
Registered Phenomena Code: 173

A photograph of RPC-173
Object Class: Gamma-Yellow

Containment Protocols: Site-002-B is to maintain two, 25m wide, 7km racetracks enclosed by a 9m high concrete wall. Each wall is to include parking space along the sides and reinforced gates for vehicle entry or escort to another track. If an occupied track requires maintenance, all vehicles are to be routed out to the other. This is to be performed by closing off the current track and leaving a path open to the other, using said gates, until every vehicle has passed through. While RPC-173 is active, if the unused track is damaged, it must be repaired immediately.
RPC-173 is to stay in a containment locker for roughly 166 hours every time it deactivates then returned to either track before reactivation. When returned, RPC-173 must be with 13 closely arranged vehicles along the track and placed in the leading one. These vehicles are to be used by CSD personnel for both containment and testing. Due to this, each vehicle requires a remote ignition and emergency control system. These remote functions are to be activated by PDAs used by supervising personnel. Upon RPC-173 activating, often indicated by the sound of music, supervisors are to start each car and cue the CSDs to drive. While active, individuals previously designated as RPC-173-ID instances are to be forcefully parked and evacuated. All vehicles are to be cleared from each track once RPC-173 deactivates.
Description: RPC-173 is an automotive rearview mirror decoration resembling a pair of green dice with a fluffy texture. When outside a car and active, RPC-173 will create an area that grows exponentially over time. The first individual within a vehicle to enter this area will instantly find RPC-173 in their possession. Once found, individuals will hang it, often over their rearview mirror, then drive away and thereby become an RPC-173-ID1 instance. Upon driving, RPC-173-ID instances will begin to ignore anything unrelated to their vehicles. Passengers when present in a vehicle with an RPC-173-ID instance will likewise become unresponsive and fixedly stare ahead, occasionally cheering the driver.
Once hung in a moving vehicle, RPC-173 will cause an RPC-173-ID instance and their vehicle to exhibit further anomalous properties. RPC-173-ID instances will then become fixated on driving at high speeds and demonstrate a significant increase in skill in handling their vehicle. RPC-173-ID instances are capable of performing feats of stunt driving considered extremely hazardous or impossible under normal conditions to avoid deacceleration. Vehicles affected by RPC-173 will emanate music2 and actively undergo anomalous mechanical transformations to optimize components that hinder speed or mobility. These replacements occur when a component breaks or becomes ineffective due to external influences.
Any driver within a 30-meter radius behind a vehicle affected by RPC-173 may undergo the same anomalous effects. Drivers within this range have a 13.954% per-second chance to become affected, to a maximum of 12, and are designated as RPC-173-D-(#1-12) respectively. Once affected, RPC-173-D instances will attempt to move in front of the current RPC-173-ID instance. RPC-173-ID instances respond to this by driving aggressively and taking unsafe routes. Any RPC-173-D instance which drives ahead of an RPC-173-ID instance will find RPC-173 in their possession and take the previous RPC-173-ID's designation. Individuals who lose RPC-173 come to a stop in a confused, dazed state.
It is currently impossible to halt any vehicles affected by RPC-173 by normal means. Blocking the path of any affected vehicle will result in an immediate evasion or change of route to avoid it. When struck sufficiently to be destroyed or immobilized, affected vehicles suffer moderate damage at worst and reorient themselves right after. Attempts to forcibly stop an affected vehicle or terminate its driver are consistently circumvented through coincidental events6, suggesting RPC-173 is capable of influencing probability. The only known way to stop vehicles affected by RPC-173 is by letting it transfer itself 12 times between vehicles. Once it does, RPC-173 will cease exhibiting anomalous activity for a week and any affected individuals will return to normal.
A vehicle affected by RPC-173 after evading a roadblock by using a tunnel's outer perimeter.
Discovery: RPC-173 was found on 17/12/1995 after an MST squad member left during a raid using one of the Authority's vehicles. The individual ignored all communication systems and was presumed AWOL or compromised. 14 Squad vehicles were dispatched to apprehend them, but due to RPC-173, 12 became unresponsive. Only until RPC-173 deactivated, 8 hours later, were Authority personnel able to identify RPC-173 as an anomaly using dashcam footage. RPC-173 was seen disappearing and reappearing between cameras 12 times before all vehicles stopped on the 13th appearance. The last transfer of RPC-173 occurred after MST member, Ilia Dint, performed a 'Scandinavian flick'7 on a curved mountain road to outpace the leading vehicle. After doing so, she inadvertently obtained RPC-173 in an inert state.
Addendum 01: An audio sample from a passing vehicle affected by RPC-173 has been attached below.