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Registered Phenomena Code: 230 Containment Rating: Beta Lethality Rating: Yellow |
Containment Protocols:
RPC-230 entities are to be contained in Terrestrial Containment Chamber #032 in the Beta Sector of Site-002. The interior of the containment chamber is to simulate a forested area with the climate control system set to maintain a dry and arid environment and to contain an in-ground water source.
RPC-230 instances are to be fed a steady omnivorous diet of raw meat and desert foliage. Standard pre-feed screening protocols for foodborne illnesses are in place.
Maintenance personnel are to inspect the containment chamber biweekly for any damages or abnormalities. Healthkeeping personnel are to check on the entities once a month and are authorized to adjust the diet of individual entities.
In the case of a containment breach, containment personnel are to attempt entity recontainment utilizing non-lethal means. Lethal force may only be imposed by the approval of the acting site director.
A five-year ban on experimentation with RPC-230 instances is in place, to be released on 21/02/2007, or until the confirmation of the entities' ample reproductive capabilities. Contact the current attending head researcher for more information.
RPC-230 is the collective designation for a group of bipedal humanoid entities, measuring approximately 175cm tall in adult form. Instances possess pale, leathery skin, and lack forelimbs. In addition, specimens have a unified body and head with no neck, and a pair of three-jointed digitigrade legs. Individual designations are displayed as RPC-230-1 through RPC-230-34 (refer to the inventory list for more details).
The pale coloring in the skins of RPC-230 entities is due to oculocutaneous albinism mutation present in all instances. It is currently unknown whether RPC-230 instances are inherently albino, or if this was caused by a singular mutation that is made chronic due to uncontrolled inbreeding.1 Due to their inherent lack of defense against ultraviolet light, RPC-230 instances have adopted a nocturnal circadian cycle.
The unified upper body of RPC-230 entities exhibits several extensive calcified protrusions emerging from either flank, in the front three-quarters of their bodies, nearing the mouth at the front. The function of these protrusions is still debated among Authority biologists.2
RPC-230 instances exhibit an omnivorous diet and are documented to have consumed a plethora of flora in the lush environment of Mt. Charleston. Specimens are known to have hunted down desert lizards, small birds, and even large terrestrial mammals such as deer and sheep.
RPC-230 instances also exhibit docile behavior; they do not see humans or other predatory entities (presented as still images) as a threat unless provoked. It is unknown whether this behavior is an inherent trait or whether RPC-230 instances have had no natural predators in the arid environment of the Mojave Desert.
There is no evidence that RPC-230 instances can reproduce in large part due to the lack of sexual organs. Although a few entities seem smaller than the rest, there is no evidence that those smaller entities are the offspring. The lifespan of RPC-230 instances is also currently unknown.
RPC-230 has also shown excellent adaptability and survivability traits and has exhibited a migratory pattern, with a few instances being spotted as far as Fresno, CA, USA in response to a widespread Authority containment operation in their native habitat of Mt. Charleston in Nevada.
Temporary Descriptor [DEFERRED]
Several RPC-230 instances had seemingly died due to unknown causes. A full investigation will be conducted by personnel from the Authority Biology Department and assisted by MST Sierra-8 Investigators on 20/04/2004.
- Head Researcher Dr. Hanson

A family of Cactus Springs inhabitants, 1955. Taken by a traveler.
In accordance with the findings presented by Dr. Hadley, The Authority now has ample evidence that RPC-230 instances were, in fact, the radiation-induced mutated remains of the former inhabitants of Cactus Springs, NV USA; a now-abandoned silver mining town just north of Mt. Charleston.
In 1957, personnel from the Authority's MST Sierra-8 "Sundowners" Anomaly Department were investigating a series of missing persons reports throughout the state of Nevada. This was later proved to have been the doing of an organized crime in 1959.
However, Sierra-8 personnel also discovered a case of an entire town's inhabitants having seemingly gone missing overnight. This event made its way onto the local newspaper in Las Vegas, written by Rick E. Blaine: a reporter, and a prominent ghost hunter at the time.
In the article, Mr. Blaine stated that the inhabitants of Cactus Springs appeared unnaturally sickly, pale, and unresponsive when he was stopping over at the town for supplies while on his way to Tonopah. The next day, he passed through Cactus Springs again only to find the town completely abandoned, with the people's belongings simply left behind, and no evidence of a struggle or a sudden escape.
This prompted Mr. Blaine to investigate the area extensively and subject the residents of Las Vegas to a fear frenzy. Unbeknownst to Mr. Blaine, the grounds surrounding Cactus Springs were heavily contaminated with radiation following the battery of above-ground nuclear tests in the Nevada Proving Grounds nearby.
Rick E. Blaine later published another article that recounts his encounter with a supposed ghost of a former Cactus Springs inhabitant. Eventually, Mr. Blaine contracted a severe case of acute radiation poisoning which gave him severe haematemesis and made his skin turn pale. These events tripled the ghost scare throughout Las Vegas, which prompted an Authority response to impose a quarantine perimeter around the city.
The Authority found no evidence of anomalous activity surrounding Cactus Springs and chose not to investigate the matters further, and to instead redact the story and amnesticize the residents of Las Vegas. However, Rick E. Blaine was adamant in his accounts to the point that he attempted to escape Authority quarantine to pursue the entities, which ultimately resulted in his termination on 04/06/1957.
In 1989, hikers and rangers in Mt. Charleston started to report sightings of ghosts deep within the forest. With more and more photographic evidence received in the following years, the Authority launched a full-scale containment operation surrounding Mt. Charleston in late 2002. This time, the Authority elected to pre-emptively amnesticize the witnesses to prevent another cryptid hunter incident.
The first RPC-230 instance was taken into Authority custody in early 2003, with the remaining 29 apprehended in the following months. However, 5 instances managed to slip through the containment operation and were spotted in the outskirts of Fresno, CA USA in 2010. They were subsequently apprehended 2 months after the first reported sighting.
Incident Logs:
Below is a list of incidents caused either directly or indirectly by RPC-230. Documents dated prior to 01/01/1990 have been digitalized from their original compositions.
Supplementary Documents:
Below is a list of documents that may or may not be connected to RPC-230. Documents dated prior to 01/01/1990 have been digitalized from their original compositions.