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Registered Phenomena Code: 334
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Ideological Hazard, Mechanical Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-334 is to be contained in the Mechanical Hazards Wing of Site-032 inside a high-security containment vault accessible only by a Level-4 key card with a built-in electronic chip.
Within the containment vault, RPC-334 is to be placed in a metal storage container. The container's electronic panel access is locked by a five digit pass-code, accessible only to level-3 personnel.
Automated sensors are placed within the hallway leading up to the containment vault. On-Site ASF personnel will be alerted of any attempts to access RPC-334 by unauthorized personnel. Apprehended personnel will be subjected to interrogation and/or sanctioning.
Description: RPC-334 is a red-colored scientific calculator with the words "Волковский промышленный научно-революционный калькулятор" printed on the back casing in a vertical fashion. The screen of the calculator is made up of PDCPD that protects the computer display from any sort of physical impact, scratches, and extreme temperatures.
RPC-334 is capable of performing normal functions of a scientific calculator as well as performing a number of theoretical mathematics including: fractal geometry, euclidean geometries, calculus, abstract algebra, complex analysis, and other more anomalous areas of mathematics.
Based on documented observations and testing experiments, RPC-334 appears to have the ability to exert some degree of ideological control over individuals in an indeterminate range. Influenced individuals have been documented to have a higher volume of white and gray brain matter compared to baseline humans. CSD test subjects were given an IQ test before exposure to RPC-334, and when compared to their previous results, the subjects when exposed to RPC-334 were increased by 60 points, but the range of IQ increase fluctuates between individual to individual.
Armed communes have been discovered by Authority agents embedded within a large number of left wing militias and organizations. Exposed individuals are known to practice "ideological purity tests" to test whether or not if individuals within their communes are capable of living within the confines of their commune. Failure typically results in the termination of individuals by firing squad or asphyxiation by hanging.
Affected individual communes are known to be publicized by exposed individuals as being self-sufficient and safe locations for disenfranchised individuals to seek asylum. These communes are known to be set up as sanctuaries and shelters for the homeless, but their true function has been discovered to be operation sites for weapon shipments and drug production. Undercover Authority agents have been able to infiltrate communes throughout the world and discovered a proportionate number of small arms and explosive weaponry being shipped to these locations.
It has been calculated that 2,000 people in the United States, 5,000 in China, 14,000 in Ukraine, 30,000 in Laos, 7,000 in Ethiopia, 4,532 in Cambodia, 8,000 in Mozambique, and 1,000 individuals in Kazakhstan have been exposed to the effects of RPC-334 before it was discovered by the Authority. Efforts to track organizations and persons of interests who deal in anomalous objects is actively being conducted to the present day.
Addendum 334.01: Discovery Log
On June 1st, 1987, 500 militia members of the Algerian Free Society Army would come into possession of RPC-334. The Algerian Free Society Army attempted to capture the city of ██████████. Residents of the city were proselytized by the anomalous ideology, but those who resisted the attempt were executed in the middle of the city.
The FSA would begin to conscript some members of the local populace to resist against local law enforcement and military personnel within the city of ██████████. The calculator was traced to a bank within ██████████ by hijacking FSA radio transmissions about the whereabouts of RPC-334.
Deployment of MST Alpha-14 ("Pit-Vipers") was authorized in the mission to eliminate or capture any Free Society Army militants and recover any anomalous objects in their custody. Hostages were to be rescued and the Algerian government was cooperated with during this mission.
MST Alpha-14 was able to eliminate most of the Free Society Army members that were occupying ██████████ at the time after an hour-long engagement with the Free Society Army in the central square of the city, with MST Alpha-14 only sustaining relatively minimal casualties during the mission. After eliminating FSA armored vehicles and eliminating the local militia in the city square. MST Alpha-14 would move towards the central bank where they would discover RPC-334.
MST Alpha-14 were able to eliminate Free Society Army cult militants inside of the bank and were able to rescue all of the hostages held within the bank. Seven lesser anomalous items were recovered in their rescuing of hostages from the Free Society Army cargo cult. A substantial portion of those items were transported to different sites around the world to be analyzed and contained.
Members of the Algerian Free Society Army had created a shrine made up of a number of different historical communist individuals dedicated towards RPC-334. It is unknown what occurred inside of the vault, but Alpha-14 were able to secure and contain RPC-334 by solving a complex analysis equation. Seven other lesser anomalous objects were also contained and brought to Site-032 for containment.
A convoy reached the bank and the citizens of ██████████ were amnesticized and delivered back to their homes with the false story that they were rescued from a hostage crisis by Algerian special forces. RPC-334 would be placed into Site-032 in the Mechanical Hazards wing and the mission concluded.
Addendum 334.02: Recovered Text
Foreword: The following text document was found in the personal hard-drive of a laptop possessed by a high ranking FSA member during the raid on the central bank in ██████████, Algeria. The individual was brought to a confinement cell in Site-032 and remains in there to current day. The laptop of the individual had any important data extracted and a file named "The World Socialist Fair" would be found in the documents folder of the laptop.
What a glorious day it is for the Grand Socialist Terran Union. After the defeat of the last remaining stronghold of capitalism who called themselves the Authority. We have decided to release a new quantum super-calculator for all students in the Grand Socialist Terran Union to celebrate our victory over the destruction of the last bastion of the old world capitalist democracy. This calculator will ensure the erasure of their base human instincts and turn them into proper citizens of a grand socialist union.
They will be scholars, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, soldiers, and doctors of the state. They will be the paradigm to represent all of the Grand Socialist Terran Union's ideals to the very stars as we begin to explore the galaxy and soon the universe itself. Through the use of portal technology borrowed from the capitalist pigs known as Nucorp and those devilish imperials, the Authority!
We will be launching these calculators throughout all of reality so that we may launch a multiversal proletariat revolution. This will be a glorious and righteous campaign of momentous occasion as we cut down the decadent bourgeois from every single universe as if they were a tumor upon all of reality!
Addendum 334.03: Journal Log
I have discovered an astonishing discovery about the neural chemistry and brain functions of Subject 334-A. Subject 334-A is a Caucasian 23 year old male from [REDACTED], Scotland who had served with the Irish Socialist Revolutionist Brigade in 2018. Before his exposure to 334, the subject had an IQ of 73 and displayed deleterious proclivities that significantly impacted his social and financial life.
When he was taken in as a CSD, I had him exposed to RPC-334 to see how exactly did RPC-334 increased the brain functions of affected individuals. Upon being exposed to RPC-334, his IQ was increased by 102 points. MRI scans showed prominent development and growth of grey matter throughout the brain of 334-A. 334-A had shown the ability to solve complex mathematics, riddles, and puzzles during his internment in his containment cell; another interesting note that there was a small increase of white matter within the brain of the subject as well.
It seems as if RPC-334 is capable of altering the brain through some unspecified mean. Likely by emitting some form of wave that is a simulation of beta waves.
I have made some startling discoveries about the practices and beliefs of individuals exposed and altered by RPC-334. 3 months ago in April 5th, 2020, MST Romeo-7 infiltrated a commune in ██████, Cambodia. I went with the squad sent to the commune in Laos and I discovered a wide range of grievous and often cruel punishments inflicted upon any resident who fails to live up to the ideological standards of the commune. Punishments include hanging, death by firing squad, drowning, or incineration are all common practices done in the commune.
I have heard reports of other communes like this in the states, Ukraine, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Kazakhstan. They act like a combination between the Soviet NKVD and the Spanish Inquisition. I would see men dressed in strange armor made what seemed like to be out of junkyard parts and materials you would find at a garage sale than proper combat armor, going door to door, and dragging out screaming men and women. Strange enough is that despite the large population size of 5,000, I have yet to see any children. From here, I would learn more about the ideology of affected individuals in the hot sweltering jungles of Cambodia. They venerate the communist thinker Leon Trotsky in a religious manner, but the way they worship him is peculiar. From conversations I have listened to translated by a Cambodian member of Romeo-7, they seem to believe that Leon Trotsky and communism itself is the most logical ideology; a personification of mathematics and reason.
I had little time to ask affected individuals about their day to day proclivities, but they seemed to be inhumanly productive, having little or no comprehension of rest. They suffer from no form of fatigue and are always preoccupied with some duty or task. Even if they were to suffer from some debilitating wound, they still seem to continue on, even when they had lost a massive amount of blood and would be otherwise clinically dead. I have seen many junk statues, about 1.97 meters tall, made to resemble various historical figures of communism. Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Ho Chi Minh, Kim II-Sung, but I would not see a Marx statue anywhere in the commune.
Technology is venerated in this commune profusely as I have learned from Test Subject 334-B. Stealing even the likes of a mere mouse to a computer may result in punishment according to 334-B, which usually results in extreme punishment often by flogging. I have seen some try and fail to attempt to make some kind of bionic prosthesis, which often results in the death of the individual attempting to do so. I have seen entire shrines built around computers and other forms of machinery and the residents of these communes seem to apply both ritual and maintenance in their routines when it comes to dealing with machines. I have learned much about Test Subject 334-B: an 18 year old Cambodian female whose IQ was 90 points higher than my own. She didn't even know English, but somehow she was able to precisely answer every single math book in our site's library.
I'm beginning to wonder if RPC-334 could possibly be used for more benevolent purposes. I just need to engineer that ideological zealousness to Communism out of it and possibly turn it into a utility.
I would begin my tests with 334-C, a test subject from a village in East Germany affected by RPC-334 on January 8th, 1954. The village rose up against the Soviet rule, claiming they were not true communists and were instead capitulating to the demands of dirty capitalist swine sitting in their lavish chairs. 334-C is perhaps my oldest subject yet, being a 60 year old Caucasian male from Albania. He shared many insights with me about the nature of RPC-334.
I was taught mathematics by him that were unknown to me or at least unheard of. I have never heard about Alexei's Four-Dimensional Formula or Vladimir's Cosmic Log Sequence in my entire life, but the testing went well and I had learned much about 334-C, but perhaps I should call him by his actually name, Burim. Burim was once a soldier serving in the People's Socialist Republic of Albania's Albanian People's Army. My tests involved him solving a series of anomalous equations such as RPC- ███, ███, ███, and ███.
Miraculously, not only did he completed the equations, but had somehow neutralize some of the anomalous properties of the equations. I have to report this to the Site Director, this is a very astounding find and it could perhaps lead to a new method capable of benefiting the Authority.
At last, I see the lies that have been fed to me since I was a child. I can finally see the world for what it truly is: numerical digits, graphs, formulas and equations. The decay that is consuming the world is capitalism and I owe my freedom to the now late Doctor Burim who contributed to my mental ascension.
I was no longer with these dogs that call themselves the Authority. How dare they imprison a man like Doctor Burim?! A proud man murdered by those sniveling imperialist bastards who dare think they can contain powers beyond their comprehension? I will be the one that will lead the revolution of this prison and free the rest of my fellow comrades. For together, we will bring about a worldwide revolution that will liberate the oppressed peoples of the world and bring about intellectual equality for all, but first I must rid this place of its imperialist filth and turn into a hub where our global spanning revolution will begin. I have seen what the calculator will bring; what Trotsky will bring.
It is truly glorious.
On September 5th, 2020, Senior Researcher Dr. Davis ██████ would be exposed to the effects of RPC-334 after completing a series of highly complex anomalous mathematical equations on the display screen of RPC-334. Senior Researcher Davis led an armed revolt against Site-032 security personnel.
After killing the Site Director during a status report on the progress of his research, Senior Researcher Davis would cause the cell doors of all affected individuals and would unlock the armory of Site-032.
Though the containment breach lasted only 30 minutes, 50 affected individuals were killed and most of Dr. Davis's notes and information was destroyed in a firefight between RPC-334 individuals and MST Alpha-14.