
The Gear Box



3.3 stars



Registered Phenomena Code: 599

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazard Types: Mechanical, Organic, Transmutation, Contact


RPC-599 upon GEAR's initial discovering

Containment Procedures: RPC-599 is to be contained within standard, low-risk anomaly storage. The object should be monitored regularly in order to detect malfunction and/or damage. Any sudden changes in the object or its anomalous characteristics should be reported to the Site Director.

Description: RPC-599 appears externally to be a 1.0m by 1.0m steel storage box with a circular opening on one side. Upon closer inspection, the width of the box's walls are revealed to be a thin layer of metal comprising of a massive amount of microscopic circuits and mechanical components. These circuits and components are very complex and are not fully understood by Authority researchers.

The anomalous capabilities become apparent when any amount of matter is placed inside the box. Once any matter is placed inside, a metal sheet will reposition from inside the box, covering the opening and preventing more material from being inserted. For approximately 30 minutes, a loud, electronic buzzing can be heard from the inside of RPC-599 and a slight vibration can be observed. Once this process has completed, the box will open, usually resulting in no change to the original material. The only known exception is when an amount of either plant matter or animal matter is placed within the box.

In the case that plant matter is inputted into the object, the result will always be a smaller amount of animal matter. The resulting animal matter is always one fourth the weight of the original plant matter. It should be noted that although mostly meat has been recorded appearing, it is also possible for live animals and other animate creatures, potentially anomalous ones, to be outputted.

When the animal matter is inputted into RPC-599, the output will always be a large amount of plant matter. The resulting plant matter is always four times the weight of the original animal matter and usually consists of fruits and vegetables, although flowers, fungi, and other miscellaneous plant matter have also been recorded.

Discovery: RPC-599 was sold to the Authority by the Group of Interest "GEAR" on 06/12/2015 in exchange for [REDACTED]. Along with RPC-599 was sold an image (See Above) and a document containing valuable information pertaining to the mechanics of the anomaly. (See Below) RPC-599 was previously referred to as "A-005" by GEAR employees.




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