Registered Phenomena Code: 283 Containment Rating: Gamma Lethality Rating: Red |

RPC-283 upon initial containment, next to Containment Captain █████ and MST-Lima-6 Commander ██████
Containment Protocols: RPC-283 is to be submerged in a pool of at least five (5) moles hydrochloric acid in a 4 meter x 2 meter x 2 meter stainless steel1 container with walls at least eight (8) cm thick. Any leaks or visible dents are to be reported at once to Site Command. No testing involving RPC-283 is permitted under any circumstances while it is in containment.
The pool, and any fluid it gains, is to be replaced weekly, and waste disposed of in extreme chemical oxidation. If RPC-283 ceases to be dormant, and breaches containment, MST Lima-6 “Undertakers” are to be dispatched immediately and aid in re-containment. Following Incident RPC-283-C0012, this task is delegated to ASFs 002-Zulu and 002-Golf. In the event of containment failure, all created instances of RPC-283-2 are to be terminated on sight, and all areas contaminated are to be quarantined and subsequently purged.
Description: RPC-283 takes the form of an emaciated human corpse, albeit with significant abnormalities. RPC-283 exhibits a variable height, having been recorded as changing across multiple breaches and initial recovery, and is commonly between one to three meters taller than a mature human, and a slightly altered skull structure compared to Homo Sapiens, with the jaw being compressed and exhibiting a circular hole 2cm in diameter cut from the left zygomatic surface.
RPC-283's anomalous behaviors begin to exhibit themselves when RPC-283 detects a living, sentient being in its vicinity. RPC-283 will move and, despite the decayed conditions of its body, will use either its legs in a bipedal fashion or use all limbs quadrupedally to move towards the being, and attempt to make contact. When this is done, RPC-283 secretes a pathogen through its "skin" and uses its teeth and fingers to open wounds in the victim, seemingly to further rate of infection. The pathogen, henceforth referred to as RPC-283-1, targets cells' ability to interact with desmosomes, causing cells to lose adhesion with one another and resulting in the collapse of the victim's tissues.
RPC-283-1 is extremely fast to show symptoms in a host, with a victim of RPC-283-1 experiencing mass organ failure within five minutes of initial infection, provided that RPC-283's attacks do not result in death beforehand. The victim's immune system strength does not appear to affect resistance or develop any immunity, and appears to become completely overwhelmed during infection. After the death of a victim of RPC-283-1, biomass will begin to bond together, usually forming appendages and other means to move. These instances, designated RPC-283-2, can spread RPC-283-1 in a similar manner compared to RPC-283.
If an RPC-283 "colony" gathers enough biomass in an area, it will spread out in sheets averaging 2-3 cm thick among the ground and walls, with stalks growing (up to 120-150 cm) from the lower layers that emit spores, capable of carrying and infecting new victims with RPC-283-1. These stalks secrete a heavily basic mixture that is dark green in color, and as this basic nature results in a severe decrease in friction, infected areas are difficult to navigate. The mixture is biological in nature, containing spores and general biomass to add on to the layers below. This mixture contains the pathogen in the same manner that RPC-283 does.
These stalks, once mature, will "bud" RPC-283-2 instances occasionally and seemingly at random, but if the overall pH of the environment falls beneath 9 (usually due to recontainment efforts) this process is accelerated greatly, with some stalks recorded to bud a maximum of five RPC-283-2 instances per minute.
RPC-283-2 instances comprise an extremely diverse category of hostile entities, most of which use tentacle-like appendages to move, however, the number seems to consistently vary. RPC-283-2 instances do appear to exhibit bilateral symmetry as a common trait and are all usually dark grey and brown in color. Eyes, mouths, and other sensory organs are not consistently formed with all RPC-283-2 instances, and also appear to form at random, or are assimilated from biomass in good condition.
Addendum: After Incident RPC-283-C0012 RPC-283 will be contained in a separate wing of Site-002, pending Lethality Rating reclassification to Purple. A full report of the incident is available at the purview of Senior Researcher Davids. Any biomass obtained from containment failures can be tested on at the discretion of Research Department Director ████ or any other Level 4R clearance personnel on-site.