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Registered Phenomena Code: 335
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types: Mechanical Hazard, Electrical Hazard, Sensory Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-335 is to be enclosed within a standard item containment chamber outfitted with a fully enclosed faraday cage at Site-016 and monitored daily for tampering and/or the supposed sign of a theorized RPC-335-2.
As of October 2nd, 2020, RPC-335 has not been approved for its use on any off-site operation without the direct authorization of the Site Director, as well as the written consent of whoever would be in contact with RPC-335.
In the event that RPC-335 is activated outside of its containment chamber, all Site-016 personnel must be informed of potential temporary electronic equipment failure, as well as the risks regarding long-term exposure to RPC-335 in a powered state.
When not in use by designated personnel, RPC-335 must be enclosed within a faraday cage-lined standard item containment chamber at Site-016.
Activation or removal of RPC-335 from containment requires two personnel possessing level 3 clearance or higher, as well as written agreement by user(s) of RPC-335 that they accept any potential long-term side effects from extended use of said device.
Should it be required that RPC-335 is activated outside of its containment chamber, All Site-016 personnel must be informed in preparation before said activation for any such reason. When usage has concluded, a secondary announcement telling staff that the anomalous effects have ceased must be made. Off-site operation of RPC-335 is only permissible under the command of the project leader, and will be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
Description: RPC-335 is a small, plastic, hand-held children's novelty radio that weighs 3.56 ounces and is 9.6 by 2.5 centimeters tall. When sufficiently powered and activated, it is able to create a transmission of indeterminate frequency, which disrupts any sonar or radio signals within a 10-meter range; attempts at syntonization to discern and/or replicate the type of transmission wave made by the device have been unsuccessful.
This effect is only present when RPC-335 is provided with sufficient power in the form of two AA batteries, and its on/off switch is switched to the on position. Currently, as long as there are two AA batteries of any brand within their proper receptacles the effects of RPC-335 will manifest when powered on.
RPC-335 was later discovered to have long-term side effects that directly correlate to continued use of the device. The discovery of these long-term effects have prompted a re-designation from Alpha-Yellow-Utility to Alpha-Yellow, and the requirements to use RPC-335 out in the field have been greatly increased since their discovery.
The secondary effects of RPC-335, designated RPC-335-1 are as listed:
- Auditory Hallucinations, such as, but not limited to: Previously spoken words either by the personnel afflicted by RPC-335-1 or others within it's radius while in affect, indecipherable and seemingly incoherent whispering, footsteps increasing in volume from behind the subject's field of view, etc.
- Semi-Transparency of the subject for indeterminate lengths of time, the type of which has the entire body become semi-transparent, with viewers being able to somewhat perceive what is behind the subject with some difficulty.
- Temporary loss of Auditory Sensations. The longest recorded instance of hearing loss in personnel with long-term exposure to RPC-335-1 was twenty eight minutes and fourty six seconds, with a minimum recorded time being only thirty seconds, regardless of the length however. It has been reported that in all currently recorded subjects, when auditory sensations return a noise similar to the activation of a standard hand-held radio is heard. Study into this phenomenon has so far been inconclusive.
- It has been noted that potential long-term use of RPC-335 can result in the eventual deterioration of the body, to the point where all physical and/or sensory interaction with the world around them becomes increasingly difficult. This however has only been seen in one individual since RPC-335's containment as discussed in Addendum 335-A; research is still undergoing to determine whether RPC-335-2 is an outlier when it comes to RPC-335-1's effects or a one time exception.
RPC-335-2 is a theoretical state of being that would occur as the result of extreme, long-term exposure to RPC-335 and a possible end-result correlated with continued long-term exhibition of the secondary effects prescribed in RPC-335-1.
It is theorized that such a state of being can exist after the incident described in Addendum 335-A and the POI involved in said Addendum. Said effects would be the natural progression of RPC-335-1, as RPC-335-2's only documented instance displayed the same, normal effects of RPC-335 but amplified onto the user.
Potentially all matter would ignore the presence of anyone in a RPC-335-2 state, as a result light, electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and any other such wavelengths would all pass through the RPC uninhibited. While potentially impossible, any and all future documentation of a potential RPC-335-2 instance is to be sent to the Site-016 Director.
Noted upon discovery was a receipt tucked within the belt buckle strap of the involve POI, marking a recent purchase dating from June 20th, 2020. The connection between Amazing! Co. and Demonymless is currently still under investigation; the following text has been copied from the receipt:
"Gratitude for customer payments, for purchasing one (1) Amazing! Co. Brand 'Not so Talkie, Walkie-Talkie'; for the silent sniper in every rascal! Enclosed within, you will find one owner's manual with detailed instructions on how to use this valued product, complete with wonderfully illustrated pictograms in full technicolor by our fantastic artists!
This set of four (4) handheld radios is sure to make games of manhunt with the pals in your neighborhood a cinch! Simply insert two (2) AA+ batteries into the appropriate receptacle for each radio; when all four are activated, only you and your buddies will finally be able to communicate within your own closed ten (10) meter radius - no more need for worrying about that pesky eavesdropping ever again! Note: Batteries Not Included, All purchases are final after fourteen (14) days after purchase regardless of item condition, All queries regarding this item are to be taken to [PHONE NUMBER ILLEGIBLE]."
Discovery: RPC-335 was discovered July 8th, 2020 after Authority personnel received multiple reports of electromagnetic failure within the small town of [REDACTED], Virginia that appeared to be anomalous in origin. Said reports of electromagnetic failure would later be directly correlated to use of RPC-335 and the activity of the known GOI 'Demonymless'.
During said investigation, the vital signs of several Authority personnel suddenly flatlined for roughly five minutes, only to reappear. Using the loss of contact, Authority personnel were able to triangulate the source of the signal disruption. The anomaly was later discovered to be abandoned by POI-4120,
POI-4120 has been confirmed to work specifically for 'The Establishment' branch of the GOI, and has been deemed a high priority target. It is currently unknown whether POI-4120 will resurface any time soon but any information regarding the potential appearance of POI-4120 should be reported to the Site Director.
The Following is a recording of RPC-335's initial recovery, as well as a closing statement regarding the GOI Demonymless' potential cooperation with Amazing! Co.
<Begin Log>
D5-1: "Hey, Frank, you ever tried to pronounce Demonymless?
D5-2: "It's pronounced 'De-Mo-Nim-Less', not 'Demon-e-lys' dumbass."
D5-1: "Yeah ok 'Hermoine', you smartass. Hey, kinda quiet from command ain't it?"
D5-1: "You're just trying to dodge the fact you're a dumbass, but uh D5-1 interacts with their radio, finding nothing they do provides sound yeah, hmm I'm pretty sure we had new batteries in these."
D5-2: "I'm guessing interference, but it's not even static. Just dead air…"
D5-1: "I don't feel good 'bout this, not one bit…. C'mon. We should see if anyone else is getting issues."
[MST Delta-5 Operatives exit the building they were previously in, only to suddenly receive signal once again.]
Command: "Delta-5 Operatives 1 and 2, what Static"
D5-2: "What, come again command?"
Command: "Static-happened to your signal?"
D5-4: "The hell d'you mean?"
Command: "Your vital signs dropped for 4 minutes and 38 seconds."
D5-1: "Jesus, what the… We noticed our radio signal fritzing a few minutes ago. You're saying our heart rate dropped too?"
Command: "Negative. Only our visuals of your heart-rates lost signal, it could be anything. Regroup with your squad and divert attention towards locating the source of the disruption."
D5-4: "Roger."
Delta-5 Operative's one and two regroup with the rest of their squad, formulating the plan of spreading out into pairs of two and searching the apartment complex the sudden negation of signal occurred within. Delta-5 Operatives two and four were able to discern the location of RPC-335 being on the rooftop of said building.
D5-4: "On three we breach, one, two, three!"
Delta-5 Operatives two and four follow standard breaching procedure as they access the rooftop of the building.
D5-4 breaches the rooftop access door, he aims his firearm at POI-4120, who also has brandished a sidearm at D5-4, the two remain steadfast. Both sides unmoving.
D5-4: "POI-4120, drop the weapon, you're coming with us!"
POI-4120 reportedly shows confusion, then, while aiming his firearm at D5-4 takes his other hand and slowly turns off the dial of POI-4120.
D5-4: "Wait, shit, hold on what'd you say? Couldn't hear shit. This here POI-4120 taps RPC-335 with his index finger doesn't let me pick and choose what gets blocked out."
D5-4: POI-4120 begins to slowly circle around the rooftop, D5-4 begins following parallel, both men remain deadlocked. "Drop the weapon, Ghille'. You've been on the run for months now, we don't bring you in now it's only a matter of time."
POI-4120: "I figured you lawmen would show up eventually. All that I'm concerned with right now is making sure I can put one between your eyes."
D5-4: "Bullshit, with that fucking ghillie suit of yours, you could've hid anywhere in this building and we'd be none the wiser. What's that old group you used to run with, 'Rats Nest'? Yeah, feels like I walked right into it."
POI-4120: "Those miserable cunts deserved what they had comin' to 'em. Just like you, and just like your pal waiting behind the door."
D5-2, in a state of panic rushes from behind the doorway and onto the rooftop. D5-4 briefly takes his attention off of POI-4120, with enough time for POI-4120 to fire a single shot, striking D5-4's firearm and knocking it from his grip. POI-4120 then turns his fire at D5-2, who aims his own firearm at POI-4120.
POI-4120: "Try and pull another fucking fast one and I won't miss again, understand shithead?! Now you POI-4120 directs his speech to D5-4, while keeping his eyes on D5-2. if I see much as see your hands so much as fucking twitch in my peripheral vision I'll crucify you 'wit your own 'fuckin foreskin you hear me?!" D5-2 remains silent, firearm trained on POI-4120 and vice versa.
D5-4: "Something on your mind, Ghillie? This ain't your M.O, what, get set up?"
D5-2: whispering "Are you trying to get us killed retard? Try not to piss off the emotionally unstable gunman, sir."
POI-4120: "I'd listen to the rookie here smartass, keep your fuckin' mouth shut. I ain't fucking set up, hear me? I'm giving you one chance to leave, I get to finish my job, and you get to live another day doing yours. mumbling Not to mention I'll fucking know what's going on with this thing POI-4120 stop mumbling, begins to slowly begins to circle around D5-2, D5-2 follows suite."
POI-4120: "Now, I'm gonna keep my gun on you. And you POI-4120 directs towards D5-4 are gonna leave your goddamn gun on the ground, slowly, walk back towards the door, and I'm gonna turn my radio back on to make sure you can't call for help by the time I get away." D5-4 and D5-2 begin to cooperate, D5-2 begins to back towards the door with D5-4 in tow, firearm still aimed at POI-4120.
With D5-4 and 2 complying to his demands, POI-4120 begins to lower his other arm once again to reactive RPC-335. However, despite flipping the switch multiple times, the anomalous effects of RPC-335 do not reactivate. Instead, a female voice begins to play over the radio.
Female Voice: "Hello, and thank you for choosing Amazing! Co. We regret to inform you that the warranty on your 'Not So Talky, Walky Talkie!' has been pre-emptively voided, due to contract violation No.24601. With this warranty voided, you are now in possession of illegal Amazing! Co. brand name product, please dispose of the product at your closest convenience, and remember to stay Amazing!"
D5-2: "Wait, what the fuck, what the fuck?!"
D5-2 and D5-4 back up from POI-4120, noticing him seemingly begin to 'drown' in the rooftop of the building. Slowly sinking into the concrete while showing no visible changes to the concrete itself. It begins to rain, the raindrops reportedly passing through POI-4120 without showing any signs of contact.
D5-4: "We can't interrogate him if he's dead, grab him!" //D5-4 attempts to restrain POI-4120 but is unable to grab any part of their body. POI-4120 attempts vocalization but is unable to produce any sound that is recorded nor any sound that D5-2/4 are able to hear.
D5-2: "[labored breathing] Is he dead, you think?"
D5-4: "Knowing the more lucrative items that Demonymless weaponizes, it's likely he caught onto us surrounding him. And in a panic he fucked up his jam- [D5-4 pauses, inspecting a nearby radio an estimated eighteen inches from POI-4120's original vantage point.] Well, hello. Must've turned off as he struggled, must be the source."
D5-2: "Hey, I'll go off your word."
D5-4: "Knowing some of the crazy shit those Dine&Dashers have been getting their hands on as of late, this could've gone hell of a lot worse."
After grabbing RPC-335 off the floor of the rooftop, D5-4 tests his later to be proven hypothesis by activating RPC-335 from the opposite side of the rooftop in the off chance it would affect D5-2 if too close. D5-4 deactivates RPC-335, discovering the aforementioned receipt found upon discovery, making sure to cover it from the rain, D5-4 removes the receipt and begins to read it.
D5-4: "…Amazing! Co.?"
D5-2: "What about 'em?"
[Radio tossed to D5-4]
D5-2: " Fuckin' hell, what's Amazing! Co doing, selling directly with other GOIs? That's not their M.O."
D5-4: "First things first, let's contact the Captain. Make sure the rest of our squad is safe."
D5-2: "Right."
[A pause occurs while D5-4 turns to the right channel in his communicator.]
D5-4: "Captain, can you read me? We've located the source of the disruption but - [pauses, a loud banging sound is heard in the background] we were unable to detain whoever was up here."
[Two minutes pass without response]
D5-4: "Captain, I repeat can you read me? We've disabled the source of the disruption."
D5-Cap: visibly exhausted "I hear you dash four. I'm sorry for not answering sooner, myself and dash one were… preoccupied. We located from the ground the man we were looking for, subject was identified by Command as POI-4120; a mercenary [spitting sound] known for specializing in assassinations and the like. Seems the tip our eggheads received was accurate after all, although they didn't warn us about a fucking ghost man. More than likely someone paid good money to try and off Agent Yett 'ere."
D5-4: "I read you loud and clear sir, me and dash-two'll regroup with you on the surface level and we can go from there." D5-4 ceases speaking to D5-Cap, turning to D5-2 "Man, hope we didn't unravel some big plot dash two. I figured G.E.A.R was the one supplying most of the Dine'N'Dashers, but… this shit?""
D5-2: "It's De-mon-eh-less, and yeah… Fuck man, after Site fourteen and whatever the fuck happened in the arctic, the last thing expendable guys like us need is more drama. Let's get the fuck out of here."
<End Log>
Closing Statement: [ While overall unsuccessful in their primary mission, MST Delta-5 were able to use this RPC to confirm my suspicions regarding the cooperation between Amazing! Co. and Demonymless, which by itself would be most unsettling news. I do however, owe MST Delta-5 my personal gratitude. I would also like to bring to attention that, while irrelevant, these items were purchased during the year I'd worked proficiently to prevent potential and/or occurring transactions between Amazing! Co. and their potential benefactors. Given the new light of recent circumstances, I believe that increased reconnaissance of Demonymless locations such as █████ should be considered. - Agent Johnathon Yett ]
Interviewed: Agent Johnathon Yett
Interviewer: Site Director Victör Marshalssön.
Foreword:On October 2nd, 2020, Site-016's security was breached by a Caucasian male within his mid to late thirties, posthumously marked as RPC-335-2, frantically running towards Site-016, and eventually to RPC-335's containment chamber. Said subject was unsuccessfully contained due to the effects of RPC-335-1. The following is an interview between Agent Johnathon Yett and Site Director Victör Marshalssön.
<Begin Log>
Director Marshalssön: "Good Afternoon, Agent Yett. I hope you are well, considering recent circumstances. Please, have a seat."
Agent Yett: [Agent Yett takes the time to sit down] "Yeah, I mean yes Sir, thank you Sir."
Director Marshalssön: "You do not need to worry, friend. We are friends here, yes? Let us get through these formalities as soon as possible so we may get to what we are really here for. Where were you in the afternoon on July 8th, 2020?
Agent Yett: "Hmm, well I was in █████, following a trail left by a previous contract gone under by Demonymless within that town. I had stopped to quickly grab a coffee, from what I remember I didn't sleep well that night, something about old payphones and taxis.
Next thing I know I hear my callsign to get somewhere private, so I take the coffee to go and am told that Delta-5 saved my ass, for lack of a better term sir."
Director Marshalssön: Yes, yes. That sounds correct, and tell me, in the recent security breach involving POI-4120, or RPC-335-2 whatever you may wish to call it. Were you surprised that it knew your name personally?"
Agent Yett: "Briefly, yes. Was wondering if some anomaly here in the Warehouse had some sort of visual hallucinatory effects, but when he yelled my name I was quickly able to put two and two together.
What I was more worried about was how he seemed to be like a flickering image, bullets passing right through him; I still remember thinking he was going for my neck until he vanished seemingly for good.
Director Marshalssön: "It, is an it Agent Yett. You would do good to remember that, now could you please describe your encounter with RPC-335-2?"
Agent Yett: "It was, difficult to even look at him. It was like at one moment my eyes perceived him normally and in the next millisecond I couldn't see him at all. The same was with his voice, but it was more akin to it yelling in a vacuum.
It looked like it was in pain, struggling to even keep itself on the ground. He phased through a six inch faraday cage like it didn't exist, and right when it would have likely accomplished whatever goal it was going to, it vanished. Seemingly for good."
Director Marshalssön: "Thank you, thank you. And now what you were really called here for, English is not my first language, so I will not try to make this long. Effective immediately, you are being taken off of the investigation of Amazing! Co. and being reassigned elsewhere."
Agent Yett: "Wha-, I, sir. Sigh, yes sir. But if you will allow me to ask, will my lead on Amazing! Co. be dropped or not?"
Director Marshalssön: "I am not at the privilege to be discussing that information with you, Agent Yett. You are dismissed, thank you."
<End Log>
Closing Statement: [Agent Johnathan Yett was taken off investigation of Amazing! Co. the following day of the interview, Agent Yett's psychiatric evaluation was concluded as normal, and was offered time off for his work on the potential connection between Amazing!. Co and Demonymlessbut formally declined the offer, as of now he is currently assigned to the continued inspection and analysis of Cair Aisling. Both Agent Yett and Director Marshalssön declined any further closing statements.]
[ Location Estimated: 'The Establishment']
[ Exact coordinates: Undetermined. ]
[ Exact date: Undetermined. ]
[ Involved parties: █████ , [ DATA EXPUNGED ]]
█████: "I'm surprised you showed up at all, considering the hit was unsuccessful. Twice."
[ DATA EXPUNGED ]: "Yes, well after 'Ghille' went under back in July, I didn't exactly expect him to show up out of nowhere."
█████: "Do you know how close I was to having my cover blown? I risk my neck out for you Demon boys, pull what strings I can, █████ for you, and what do I get? The GD breathing down my neck. And the fake accent, don't even get me started on-"
[ DATA EXPUNGED ]: "Your efforts have not gone unseen, and we are grateful for your continued support as well as loyalty even under such strenuous times. Both as a representative of Demonymless and Amazing! Co. we appreciate the efforts you have gone through."
█████: "Yeah yeah, you don't need to kiss up to me, I'm already too deep in the game to be leaving any time soon. But a pay increase could be a nice way of saying: 'Thanks pal.'
I'm not sure how much longer the leash on The Authority will hold, so to speak. If you were gonna lead them into checkmate, now would be the time."
[ DATA EXPUNGED ]: "How we conduct our end of the deal is frankly none of your business, █████.
All that matters is you keep up your end of the bargain, and soon enough someone here at 'The Establishment' will ensure that Agent Yett accidentally meets an unfortunate end, at the hands of those forest dwelling savages."
█████: "Hmm. You're lucky the coffee's good here."