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Registered Phenomena Code: 460
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Mechanical Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-460 is to be kept in the cafeteria lounge of Site-015 for the use of all Personnel in the facility. No outstanding containment protocols are required for RPC-460. Due to RPC-460's mundane nature, discussion on if RPC-460 should be considered as a Lesser Anomalous Object is currently ongoing.1
Description: RPC-460 is a █████████ █████-██ Hot Chocolate Dispenser standing at around 60.96 centimeters in height, 19.685 centimeters in width, and 50.8 centimeters in depth. RPC-460 weighs 3.26796 kilograms. Additionally, RPC-460 is attached with a decorative logo on the front of the machine that states "██████ ████████████" with the caption, "Enjoy some nice HOT COCOA!".
Two notable features of RPC-460 are both its lack of any power cord and the inability to open the contraption, with the common █████████ █████-██ Hot Chocolate Dispenser opening compartment being sealed with no opening. Additionally, RPC-460 lacks any connection to a water source, in contrast to identical, non-anomalous copies of █████████ █████-██ Hot Chocolate Dispenser.
RPC-460's anomalous property is the ability to produce Hot Chocolate2 without any need for any ingredients or power. It is currently unknown how RPC-460 is capable of producing any of these beverages and all attempts to artificially open RPC-460 to view its contents have failed.
Discovery Log: RPC-460 was discovered at Site-015 following a shipping error by transport personnel. The Logistics department of the Containment Division has confirmed that no records of a hot chocolate machine are found for the delivery of the said machine. Investigation to the original sender location of RPC-460 is currently ongoing.3

Registered Phenomena Code: 460
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard Types: Mechanical Hazard | Ideological Hazard | Emotional Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-460 is to be stored in a reinforced containment chamber, with containment doors being locked at all times. Two ASF units are to stand guard in front of the containment chamber of RPC-460 at all times, with personnel alternating every 7 hours. Under no circumstances are individuals affected by RPC-460-5 be given access to RPC-460's containment chamber. Additionally, ASF personnel are to be provided background checks to determine any existing affiliations with individuals affected by RPC-460-5. Under no circumstances are any personnel affiliated with personnel affected by RPC-460-5, to be allowed access to RPC-460.
In the event of a power outage, a portion of emergency power is to be applied to RPC-460's containment chamber. All individuals affected by RPC-460-5 are to be assigned to rehabilitation and be given access cards that carry the exception of RPC-460's chamber. Access to RPC-460 is to only be given to level 4 personnel, and personnel are advised to not operate RPC-460.4
Description: RPC-460 is a █████████ █████-██ Hot Chocolate Dispenser standing at around 60.96 centimeters in height, 19.685 centimeters in width, and 50.8 centimeters in depth. RPC-460 weighs 3.26796 kilograms. Additionally, RPC-460 is attached with a decorative logo on the front of the machine that states "██████ ████████████" with the caption, "Enjoy some nice HOT COCOA!".
Two notable features of RPC-460 are both its lack of any power cord and the inability to open the contraption, with the common █████████ █████-██ Hot Chocolate Dispenser opening compartment being sealed with no opening. Additionally, RPC-460 lacks any connection to a water source, in contrast to identical, non-anomalous copies of █████████ █████-██ Hot Chocolate Dispenser. All attempts to destroy RPC-460 have failed, with methods such as applied force, explosives, and extreme temperatures having no effects on the interior or exterior of RPC-460.
RPC-460's primary anomalous property is the ability to produce Hot Chocolate5 without any need for local ingredients or power6. Instead, RPC-460 seems to operate on the use of chemical, and kinetic energy provided by anomalously affected individuals within an affected area allowing both the machine to operate and create instances of RPC-460-1.
An area affected by RPC-460, hereby designated as RPC-460-2, are commonly impoverished regions and/or nations that are often outside of what is considered as a Developed-Nation7. During an event where an area is referred to as RPC-460-2, RPC-460-2 will proceed to anomalously affect the population residing within said area, designating them as RPC-460-3 instances8. An area discovered to be an instance of RPC-460-2 will remain so for a period of one month, where-in following this time expiration a new area is now designated as RPC-460-2. Additionally, when an area is no longer designated as RPC-460-2, the population affected with no longer be considered an instance of RPC-460-3.
RPC-460-3 are members of a population residing in RPC-460-2, who appear to have no anomalous abnormalities. The number of people designated under RPC-460-3 varies depending on the size of RPC-460-2. All individuals designated as RPC-460-3 have an equal likelihood of undergoing an event classified as RPC-460-4. Upon activation of RPC-460's hot chocolate dispenser, an RPC-460-3 instance will begin to suffer from an RPC-460-4 event.
Under RPC-460-4, RPC-460-3 instances will begin to have rapid convulsions throughout the body, rapidly begin to drop in overall body temperature9, cease all biological processes, stiffen all parts of the body, and expire within approximately 15 seconds10.
Autopsies on individuals who have undergone an RPC-460-4 event, present that all chemical process within the body have ceased with all cells, including bacteria within the intestines, being analyzed as dead. Additionally, RPC-460-3 instances' bodies following an RPC-460-4 event are found to be extremely stiff with the movement of limbs only possible with moderate exertion of force. With this, it is concluded that RPC-460-3's chemical reactions and kinetic energy seem to provide the necessary energy for the function of RPC-460 and the creation of RPC-460-1 through the RPC-460-4 event. It is currently unknown if this energy is also used for the creation of ingredients for RPC-460 instances, and it is also unknown as to how RPC-460-4 transfers energy from RPC-460-3 instances to RPC-460.
Additionally, RPC-460-1 instances are highly addictive when consumed, with only one cup capable of causing an addiction to RPC-460-1. The level of addiction applied by RPC-460-1 is currently above all other substances, due to the effects of the addiction being permanent. This anomalous addiction to RPC-460-1 is hereby referred to as RPC-460-5. Individuals affected by RPC-460-5, after approximately 1 week of not consuming RPC-460-1 will begin to experience symptoms of withdrawal. These symptoms have been noted to be lethal with fatality rates at 95% for non-treated individuals, and 50% for treated individuals11.
Addendum-460-1: The following is a detailed description of the stages that RPC-460-5 presents to individuals (RPC-460-5 withdrawal symptoms reset following consumption of RPC-460-1):
Stage # | Time since last consumption of RPC-460-1 | Without Treatment Notes | With Treatment Notes |
Stage #1 | 1-7 Days since last consumption | Subjects will begin to experience a craving for RPC-460-1, followed by mild discomfort and migraines. | Subjects will begin to experience a craving for RPC-460-1 specifically, followed by episodes of extreme thirst. Additionally, cravings for RPC-460-1 substitute substance (Regular Hot Chocolate) will increase in RPC-460-5 affected subjects. |
Stage #2 | 8-19 Days since last consumption | Subjects will begin to experience worse migraines and hallucinations. Subjects' immune system will begin to deteriorate and become more prone to common illnesses. Additionally, subjects will become prone to more nervous movements and will experience symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. | Subjects will begin to experience mild forms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, subjects will begin to experience mild headaches and display signs of lethargy. Symptoms from the previous stage will continue. |
Stage #3 | 20-30 Days since last consumption | Subjects will begin to fall under critical conditions, and likely fall into a coma. Should subjects not fall under a coma, the subjects will experience more violent hallucinations. At this point, 85% of affected individuals will begin to suffer from organ failure. Common organs that shut down at this stage include kidneys, the liver, the gull-blader, and the heart. | Subjects will become prone to common illnesses and will experience unconscious nervous movements. Symptoms of anxiety and depression will increase and all previous symptoms will continue. |
Stage #4 | 31-(Presumed Indefinite) Days since last consumption | Subjects under this stage will continue to face critical conditions in chronic episodes, with deaths accounting for 10% of subjects at this point. When not in critical conditions, subjects present more aggressive behaviors and receive more violent cravings for RPC-460-1. | Subjects will continue to face all previous symptoms of treated withdrawal in chronic episodes. Subjects within this stage have a 5% chance of committing suicide between 31 to 60 days. Additionally, 45% of subjects affected by RPC-460-5 and under treatment, may suffer from organ failure. Organs that may shut down at this stage are the liver or kidneys. |
Discovery Log: RPC-460 was discovered at Site-015 following a shipping error by transport personnel. The Logistics department of the Containment Division has confirmed that no records of a hot chocolate machine are found for the delivery of the said machine. Investigations to the origins of RPC-460's delivery has been concluded to be from a ██████ facility within the country of Kenya. Investigations on ██████ activities are currently on-going, and investigations for possible affiliations to anomalous organizations are underway.
Incident Log-460-1: During a celebration at Site-015, conducted for the discovery of ████████████████████████ on the ███ of July 2013, Authority Central Intelligence received information that a village of around 1000 individuals from ██████████, Liberia had suffered 259 deaths due to seemingly anomalous means. Following this, an investigation was conducted as an individual RPC, given the designation of RPC-██.
Further investigations, found that the rate of deaths seems to be gradual, with approximately 25 deaths occurring each day. Doctor ███████ and Agent ████████ then discovered that RPC-460 had additional anomalous effects following count on how many hot beverage cups were used during the celebration of ████████████████████████ and subsequent days. It was then concluded that RPC-460 had additional anomalous effects, and thus had containment protocols description, and classification were updated. Authorized use of RPC-460 would discontinue on the ███ of July 2013. Additionally, a cover-up of famine would be made for the Liberia incident caused by RPC-460.
Incident Log-460-2: Eight days following the updated containment protocols of RPC-460, following Incident-460-1, Authority personnel from all divisions in Site-015 had reported deteriorating behavior following the decommissioning of RPC-460 for personnel use. Additionally, personnel who consumed RPC-460 reported cravings for RPC-460-1 instances. Following this, ███ personnel would enter Stage #3 of RPC-460-5 effects and approximately ██ were reported neutralized. ██ Authority personnel who entered Stage #4 of RPC-460-5 then raided the containment room of RPC-460, where approximately █ personnel were terminated and █ personnel were brought into custody to await a trial. Approximately 12 instances of RPC-460-1 were created in this raid, and 12 deaths by RPC-460 were reported in ███████████, Bosnia.
At this point, it was discovered that individuals that drank regular hot chocolate as a substitute were not affected similarly to other personnel. RPC-460's containment protocols were updated at this point to not only place affected individuals under rehabilitation with the use of hot chocolate, but 1 ASF unit was also placed in the defense of RPC-460's containment room. RPC-460 is then reclassified as Beta-Red.
Incident Log-460-3: On the 15th of June, 2014, Dr. █████████12 was found utilizing RPC-460 for personal use. Access to RPC-460 for Dr. █████████ was provided by Cpl. ████████████ which, according to testimony by Cpl. ████████████, had been occurring once every 2 weeks for 3 months. Both personnel were put under trial and 2 ASF, with no relation to one another or any personnel affected by RPC-460-5, are now assigned to guard RPC-460's containment chamber.
Incident Log-460-4: During a containment breach at Site-015 caused by RPC-███ on the 19th of August, 2015, Dr. Raven accessed RPC-460 when both ASF units were called in to assist with the breach. During the containment breach power to 1/4th of the facility was cut, leaving RPC-460 accessible with applied force to the chamber's door, and allowing Dr. Raven to enter the containment room. Dr. Raven proceeded to make 3 instances of RPC-460-1 before committing suicide in the containment chamber of RPC-460, using a Researcher provided firearm. Following this, emergency power is now routed to the secure locking of RPC-460's containment chamber and discussion on the transfer of RPC-460 to another Site or a completely unique location is currently ongoing.
Interviewed: Dr. █████████████
Interviewer: Dr. Omar
Foreword: Doctor █████ ████████████ was previously involved in the raid to enter RPC-460's containment chamber, playing a non-aggressive act in the raid. Dr. ████████████ is currently under treatment for RPC-460-5 and is under custody for his involvement with the raid. The following is a psychological interview conducted by Senior Researcher Doctor Arif Omar, for the purposes of understanding the frame of thought that aggressive individuals under RPC-460-5 have. Additionally, this evaluation is to evaluate if said side effects are concluding and if Dr. ████████████ is fit to be reassigned to a project. At the time of this recording, Dr. ████████████ has been under treatment for [DATA EXPUNGED].
<Begin Log, [ 13:20:14 ██/██/2014 ]>
Dr. █████████████ is seated behind the table from Dr. Omar in the interview room. Dr. █████████████, under protocol, is wearing a straightjacket in order to prevent any aggressive behavior.
Dr. Omar enters the room and takes a seat in front of Dr. █████████████.
Dr. Omar: Hello, Dr. █████████████. How are you feeling today?
Dr. █████████████: sigh How do you think? This is our… third interview? Would have expected a prodigy of mine to know to stop asking questions he knows the answer to.
Silence for 8 seconds.
Dr. █████████████: I'm not well ok?
Dr. Omar: You know I need to document any change, don't try to make this interview go off course. Now… have you felt any aggressive emotions within the past few weeks?
Dr. █████████████: No.
Dr. Omar: Have you regularly been taking your treatment substitute?
Dr. █████████████: Yes, despite how it doesn't taste the same or save my life any better.
Dr. Omar: Alright, have you experienced any pain or feeling of illness within the past few weeks?
Silence for 9 seconds.
Dr. █████████████: Arif, could I share with you something I've been thinking for a while. Something… outside of the questions you ask me.
Dr. Omar: Feel free.
Dr. █████████████: You know I can't feel that.
Dr. █████████████ lets off a soft chuckle before continuing to speak.
Dr. █████████████: Alright. Now I've been thinking for the past few weeks, Arif. The substitutes you give me and everyone else in this place, will not keep us alive in the long run. We have a fifty percent chance of death after all. The way I see it, within the next few years, I and a lot of other important personnel effected by RPC-460 will die. This will cost the Authority a lot, would it not? So I have come to this conclusion. What if we allowed for the use of RPC-460, only on effected individuals, once a week. That way, we ensure that the researchers here, involved with a lot of projects, will continue to live without the risk of dying out of nowhere.
Dr. Omar: Dr. █████████████, you know we can't do that.
Dr. █████████████: Why not? This kind of shit happens all across the world already. People living off the work and death of people from poorer areas is not new and is a reality for people in the developed world. The food people buy, the clothes people wear, the tools people use. Somewhere out in the poorer side of the world, someone is dying in a factory just so people in the first world can live comfortably. And on this, citizens of the developed world seem to be fine with that. I would argue though, that we as personnel of one of the most important organizations on earth have a much bigger contribution then the common citizen. Also, there isn't even that many of us around anymore. There's like what, forty-fifty of us left that are affected? Forty to fifty deaths a week is nothing in thousands, and we ensure that the most important people here stay alive.
Dr. Omar: Sigh
Dr. Omar pushes the button for the intercom.
Dr. Omar: ASF units, please return Dr. █████████████ back to his cell. This interview is over.
Two ASF units enter the room, and begin to escort Dr. █████████████ back to his cell.
Dr. █████████████: You know I'm right Arif. Share this with the higher-ups, they'll agree!
Dr. █████████████ is escorted back to his cell as Sergeant Melbourne enters the interview room.
Sgt. Melbourne: I'm taking it that this interview was no better?
Dr. Omar: Even worse, if I'm to be honest. He's beginning to justify the use of RPC-460.
Sgt. Melbourne: Sounds like trouble.
Dr. Omar begins to take out a cannister of Hot Chocolate.
Dr. Omar: Sergeant, move the next interview to six months. I have a feeling that he's going to keep this idea for a while.
Sgt. Melbourne: Alright then, Doctor. Can't imagine what it takes to become as crazy as he is. It's pretty depressing.
Dr. Omar: It's less depressing and more scary.
Dr. Omar begins drinking from the canister.
Sgt. Melbourne: How's that?
Dr. Omar finishes his canister.
Dr. Omar: Because, he's not entirely wrong.
<End Log, [ 13:31:57 ██/██/2014 ]>
Closing Statement: Dr. █████████████ has been denied for reintegration into the Authority, as a Research personnel. Additionally, the schedule for the next interview for reintegration has been moved from 3 months to 6 months. It is advised that Dr. █████████████ be given less contact with other detained personnel, and that all actions by him be closely monitored.
From Andrew Raven,
Well, I guess I did it. I finally got to get a sweet taste of this drink once again. This chocolate delicacy has become everything to me, you know. It was so good to have it again, but what a monster it has made me become. Here I am, FUCKING drinking this thing that does nothing but kills people. Not just people like me either, people I have never met before in my life just have their lives taken away from them all because I'm thirsty.
I tried to justify it to myself, saying things like I'll die if I don't have it or that my life is worth way more than theirs. But at least I know I'll die if I don't drink it. What of the other person, the man, women, or child unlucky enough to be taken out of this world out of nowhere. I feel sick now, thinking that I can kill someone out of nowhere with no witness. The perfect crime for many out there.
"Crime". That word has stuck in my head the past 1 hour, more than any other thought in mind. Just that word made me realize something; I'm not some helpless shmuck trying to keep himself alive. I'm a psychopath trying to justify my own literal sick taste for the blood of innocents. I could just feel the stickiness of it on my chin, cheeks, and hands. The worst part about it is that I'm going to keep having those thoughts of drinking more of this devilish hot chocolate. And there will be times, like now, that I will act on them and kill more people. Even if they move this thing, I can bet that I would scour the ends of the earth just to get another taste. The red light in the corner is bothering me, but I better get used to that kind of color. I'm going to make sure that I never get another taste of this sick substance ever again. I guess one can say, I'm avenging the three people I just killed from whatever trash heap they died in.
I just hope other people affected by this get the same idea that I did.