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Registered Phenomena Code: 497
Object Class: Beta Gamma Beta-Red
Hazard Types: Regenerative Hazard, Transmutation Hazard, Bio-Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Organic Hazard
Containment Protocols: Instances of RPC-497-1 are to be contained within a standard anomalous containment chamber in Containment Sector B of Site-074 with muzzles placed around their jaws as a secondary containment measure. Should another instance of RPC-497-3A1 ever arise, ASF Rapid Response Team Hotel-5 ("Dog Whisperers") is to be dispatched immediately. All RPC-497-3 instances are to be cremated to terminate them.
Description: RPC-497-1 is the term used to describe a group of 11 9 7 male, adult Canis lupus (gray wolves). Each instance of RPC-497-1 have shown to be able to quickly repair all cellular damage without having to acquire sustenance, but are still vulnerable to extreme heat. Each instance of RPC-497-1 has a gland located within each paw that allows their claws to secrete RPC-497-2. Instances of RPC-497-1 will attempt to infect as many humans as possible with RPC-497-2.
RPC-497-2 refers to the pathogen located within the saliva and claws of RPC-497-1 and blood of RPC-497-3. RPC-497-2 is waterborne and bloodborne and has a 100% infectivity rate and 100% 99% lethality rate (See Addendum 497-0). RPC-497-2 causes the subject (referred to as RPC-497-3) to go through various stages with multiple symptoms.
Stage 1: RPC-497-3 will undergo Stage 1 approximately 10 minutes after being infected with RPC-497-2. The first noticeable symptom of Stage 1 causes the number of olfactory receptors to undergo exponential growth, this can range from 11 million to 400 million olfactory receptors.
The second symptom results in RPC-497-3's hearing capabilities to be greatly increased. The hearing range of RPC-497-3 is from 65 to 55,000 hertz (Hz). Listening to higher frequencies causes minor headaches and discomfort in RPC-497-3.
Stage 2: RPC-497-3 begins to grow fur similar to the one found on RPC-497-1. Fur collected from RPC-497-3 reveals it to have the exact same DNA found on instances of RPC-497-1. The fur begins to grow throughout the body, this affects the skin and can cause it to blister and rip. This process can last up to 23 minutes. Attempts to remove the fur have been unsuccessful, as the skin grows minutes after being removed.
Stage 2A: RPC-497-3's upper and lower lateral incisors begin to extend several centimeters and form fang-like constructs. The upper lateral incisors can grow to a maximum of 15.24 centimeters while the lower lateral incisors grow at a maximum of 5.08 centimeters. The result of these growths often causes RPC-497-3's lower jaw to dislocate. Attempting to remove these "fangs" results in the lateral incisors growing to their original length.
Stage 2B: After the growth of RPC-497-3's upper and lower lateral incisors, RPC-497-3 begins to grow several claw-like keratin structures at the distal phalanges. The pain during this process depends entirely on the length and width of these structures. The maximum length of these claw-like constructs can reach 10.16 centimeters with a width of 3.45 centimeters and weigh up to 14.59 kilograms. The result of these extreme growths often causes complications within RPC-497-3's hands. These complications include the inability to move their phalanges and fracturing of the metacarpals.
Stage 3: RPC-497-3's pain receptors are completely removed from the body in a span of 12 minutes. Once the pain receptors have been entirely removed from the body, RPC-497-3 will undergo a process in which all physical features are shifted around the body in random order. Instances of RPC-497-3 have a 67% chance of expiring due to complications before the Stage is completed. Attempts to remove some of the features gained from Stage 2 often results in growing in another, random location and is not advised. Once this process is completed, RPC-497-3 will go unconscious.
Stage 4: Stage 4 begins 8 minutes after RPC-497-3 has awoken. In this stage, RPC-497-3 will lose all higher brain functions and resort to basic fight-or-flight reactions. It typically roams its containment cell until a non-infected subject enters its line of sight. At this point, RPC-497-3 will attack and infect the individual, turning them into another instance of RPC-497-3. During this stage, RPC-497-3 also gains a heightened regenerative factor that allows it to recover from most external injury. However, extreme heat is the most commonly used way to permanently terminate RPC-497-3
Below is a series of autopsies on instances of RPC-497-3 that expired during and shortly after Stage 3.
Subject: 0682K | Cause of death: External blood loss | Upper lateral incisors had spontaneously erupted through the body and shifted with enough strength to carve through Subject: 0682K's skin. |
Subject: 0325B | Cause of death: Lack of blood flow | Claw-like structures had been broken down into microscopic shards and traveled into the subject's bloodstream. These shards had begun to build up and restrict the subject's blood flow. |
Subject: 5435L | Cause of death: Seizure/Internal bleeding | X-ray reveals the claw-like structures being placed at vital points throughout the body and teeth like formations on the brain stem. Subject then had a violent seizure in which all the claw-like structures had pierced several major organs. |
Subject: 0934R | Cause of death: Suffocation | Subject had gone into a coughing fit that lasted over 3 minutes before expiring. Dissection reveals the stomach being drained of stomach acid and placed inside the lungs. |
Subject: 1010Y | Cause of death: Suicide | Dissection reveals that Subject: 1010Y's eyes had been placed at different points throughout the body. One of them was located inside the small intestine and the other was found hanging from the back of subject's throat |
Subject: 1232E | Cause of death: Internal blood loss | X-ray shows a large collection of blade-like objects forming inside Subject: 1232E's stomach. These structures pierced through the layers of the stomach and caused internal blood loss as well as leakage of stomach acids into the body. |
Note: Subjects can still feel pain on body parts they are no longer connected to.
Addendum 497-0: On █/██/██, a "perfect" instance of RPC-497-3 (referred to as RPC-497-3A) was formed. RPC-497-3A did not undergo Stage 3 but still went through Stage 2 to 2B. RPC-497-3A broke out of its containment cell and killed several Authority personnel. The instance later expired from 3rd-degree burns. After this incident, ASF Rapid Response Team Hotel-5 ("Dog Whisperers") was formed to stop any and all future "perfect" instances as well as future canine anomalies.