High Command had commissioned an unknown researcher to construct powered exoskeletons that did not require an external power source to function, with later dated documentation showing Soviet Commands' dissatisfaction with what had been provided. Exploration of the facility had provided GRPC personnel with what can only be understood as prototype pieces of GRP-424-2. The Ranger crew would go on to discover large sleeping quarters locked behind a gate. It was estimated to contain up to twenty-five beds, yet none of its inhabitants could be located.

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