




Registered Phenomena Code: 357

Object Class: Beta-Purple

Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Ballistic Hazard, Sapient Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-357 is to reside in a 5 m3 steel chamber, with observation windows being elevated high enough to prevent possible damage caused by RPC-357. Damage to RPC-357's containment chamber is to be reported and repaired as soon as possible. RPC-357 is located at the point of lowest depth within Site-022.

Entry into RPC-357's containment chamber is granted via a piston-mechanized vestibule operating similarly to an airlock. A double-throw switch is to be placed in the observation chamber. Pulling the switch into its upward position will unlock and open the inner door, while simultaneously closing and locking the outer door. The downward position of the switch would complete the same procedure vice-versa. It should be made impossible to have both doors of the vestibule open simultaneously.

Located to the right of the switch, an emergency button that will shut and lock both doors is to be installed in the observation room, in the event that RPC-357 has breached or is about to breach containment. This will also shut and lock all doors located in Site-022. Should RPC-357 breach containment, the object's immediate location(s) of access will be designated as a quarantine zone. All personnel within the quarantine zone are to be assumed dead upon designation, and containment teams are to ensure safety of proximate on-site staff before engaging in re-containment. Similar buttons are to be placed in convenient access points in Site-022.

Entrance to RPC-357's containment chamber for testing or otherwise must require approval of Head Researcher Dr. Caldwell, and operation of the entrance switch requires Level 3 access.

It is imperative and absolute that RPC-357 should never be allowed outside of its containment chamber, nor granted access to the outside, as access to locations densely populated with life can lead to an uncontrollable quantity of devastation in a number of minutes. It is for this reason that guaranteeing the safety of personnel in range of RPC-357 is secondary to ensuring that the object does not make progress out of Site-022.

Description: RPC-357 is a 1.8-metre-tall metal sculpture of a humanoid, solidly composed of 100% platinum. Appearance is devoid of any facial features. The face only consists of a smooth protrusion in the impression of a nose and subtle depressions on the lateral anterior of the head, implying cranial orbits. RPC-357 appears to be remarkably smooth, rounded, and contains little detail. The arms are fully, unnaturally extended at the sides, and appear to be fused to the body. Similarly, the legs are fused together. The entire sculpture appears to originate from one same platinum mass; No display of welding, bolting, nor adhesion is present on the entirety of RPC-357.

RPC-357 levitates 10 cm above the ground and is capable of rapid locomotion. From rest, RPC-357 has been observed to accelerate to a speed of 528 m/s in 0.53 seconds. This instance is the largest acceleration RPC-357 has been recorded to achieve. It is not certain if this is the object's greatest possible speed, and the method by which RPC-357 moves is unknown.

No indication of fuel/energy consumption during locomotion has been observed; RPC-357 emits no radiation and is completely silent while moving. To make up for this violation of the laws of thermodynamics, the Research Division theorizes that an external force on an unseen plane of the universe is driving the energy consumption and locomotion of RPC-357. Experimentation with technology to indicate the use of inter-universal analogous interaction is on-going, as some Researchers defiantly believe that the "engine" by which RPC-357 moves is located on said alleged unseen plane.

When exposed to a new environment clear of any fauna and flora, RPC-357 moves erratically, jerking forward in random directions and recoiling in a bouncing manner. Eventually RPC-357 will stop moving entirely after ~3 hours, and will subsequently rest atop the ground.

Upon exposure to living fauna, RPC-357 will instantly generate a supersonic vector directly towards the subject, who will be instantly and messily liquidated, remains often resulting in a thin red mist. Escape from RPC-357 during exposure is highly improbable, as the time between exposure and liquidation has only taken at most 0.024 seconds. This is far beyond the range of a human subject's agency for evasion, as visual stimuli is only registered within the brain ~0.013 seconds following exposure. As a result of its sudden, exorbitant velocity, no individual nor creature exposed to RPC-357 has been recorded to escape successfully.

Following liquidation, RPC-357 will lose all forward acceleration and recoil bouncily before coming to a complete stop. During this time, both the orbits and the mouth of RPC-357 will glow a soft red and begin to draw in the resultant mist until none is left.1 The location the remains are stored after intake is not determinate, due to the object's solid composition. In instances where multiple subjects are exposed to RPC-357, the object will liquidate all subjects before beginning the absorption process.

RPC-357 is able to detect subjects up to 200 metres away, even when subjects are not directly observable (i.e. hidden behind a series of walls.) RPC-357 is agile, demonstrated by its capability to turn corners with little inertial conflict despite moving at tremendous speeds. As long as there is a tenable path from RPC-357 to the subject, it is assumed that they will be terminated. It is unknown how RPC-357 determines and follows the shortest path to the subject before making collision. RPC-357 is capable of levitating up stairs and ladders, however it is often the only case where RPC-357 will have difficulty travelling, as it briefly dampens its progress in pursuit.

It is to be noted that RPC-357 has never been recorded to collide with anything other than biotic matter. For example, in all instances where a collision with a wall is imminent, RPC-357 will instead immediately come to rest when within a ~30 cm distance from the wall, before continuing its travel. This property is imperative towards containment, as RPC-357's threat can be immediately terminated by simply closing a door between the subject and RPC-357, granted that the subject has enough time to do so.

RPC-357's back possesses indentations forming characters in an Enochian script. It reads:

From Tosk'ja to dear Ekkenis. Thou hast begun to lick the salt-rock of madness. Please, take use of our gift in thy divine practice, we promise it may lighten the load of thy toil. Simply set it upon the surface the scummy crawlers roam and let it do its work.

It is unknown who either party is in this message. None of the two names are referenced in any historical documents to date, neither is it clear if either represent a people or alternatively a pair of individuals.

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