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The Four Temperaments as depicted in an 18th-century woodcut.

Registered Phenomena Code: 423
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow (UT)
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Containment Protocols: Thaumaturgical knowledge of RPC-423 is to be spread amongst individuals approved by the Containment team. Usage of RPC-423 outside of the testing environment is to follow Site-008's patient priority guidelines.
All historical records of RPC-423 are to be erased or labelled as a hoax by the DHPS.1
Description: RPC-423 is a thaumaturgical system concerning the human body, psyche, and medicine colloquially referred to as Humorism.
RPC-423 is capable of curing genetic, pathological, and physical ailments deemed terminal and incurable by mainstream medicine. This is done by the injection of RPC-423-1 into the affected organs through textile interaction between the caster and the target during a period of strong emotional response.
RPC-423-1 acts as a fuel used in the casting of RPC-423. While chemically identical to urea, RPC-423-1 is created through biological means; urea produced from inorganic material is not an applicable substitute. Although naturally present in most forms of life, RPC-423-1 is inert without proper training and as such not an issue of secrecy.
RPC-423 can be divided into 4 schools, designated RPC-423-A, RPC-423-B, RPC-423-C, and RPC-423-D. While functionally similar, the disparities between the organs affected by any specific variety and their high degrees of required proficiency prompt an average caster to focus on a singular school.
Each school of RPC-423 includes a source (an area where RPC-423-1 is produced) and sink (the area of the body where RPC-423-1 is stored). Both the production rate and capability for the storage of RPC-423-1 are directly related to the physical health of the sources and sinks. Should either the source or the sink be incapable of performing its usual function through genetic, pathological, or physical means, the subject will become incapable of both producing and using RPC-423-1, even if said usage would remedy the aforementioned limitation.
An imbalance of any variety of RPC-423-1 will result in significant mood swings manifesting as the temperament related to the school the presence of which is insufficient. Both overuse and overexposure to RPC-423-1 will result in the subject and the patient developing deficiencies related to the targeted systems, usually manifesting in the form of reduced bodily fluid production, swelling, and malabsorption. The nature of the aforementioned symptoms often results in the user of RPC-423 being incapable of using the sources and sinks affected by the deficiency. While similar to those manifested through non-anomalous means, the symptoms are incapable of being targeted and cured by another form of RPC-423. The application of mainstream medicine in these instances is therefore appropriate.
Designation | Temperament | Source | Sink | Affected Systems |
RPC-423-A | Phlegmatic2 | Brain | Spinal Cord | Nervous, Immune, Integumentary |
RPC-423-B | Choleric3 | Gallablader | Stomach | Exctretory, Exocrine, Digestive |
RPC-423-C | Sanguine4 | Liver | Veins | Circulatory, Respiratory, Reproductive |
RPC-423-D | Melancholic5 | Spleen | Bone Marrow | Endocrine, Muscular, Skeletal |
First instructions regarding the usage of RPC-423 with empirical effect on the baseline reality were published in 1789 by French philosophers Rogerus Lacan and Baudoin Du Toit under the title of “Humorism: The Humor Irregularities in Human Behaviour and Their Effect on the Material Plane”. Their book drew from the teachings of Galen, Hippocrates, and Alcmaeon of Croton amongst others.

Dominique Jean Larrey, an outspoken critic of RPC-423.
600 BC - 1782 AD: Many cultural and medical texts relating to Humorism were produced throughout Europe and the Middle East, yet no empirical proof that either was of anomalous origins is present.
1782: “Humorism: The Humor Irregularities in Human Behaviour and Their Effect on the Material Plane” is published by Rogerus Lacan and Baudoin Du Toit in secret and shared exclusively amongst their social groups.
1780s: Following its initial printing, the book concerning RPC-423 is leaked to Venice and spreads rapidly throughout its intellectual and occult communities, as it was favoured as opposed to Witchcraft. Through its efforts, the Papal State prevented the proliferation of manuscripts throughout the Italian peninsula. While initial suppression by the Auctoritas in France was attempted, the unrest amidst the French Revolution (1789 – 1799) made any organized efforts ineffective.
1789: Counter-revolutionary philosophers, mostly originating from the Action Française,6 attempted to smuggle the information regarding RPC-423 out of the country by sea amidst the French Revolution and continue its proliferation throughout French colonial territory. Auctoritas vessels intercepted the ship, seizing the texts.
1798: Following the French conquest of Egypt, the Commission des Sciences et des Arts commented on the medical achievements of the Egyptian people, especially in Cairo, despite their lack of knowledge regarding RPC-423 in the Description de L'Égypte.
During their time in Egypt, French soldiers were routinely treated for sexually transmitted diseases due to their frequent sexual interactions with natives. This led to overexposure to RPC-423-C, as documented by Dominique Jean Larrey, French surgeon and military doctor.
"The testicles lose their sensitivity, become debilitated, gradually diminish in volume and appear to wither. Most commonly, the change affects one then both. The afflicted [person] only notices this destruction, that occurs imperceptibly, when the testicle is reduced in volume; [by then] it is found to be annular in form and of the size of a white haricot bean. It is indolent and of a very hard consistency; the spermatic cord is similarly reduced and experiences atrophying."
- Dominique Jean Larrey examining French soldiers affected by overexposure to RPC-423-C.
1809: During the Battle of Ratisbon,7 French Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte was wounded in action. Bonaparte mentions his contusion being healed by a user of RPC-423-C in his memoirs.
1815: With the collapse of the Napoleonic government, Auctoritas forces were capable of extracting the majority of scholarly texts relating to RPC-423 from Paris. This was followed by a period during which texts relating to RPC-423 were routinely acquired and catalogued. Authors of the said texts, alongside any disciples, were detained.
1850s: With the rising popularity of Germ Theory and active Authority suppression of the disciples, the study of RPC-423 became less popular amongst the many European Occult and intellectual communities.