With interviews unable to provide significant information regarding RPC-540, Authority agents seized RPC-540's belongings and began analysis of gathered evidence. It was confirmed that literary works produced before the recovery incident did not manifest any anomalies.
The remainder of RPC-540's belongings recovered from its home displayed no anomalous effects. The following portion of a chat recovered from RPC-540's personal computer became the only possible lead to determine an origin to its properties.
Note: VoidRealms22 was RPC-540's account on the instant messaging platform ██████.
VoidRealms22: Ever felt like you're the last one of your kind?
amazedmaze: you mean an endling?
VoidRealms22: Don't be an ass
amazedmaze: haha sorry, couldnt help it
VoidRealms22: Well?
amazedmaze: cant say i do
VoidRealms22: I can't find someone who will truly bond with me here, I feel like I'm alone and misunderstood.
amazedmaze: you've been pretty active here, surely someone will
VoidRealms22: Honestly you're the only one who actually bothers talking to me. I mean, we haven't been speaking too long and I feel you're much more genuine than my family.
amazedmaze: ever talked to them or someone else about how you feel?
VoidRealms22: Nobody shows any interest, and honestly I don't want to bitch at them about it, I got enough shit about my writing to deal with anyway.
amazedmaze: come on its not that bad
VoidRealms22: "that bad?"
amazedmaze: sorry man, i mean, you just need to get the hang of it
VoidRealms22: Whatever, I'll take that over "don't cut yourself on that edge xDDdd"
amazedmaze: why do you care so much about it tho?
VoidRealms22: Well, it's not like people listens to me just by speaking to them, so I figured that catching their attention through creativity might just do it.
amazedmaze: so its just for the attention?
VoidRealms22: Not exactly.
amazedmaze: then what?
VoidRealms22: I hope that my writing helps others see the way I feel, and hopefully get them to understand.
VoidRealms22: Maybe that way people will at least bother to actually listen instead of just nodding through whatever I say
VoidRealms22: Maybe then I'll stop being an endling.
amazedmaze: thats what you want?
VoidRealms22: Yeah, well, maybe when I suck less it'll happen.
amazedmaze: youd say thats what you want the most?
VoidRealms22: Yes. I'm tired of feeling like shit.
amazedmaze: well i think i can help
VoidRealms22: What? How?
amazedmaze: i know a guy, good friend, he knows his stuff, knows a lot of stuff actually
amazedmaze: maybe he can help you, teach you how to reach others
VoidRealms22: Well that totally doesn't sound sketchy at all, where do you even live? How would you get here?
amazedmaze: trust me on this one, we can meet and stay in a public place if it makes you feel better
VoidRealms22: I don't know, why should I trust you with this?
amazedmaze: believe me, ive seen him work, he just likes to help people and you seem like you need it
amazedmaze: give yourself a chance, maybe your days alone are close to an end
VoidRealms22: Fine, can you meet me next Saturday at █████'s town square?
amazedmaze: great, we happen to be nearby
VoidRealms22: Really? Where?
amazedmaze: see you there at noon
VoidRealms22: But where are you?
amazedmaze has logged off
This prompted another attempt at obtaining additional information from RPC-540. Due to its nature and the fact that no feasible interview could be conducted without being hindered, RPC-540 was led to an observation chamber and asked to use a recording device in order to elaborate on the previous chat log. The following is RPC-540's audio transcript.
Foreword: RPC-540 was asked to record the events during its meeting with "amazedmaze" and to be as thorough and truthful as possible.
<Begin transcript>
Okay, uh, my memory is kind of fuzzy, but I met these guys at the town square like we agreed to, I wasn't too sure about it because it was so sudden and felt too shady, but it's not like anything exciting was happening to me so I just went with it.
"amazedmaze" never really gave his name, just kept telling me to call him "maze" for short, but he did tell me the other guy was Sebald. At least that's what he called him from what I remember.
I can't describe "maze" too well, the guy was practically hidden in his clothing, could barely see his face, but Sebald was quite tall and was also bald. His face…uh, well…um, the best way I can describe the guy is plain looking, bald, and really tall.
We began with some small talk, introductions and all that, then Sebald talked about how he could help me. He tried to make the whole thing seem less weird by saying it was all free and how there was no catch to it, but it just made me more nervous.
Then he said he'd do a live demonstration, right then and there. That got my attention, and if they tried some shit I was in a public place during broad daylight so I thought I was safe. Sebald showed me some paper and a pen, then he began writing something on it.
When he finished, he gave me the piece of paper and told me to read. I went through the thing and, well, if there's one thing I remember for sure is the way it felt. It's not just that his writing was good, it felt good, like you were placed in the middle of the writing.
I wanted to know how to do that so I agreed to his help. Sebald told me to follow him and took me to a…uh…I don't quite remember.
At this point, RPC-540 sounds distressed.
Wait, something's not right, I can't remember. It was a dark place and there were some machines, I think? I remember some things glowing, or was it flashing? Sebald read something to me, or was that just him talking? What the fuck was I even doing there?
After briefly hyperventilating, RPC-540 abruptly calms down, then continues.
No, Sebald just handed me a book, it was a bit complicated, said it was to increase my vocabulary, something about managing complex wording to better catch the reader's attention. Yes, that.
After that we were back at the town square. I asked him if I should try writing to see if I got his instructions right but said it was better for me to save it for something more meaningful, to find the best opportunity to impress many people at once. It made sense to me, so we said our goodbyes, and that was it.
<End transcript>
Closing statements: After finishing, RPC-540 was escorted back to containment. Of note is the fact that the specified book was not among its personal belongings. The identities and activities of "maze" and Sebald are still under investigation.