
Damian's Brain


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Fig. 1: Recovered documents outlining the design for some of RPC-369's central components


Registered Phenomena Code: 369

Object Class: Beta-Black

Containment Protocols: RPC-369 is not to be interacted with by personnel below Level 2 clearance, unless under direct order from personnel at or above Level 3 clearance. Direct communication/interfacing with RPC-369 is to only be done by personnel trained by monks of the Order of St. John the Hesychast or by a member of said order. No personnel are to spend more than one hour in proximity to or inside the crypt which contains RPC-369 unless in exceptional circumstances. Routine communications with RPC-369 are not to exceed 5 minutes, though under exceptional circumstances may be extended to fifteen minutes under order of Level 3 or above personnel. Head Researcher Bianchi should be contacted for any inquiries involving RPC-369.

Once a week, a designated individual will be briefed on a logic problem decided on by the Order of St. John the Hesychast. Said individual will enter the chamber containing the interface for RPC-369. The individual will initiate contact with RPC-369 and therein input the previously given logic problem. This communication should not last longer than five minutes.

Once a month, ASF personnel on IB-3251 deployment equipped with antimemetic apparatuses, are to do a sweep of the accessible portions of RPC-369's mechanisms. They are tasked with the elimination of any manifested constructs. This operation should not exceed one hour. Any maintenance required to uphold RPC-369's containment will be decided on collaboratively by Head Researcher Bianchi and the remaining members of the Order of St. John the Hesychast.

Description: RPC-369 is the designation for a device constructed in the late 15th and early 16th century by a group of self-professed "alchemists". The device itself occupies several floors in size, approximately 113 meters in depth, separated into a number of levels. The apparent purpose of RPC-369 is that of computation, particularly its construction was an attempt to create a form of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing a combination of methods such as artificial neural networks, Q-learning, Hopfield encoding, several forms of genetic optimization, and a vast amount of unknown algorithms. The majority of RPC-369's inner operations are in fact currently unknown. Recovered design documents are written in an indistinct, coded language that has yet to be decoded via known cryptology.


Fig. 2 More design documents for RPC-369

Given the time period in which RPC-369 was constructed, researchers consider it anomalous that an artificial intelligence of such complexity was able to be designed. It is unknown how the original creators of RPC-369 came across the successful design, though hints in contemporary accounts from Auctoritas members imply it was partially developed from earlier alchemical texts. Rather than the computation of RPC-369 relying on electronic silicon transistors or quantum computing, the device is designed around some form of radial processor2 which rely on a currently little understood alchemical transfer of information as energy continuously, not requiring said information to be encoded into quanta. RPC-369 contains 4 central processors3, each in the form of a radial alchemical processor, albeit much larger and incorporating far more components. The largest of these being P-4 with a radius of roughly eighteen meters, with the remaining three at similar sizes, if slightly smaller.

Within RPC-369 information appears to be processed as a mirror of alchemical processes, namely it passes through each of the four central processors in an allusion to the process of the Magnum Opus in alchemy4. Corollary documents refer to the first three processors as mercurio, sale, and zolfo. The end of this process is arrival in P-4, which serves as both a central processor and memory storage for RPC-369. P-4 is referred to as azoth in corollary documents.


Fig. 3 Photograph of P-4 taken by Authority Delegation of 1934

The amount of unknowns relating to RPC-369's design, construction, and operation is partially due to a lack of methods for actually interfacing with the system. The only currently viable method of input/output for RPC-369 is a small bowl of black "scrying fluid" connected at the top of the device. While the Monks of the Vesuvia Complex had perfected methods of communication using the scrying bowl, the Authority is currently exploring other methods, to little success. The central processors are notably resistant to manipulation, as evidenced by the first attempted disassembling of P-35.

Due to the esoteric processes by which RPC-369 was created and operates, the intelligence within the system has an unprecedented level of influence over the reality in its proximity. The physical mechanisms of RPC-369 appear to be capable of self defense through thaumaturgical means, though this has not been observed on a consistent basis. Also, RPC-369 appears to exercise a level of influence on the local collective unconscious. Several researchers have reported hearing voices while in extended physical contact or proximity of RPC-369. These effects appear to increase in frequency and intensity in tandem with proximity to any of the four central processors. For this reason it is recommended that any communication with RPC-369 not exceed the boundaries set within the attached Containment Protocols.


Fig. 4 Infared photography of P-2

RPC-369's disposition regarding both the Authority and humanity as a whole, or even its level of sapience, is difficult to quantify. Recorded instances of viable communication with RPC-369 show that it displays certain traits of sapience while lacking in others. For this reason it is designated sapient in order to guarantee safety of personnel. There is also evidence in historical and corollary sources that its attitude towards humanity is extremely hostile, and at times violent6. Several occasions have been recorded of RPC-369 attempting to construct "homunculi" within its chassis7, and its attempts to influence the psychological states of researchers is noted. As discovered by the Monks, restricting contact with the outside world as well as keeping the system occupied with meaningless logic problems is sufficient to curb these tendencies. Thus, the object's Containment Protocols have been modeled after such methods.

There is a Latin phrase carved into the underside of the scrying bowl. It roughly translates to the common alchemist adage "Nothing from nothing comes."

Recovery Log

Addendum 369.1

Addendum 369.2

Addendum 369.3

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