LO-067 Experiment Log




Request for Experimentation with LO-067

Dear Director Sullivan,

It has come to my attention that we have recently discovered a telescope that can send people across distances. Currently, it is only a Lesser Object; however, I believe that this anomaly has some serious potential for our organization. Imagine, if you will, MST squads being able to use it to quickly arrive where they are needed.

I request for LO-067 to be brought to Site-002 for experimentation purposes, and for the registration of LO-067 as a testable phenomenon.


Dr. Giertz

RoE Approval

Your request for experimentation with LO-067 has been granted. However, we will not register LO-067 under our RPC system at this time. Its eligibility for a Registered Phenomena Code rides on the outcome of your experimentation. You have been granted a budget of $5,000 dollars for experimentation with LO-067.

Site Director Sullivan


Anomaly Experimentation Team Official Test Log

Location: Site-002, Anomaly Research Sector Date: 03/31/1919
Test Subject(s): LO-067, CSD-2243 Classification level: 2
Researchers: Dr. Giertz

Experiment LO-067-1

Resources: LO-067, One (1) wall-mounted photograph of the Eiffel Tower, One (1) CSD, Two (2) security guards stationed in ARS, Three (3) MST agents stationed at photograph site in Paris, France.

Purpose: To see if LO-067 can be utilized for long-distance transportation, as well as determining LO-067's eligibility as a Registered Phenomenon.

Hypothesis: If LO-067 works based on perception, then placing a photograph over the scope of LO-067 will cause the viewer to be teleported to the location of the photograph.

Procedure: Photograph was placed Four (4) meters away from LO-067. LO-067 was set facing the photograph at 45x magnification1. CSD-2243 was instructed to look through LO-067.

Data: CSD-2243 disappeared upon looking through LO-067. MST team reported that the subject did not arrive at photograph site. A subsequent search discovered CSD-2243 to be located on the floor in front of the photograph, at 1/45th of his original size.

Conclusion: LO-067 does not work based on perception.

Notes: While my initial hypothesis was disproven, the test results promise something far greater. Additional experimentation is required to investigate this new development.

-Dr. Giertz


Anomaly Experimentation Team Official Test Log

Location: Site-002, Hanger Date: 03/31/1919
Test Subject(s): LO-067, CSD-2243 Classification level: 2
Researchers: Dr. Giertz

Experiment Log LO-067-2

Resources: Three (3) security guards manning turrets, should hypothesis prove correct. Two (2) security guards on ground zero with a fireman's trampoline should hypothesis prove incorrect.

Purpose: To test LO-067's newly discovered property, and to determine whether it can be used to increase resources. If successful, LO-067 will be assigned a Registered Phenomena Code, and become eligible for further testing.

Hypothesis: If the size change and transportation work under similar principles to the way light is refracted, then looking through the telescope backward should increase the size of the viewer.

Procedure: LO-067 was positioned at a 45-degree angle. with magnification set to a factor of 10. CSD-07482 was instructed to look through the large end of LO-067.

Log: CSD-0748 was enlarged upon looking through LO-067. Turret operators kept Subject stationery while Research Team re-adjusted LO-067 to face the opposite direction. During the readjustment of LO-067, Subject complained of "feeling, like, really heavy", and was instructed to gently lower herself to a crouching position. She was then instructed to look through LO-067 normally. However, due to the increased size of CSD-0748's eyes in comparison to the diameter of the telescope, they were unable to do so.

Conclusion: LO-067 teleportation functions similarly to light refraction. As we were unable to restore CSD-0748 to her original size, she is to be guarded in a fenced area of the Beta Terran Sector until a proper course of action is determined by Director Sullivan.

Notes: Ok, so there was a minor setback, but overall the experiment was a complete success! I think you'll agree that the possibilities this opens up far outweigh the issues raised by having to temporarily house a giantess. I have already come up with a possible way to overcome this obstacle; a large monocle placed over the eye of CSD-0748 that will magnify the small end of LO-067 enough for them to look through it. If this is successful, we can potentially use LO-067 to increase our resources!

Of course, some tests will need to be run on CSD-0748 to ensure such an application will be profitable; if it works by decreasing density, it will be useless to us. However, this would also mean that the reverse would increase density, allowing for more compact storage of resources. I request assigning a Registered Phenomena Code to LO-067 so that more resources can be used for further research.

-Dr. Giertz

Letter from Site director Sullivan to Dr. Giertz

I regret to inform you that your request for additional resources has been denied. Building a giant monocle would be too costly for something we cannot guarantee will work, especially with your current track record with this project. Likewise, building two smaller monocles and using a CSD to enlarge them is too much of a risk; we were fortunate that CSD-0748 has not yet attempted to use her enlarged size against personnel; the risk of another CSD potentially attempting to take advantage of their new stature would be too great; even if we were to terminate them before they could cause any casualties, we would have a 50 foot corpse to dispose of, which would be both costly and time-consuming.

Furthermore, even if they were compliant, should your theory fail, we would then have to house 2 giants, which would be a considerable drain on our resources. Furthermore, we would have 2 giants that would have good reason to be upset with us, which would increase the odds of them revolting. If this occurs, and they work together, the ensuing conflict could potentially cause a much larger containment breach, which, given the casualties and damages sustained during our past containment breaches, is a risk that we are not willing to take.

Additionally, due to your inability to deliver on your promises, along with the mixed results of both your experiments, further research of LO-067 has been deemed an unnecessary waste of Authority resources. As such, LO-067 has been denied a Registered Phenomena Code. The 2 affected CSD personnel may be registered for further research into how LO-067 has affected their physiology; which, depending on the results, can re-open the possibility of registering LO-067, but until then it is to remain a Lesser Object.

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