




Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types: Mind-Control Hazard, Mind-Regression Hazard, Memotic Hazard

Containment Procedures: RPC-321 can be safely stored within a low-containment containment locker. Once a week, the anomaly is to be extracted from its containment at precisely 07:06 AM two times in a row and inspected for signs of the activation of its anomalous property.

If anomalous activity is noticed, the targeted staff member is to be made to do one or more of the following:

  • The staff member is asked to learn this article by heart and dictate it in front of a superior. Regardless of the level of accuracy the text is cited, the superior is required to constantly stop and correct the staff member.
  • Spam email is to be sent to the staff-member’s Authority email address at irregular intervals reminding him or her to read the file. This is to be done regardless of whether the staff member has read the file.
  • Multiple minor and irrelevant tasks cited to be somehow connected to RPC-321 are to be handed out to the staff member. They are not to cease until the member is not anymore a target of RPC-321’s anomalous properties.
  • A CSD member is to be violently beaten in front of his peers and sacrificed to Satan or similar mythological figure.1
  • The devices of the staff member are to be manually crashed, disconnected or otherwise hindered due to an “RPC-321 Error”.
  • A message containing an extremely loud and disturbing sound is to be sent to the member with “RPC-321” appearing on the device the message is sent.

RPC-321 is to be checked at an hourly rate during its active phase. Once it is apparent that the active phase has passed, above mentioned procedures are to cease.

To aid in the creation of the immunity towards RPC-321’s anomalous effects, this file is to include several marked inaccuracies and irritations. Should a duplicate anomaly ever be discovered, the same containment procedures are to be used unless some form of adaptation is necessary.

Description: RPC-321 is a designated memotic draff2 appearing as a “Hello! My name is” sticker that will irregularly target a random RPC Authority staff member and take away the subject’s higher cerebral functions.

The anomaly activates on irregular intervals, with resting periods lasting from seven and a half days to three months and a week. Its activation is marked with the procedural manifestation of the full name of one staff member of the RPC Authority on its surface. In all cases, the handwriting is the same in the initial manifestation of the name. As time passes, the lettering becomes identical to the targeted subject’s. RPC-321 will fully activate only when the signature is fully complete and indistinguishable from one written by the targeted subject.



Upon the completion of the signature the targeted subject will enter a state of confused and unfocused state. He will cease any activity should he have been doing one at the moment of the completion and begin displaying difficulties with conducting the most basic of tasks. Movements and actions will be done in a repeated and exaggerated way at irregular intervals, objects will often not be recognized or correctly used and regular human interaction will be impossible. Vocalizations are limited solely to grunts, sighs, and exhales as a result of accidentally slamming into or getting hit by items and other subjects within its surroundings. Subjects retain a minimal amount of awareness during this period, describing the experience as hazy and dreamlike upon regaining control over their bodies.

It should be noted that despite being in this state, the subject will still attempt to replicate normal behavior. In most cases the subject will cease whatever activity he was doing at the moment and actively seek out other people. Upon encountering another human (or something that it believes as such) the subject will attempt to interact with him. Eyes will remained unfocused but locked with the “conversation partner”, the subject will use confusing and most likely senseless arm gestures and repeatedly attempt to shake the partner’s hand as if introducing himself. Should staff members recognize this behavior as what it is, it is recommended that the subject is to be kept engaged to avoid harming himself. Security Officers should be notified and positioned near the subject to ensure for their safety. It is not recommended that staff try to extract the subject out of this state by themselves, regardless of how sure they are the chosen technique might work.

The only known way to prevent and cease RPC-321’s influence is through associated negative emotion. If a (potential) target associates any sort of negative emotion with RPC-321, be it on a conscious or sub-conscious level, the subject will immediately become immune to its effects. Should the subject be in the process of becoming targeted, the signature will immediately demanifest itself from RPC-321’s surface before its completion. Shock value3 has proven itself as the optimal and immediate method of preventing and ceasing any ongoing RPC-321 activity. Multiple victims have managed to cease the control the anomaly had over them through either entering an unwanted situation or believing one will occur, both of which they somehow connected to being controlled by RPC-321.

As an example, Containment Inspector Audrine ████████ became a target of RPC-321 during the menses phase of her menstrual cycle. Due to a miscommunication error, Inspector Audrine was not targeted by the containment procedures which led to her becoming possessed by RPC-321. The possession occurred during a pad change before the subject managed to dispose of a used menstrual pad. It was not until the pad was fully consumed that Inspector Audrine successfully broke the possession, regurgitated the consumed item and filed a report.4

Superior staff are recommended to have frequent broadcasts of above-mentioned methods to site members to preemptively create an immunity to the anomaly. It should be noted that the number of targeted personnel is to be under a number which would possibly hinder or decrease regular activity and productivity. Misuse, overuse, and abuse of this grant is reportable and will be quickly identified and appropriately punished.

Addendum – Designated memotic draff

Note: The following text is related to memotics, a field relating to the presence of memory within an extra-dimensional plane of space-time in which information exists in a particle-waveform state titled "The Infoplane".

A designated memotic draff, also known colloquially as a gnatdraff, is a type of memotic ground and its collection of small and insignificant memories of the same type that have been naturally forgotten.

The memories associated with these grounds is typically information that is in one way or another irrelevant or easily forgettable but does not hold actual importance in the life of the subject that discarded it. Examples include passwords of accounts, strings of numbers and letters naturally encountered during day or even spoken sentences and topics. When inside of the Infoplane these memories are either not fully formed, or not fully a part of memotic grounds. While still recognized as a the form of proto-scalars in this state, the fact that they are in some way not fully attached to a ground is what allows for them to detach from it. When detached, the proto-scalar will become a vector and be able to move freely throughout the Infoplane.

It can be argued that another characteristic of the gnatdraff is that it is not fully disconnected from its original memotic ground. Subjects can still be reminded of someone’s name, making them suddenly “remember” it. This phenomena by itself is a disputed territory within the field of memotics – If a memory, no matter how insignificant, can somehow be returned, than this implies the existence of some form of connection between a memotic ground and a quanta. A further issue arises from arguing that certain details, particularly with gnatdraff-level quanta, can be remembered wrong. This implies that in some way, the incorrect information is still stored within the infoplane and still registered as correct by the ground. If that is the case, what is the method that the ground differentiates between a fully disconnected or incorrect information? Is there a way to manipulate and differentiate these connections? Why do you spend your time reading these files in your free time instead of spending time with your family, friends and loved ones?5

Regardless of the existence of this connection, the behavior of gnatdraffs can still be easily recognized and identified. Should enough of the insignificant vectors gather in the Infoplane an item within the baseline reality will become a memotic ground that parallels the type of forgotten information. The choice of the item seems mostly thematic of the type of gnatdraff, although the particular instance of the item that becomes the gnatdraff is randomized.

RPC-321 itself is the gnatdraff of, what is largely believed, forgotten names and identities of others. It is unknown why the anomaly specifically targets Authority personnel although it is believed that RPC-321 is merely one of many similar anomalies that target different subjects. Authority archivists were able to uncover a small number of reports and files describing such potential anomalies, usually assigned as Lesser Objects – Name tags of supermarket chains, mugs with names and in one case even a candy bar wrapper. These items are yet to be found, and are largely believed to have been either lost or destroyed.

For a more elaborate showcase of gnatdraffs, see the following addendum.

Addendum – Effect demonstration

The following is a recording made by Authority contact Riordain Bulcanan, an independent Academic. R. Bulcanan has frequently reached out to the Authority with information and at times anomalies that he deemed as “useful” for the organization to contain. The recording itself came with a package containing RPC-321 and a small number of Lesser Objects and items relevant to the Authority’s cause. The video was recorded on 03.23.2014.

The contents of the recording have been determined as truthful.

[ Recording begins. R. Bulcanan is seated within a dark room, placing the camera on a table. A dark blue bed sheet is covering the room behind him. An assortment of items are gathered on the side, not fully visible. R. Bulcanan (~20) is dressed in a black hoodie with a plastered mug shot of a black male dressed in a pink shirt on the front. “You'll Cowards Don't Even / Smoke Crack” is written around the image. He mumbles as he sets up the camera. ]

R. Bulcanan: Sweet Mary and Joseph, you’d think you pissers would learn to use something that isn’t at least ten years old for recording this stink. [ Higher pitched, mocking voice. ] Oh, but there are a bunch of spiders and shite on the web! If anyone notices it, we’ll get tracked down, packages can more easily be guarded by our agents— [ Regular voice ] Piss off! Alright, the thing is blinking. Second time’s the charm, I’m not recording this again.

[ R. Bulcanan clears his throat and raises his arms with a smile. ]

R. Bulcanan: Hello, wonderful people! I’ve got a collection of new goodies I think you would like to have. In particular, this one.

[ He raises a small plastic case with RPC-321 within, shaking it. He drops the case. ]

R. Bulcanan: Shit.

[ He picks up the case from the ground. Getting back up, he puts it closer to the camera. A not yet formed name is visible on the surface. ]

R. Bulcanan: This little bugger seems to target you lot specifically. Don’t ask me why, it’s gnatdraff. Most of them make some loose sense in why they do what they do. I mean, you’ll see it for yourself in a second. I’m not sure if it does anything else besides writing the names out. They just appear and disappear from time to time.

[ He leans back, flicking the case in his fingers. ]

R. Bulcanan: These things aren’t worth the shipping costs to get them to you. Which, by the way — [ Blows kiss to camera. ] — thank you so much for taking care of. Anyways, the gnatdraffs. From what I’ve gotten from my pa’s notes and some of my own work, these little buggers have a connection to the… What’s your lots’ term for it, the, the, the…? The dataplane? Something like that. Anyways, these things love to take mem'ries. Stuff you know. That’s the only way I can describe it. Like, for example…

[ R. Bulcanan leans over and brings a clear jar into view. He carefully rotates it, pausing for the camera to read the sticker on front. “Swear Jar” is visible. ]

R. Bulcanan: I would like to note that the sticker can’t be removed. As well as there not being anything that it is actually holding it in place. Anyways, this one has a fun little feature. You know how swear jars work – you say shite, you put in a dime, or a euro, whatever. But with this one…

[ Bulcanan begins placing coins into the jar. Each coin rings out once before disappearing. ]

R. Bulcanan: Every—fucking—time you place a—shithole—in this thing, you are—assraped—to say a swear. Forced to swear. No clue where the coins go. Cunt! This is sort of a shared characteristic, which makes it easier to identify them. They love to take things in some form or the other. So, whenever something gets taken – like, an identity, some money, or the like – there is space left over, right?

[ As Bulcanan speaks, he makes a grabbing motion and sucks the air through his teeth to accentuate his point. ]

R. Bulcanan: But, instead of air filling up what gets left behind, the closest thing appears, like some kind of improvised material to cover a puncture in reality. In some universal sense it makes sense, but in practice…

[ He drops another coin into the jar. ]

R. Bulcanan: Turkish. Alright, the next one.

[ Bulcanan pulls out a carefully sealed paper sickness bag. He shakes it, showing that there is something rolling around at the bottom of it. ]

R. Bulcanan: I dinnae like this one. It’s a sick bag, if you haven’t already gathered, that makes you vomit when you open it and look inside of it. You’ll notice that there is something in the bottom of the bag. That’s the reason why I didn’t try to just destroy it. When you open it, there’s nothing inside of it. The thing that rolls around doesn’t exist.

[ Bulcanan laughs, putting the bag aside and picking up another item. It is a brightly blue colored front book cover. ]

R. Bulcanan: Which either means it’s hiding something, or that the pissers understand how bait works. I honestly don’t know which is worse. But anyways, last one.

[ Bulcanan brings the item closer to the camera. It is a plain, thing book cover. The title is written in large, yellow letters: “Fun! Facts”. Bulcanan opens the covers. The book does not have any pages. ]

R. Bulcanan: I’m gonna give you three guesses what this thing does. It steals facts. And no, no, not like steals information from the world and then erases it. If someone tells you a fact, this thing will steal that fact’s contents from you. Like, if I told you that elephants can’t jump, there is a chance that when this thing activates, it just — [ Makes popping noise. ] — gone. Like that. You still remember you said something, just not what you said. Actually, it should activate in like, a couple of seconds, so I’ll just shoot out a couple of facts.

[ Bulcanan stares at the ceiling, reciting. ]

R. Bulcanan: Octopi have four hearts, Mary Shelly wrote “Frankenstein” on a bet when she was twenty, cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis, bats are the only mammal that can’t fly, it takes seven years to digest a piece of chewing gum. And let’s do the elephant one again, for good measure. Elephants can’t jump.

[ Bulcanan looks at the book cover and pauses. ]

R. Bulcanan: Yeah, it should have activated now. I’ll just recite the facts: Octopi have four hearts, Mary Shelly wrote “Frankenstein” on a bet when she was twenty… Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis, bats are the only mammal that can’t fly. It takes seven years to digest a piece of chewing gum. Elephants can’t jump. There should be one missing there now. If not, then it probably took some other fact I said in the last hour.

[ Bulcanan looks at the camera and waves his arm. ]

R. Bulcanan: No worries, the information isn’t gone completely for me. I just won’t remember it until I see it for myself or hear it again. That should be it, I’ll be shipping these things to you guys soon with some other stuff. You have my contacts, tell me if there is anything…

[ Bulcanan trails off, and takes the sick bag into his hands. He shakes it with a confused look on his face. ]

R. Bulcanan: Did I pack something inside of this?

[ Bulcanan opens the bag and peers inside of it. ]

[ Recording immediately ends. ]

Note: The ending of the recording has been edited out. It was deemed by R. Bulcanan irrelevant to the rest of the content.

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