




RPC-179-3 in Containment.

Registered Phenomena Code: 179

Object Class: Beta-Purple

Hazard Types: Bio-Hazard, Contact Hazard, Aggression Hazard, Ecological Hazard, Organic Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Sensory Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-179 should be kept within a standard containment cell. Any corridors leading to or away from RPC-179's containment chamber should be guarded by an airlock to prevent the spread of the spores. The containment chamber should be cleared of tendrils and spores regularly. All personnel entering the containment chamber should wear a class A hazmat suit. All instances proceeding RPC-179-10 should be exterminated via flamethrower.

Description: RPC-179 is a mass of fused animals, consisting mostly of humans, cattle, and deer. RPC-179 is capable of releasing neurotoxins for luring prey1. Animals in RPC-179 are fused into a mass of flesh, forming a symbiotic organism capable of sentient thought. The organism is capable of slow movement at its base2, although tendrils extending from the ventral surface are not only mobile but also aggressive to organisms at close range. Running along the dorsal3 side of the tendrils are small holes that periodically release parasitic spores. Tendrils have been observed growing to lengths of 15 cm to 10 meters.

RPC-179 is sentient and intelligent, ranging from the intelligence of a possum to the average adult human. Cognitive tests by researchers have found RPC-179 capable of speech as well as emotion, complex thought, and complex decision making. Lower cognitive function is exhibited in instances with organisms characteristic of lower cognitive ability such as small mammals, insects, etc.

RPC-179 is capable of luring prey via sensory override. Subjects reported feeling happy when exposed to the presently unknown gas released by RPC-179. After at least a minute of exposure, the subjects began moving slowly towards the mass before researchers intervened. As human subjects grew closer, RPC-179 began speaking. The mass would say phrases such as 'It's going to be OK,' and 'Come closer'. RPC-179 has only been observed speaking to humans. Examination of the concentration of neurotoxins in the chamber showed that RPC-179 released more toxins as the prey came closer. The gas is now believed to cause the brain to release dopamine, allowing RPC-179 to essentially 'train' its prey to come closer with more dopamine as the reward for decreased distance between RPC-179 and the subject.

Contact with RPC-179 will begin the release of sulfuric acid, which RPC-179 seems to be immune to. As prey begins touching the mass, a large amount of the neurotoxins are released to attempt to kill or maintain the prey's dopamine levels. As the sulfuric acid burns away any clothing or integument, the skin and muscle at the contact point begin to fuse to the mass by an unknown method. After 10 to 20 minutes, the subject will have been completely fused to the mass, although several appendages might be left unattached in order to grasp prey. The newly engulfed organism's nervous system is partially controlled by the mass at this point, becoming completely controlled within 3 days of capture. All organisms in the mass work in unison to grasp at prey when close enough, although the cooperation is usually inefficient.

The spores released by the tendrils seem to be the main method of reproduction. Once the spores reach an organism, the spore attaches to the organism and begins harvesting the nutrients of said organism. A new instance of RPC-179 begins to grow on the host as it slowly becomes part of the symbiotic organism. Erratic behavior begins in the host within a day of infection. As more mass grows on the organism, it becomes less mobile as tendrils begin to grow from the dorsal side of the organism, through the visceral cavity, throughout the lungs, bowels, and ribs, and out through the ventral side. Almost every open space within a host is filled with the parasitic tendrils as nutrients are harvested and the host's control over organ systems is removed.

Discovery: RPC-179 was discovered after an incident report regarding a rapid decrease in deer and wolf population in the ███ ███████ National Park in ████, █████. After police investigation of the event, four instances RPC-179 were found and the RPC Authority was notified of the instances. After dispatch and capture of the four instances of RPC-179, studies showed high concentration of deer, wolves, and humans in the instances, explaining the dip in population and providing useful information over the predation methods of the organism. A cleanup crew was also dispatched to the affected area in order to remove any traces of RPC-179 over the course of 2 months.

Addendum: As mentioned previously, there are 10 specimens of RPC-179 in containment. RPC-179-1 is an instance consisting of mostly deer and cattle from ███ ███████. RPC-179-2 is a small instance containing primarily rabbits, mice, raccoons, and various species of bird. RPC-179-3 is an instance containing almost exclusively humans from the ███ prison in ███ ███████. RPC-179-3 is the most intelligent of all the instances and has been known to form complex speech regularly. RPC-179-5 through RPC-179-8 are all specimens without a host, usually appearing as a shapeless mass of flesh with the roots of tendrils beginning to form. RPC-179-9 is an instance containing close to 1000 various insect species ranging from cockroaches to grasshoppers, crickets, and even dragonflies. RPC-179-9 is the least intelligent of all the specimens. Finally, RPC-179-10 is a specimen containing exclusively wolves and other smaller mammalian predators. This instance is extremely volatile and will be extremely violent when encountered.

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