




Registered Phenomena Code: 603

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types: h-organic.png Organic Hazardh-regenerative.png Regenerative Hazardh-grouped.png Grouped Hazard

Containment Protocols: Specimens of RPC-603 are housed under restricted access within Site-008's botanical facility. RPC-603 favours growth conditions similar to its non-anomalous relatives in the Solanaceae family: 15-20°C, well-drained soil with a pH range of 4.8-5.8, and a salinity threshold of 1.7dS/m. RPC-603 samples are only to be removed for experimentation and research purposes, and any staff caught attempting to smuggle RPC-603 out of Site-008 will be punished accordingly.

Female personnel volunteering to make use of RPC-603-1 (becoming RPC-603-2) must provide documented proof of their reproductive infertility as either produced by an outside physician or Site-008's own medical personnel. Both volunteer and conceiving partner are required to submit a clean bill of health declaring the absence of all STDs, submit to genetic screening, then sign a contract and non-disclosure agreement.

Post-implantation, conception is to take place only within Site-0081. As of Incident 603-1, conception is to strictly occur between both partners, with no genetic material of any third party involved.

As agreed-upon via contract, RPC-603-2s are barred from leaving Site-008's premises for the duration of their pregnancies until delivery, barring extenuating circumstances. This includes NDA-restricted communication access with outside parties(families, etc.). Personnel who are partners/family members of RPC-603-2s may be granted limited visitation/long-distance communication rights, dependent upon their clearance levels and off-site assignments. No photographs may be taken of RPC-603-2 with exposure of the RPC-603-1-presenting abdomen, except by medical personnel strictly for clinical monitoring purposes.

RPC-603-2s are scheduled for standard antenatal checkups, ultrasound screening, biweekly blood tests as well as regular access to sunlight via glass-ceiling habitation. The implanted RPC-603-1 and the gestating child (RPC-603-3) are to be routinely examined via visual inspection and ultrasound. Despite reassurances by the "Descendants of Yggdrassil" Group of Interest (RPC-603's creators), successfully delivered non-anomalous RPC-603-3s are to be strictly raised and observed within Authority facilities for the potential development of any anomalous traits. The expiring RPC-603-1 is to be extracted from the volunteer and incinerated once RPC-603-3 has been completely weaned.


RPC-603-1s, with a non-anomalous S. Tuberosum tuber for comparison.

Description: RPC-603 is a root vegetable derived from the Solanaceae family, featuring perennial leaves and several small tubers about its roots. Without usage of its anomalous property, RPC-603 passes off as a non-anomalous instance of Solanum Tuberosum2 featuring microtubers of average 1cm3 volume.

RPC-603's anomalous functions manifest when an extracted tuber of RPC-603 (hereby referred as RPC-603-1) is inserted into a woman's navel and watered. The tuber will adhere to the navel epithelium, germinating and inserting a probing root into the navel of its human host. RPC-603-1's growth continues only if sufficient amounts of female hormones are detected. Itchiness, tenderness or other irritant sensations are commonly reported until the root travels an average of 3cm into the abdomen, by which the sensations subside; it is at this point that RPC-603-1 begins secreting localized antihistamines to suppress these effects, as well as unknown mechanism to signal the immune system not to attack the foreign growth. The RPC-603-1 sprout eventually extends its roots around the ovaries and the womb, and grows a single large leaf that spreads across the lower abdominal region and adheres to surrounding skin.

Through this root system, RPC-603 "diagnoses" the womb for defects and attempts to repair any detected flaws, replacing missing organic matter with a starchy-tuber-like matter. Once 'repairs' are complete, RPC-603 jumpstarts the activity of unchanged/repaired ovaries by excreting a mixture of phytoestrogens bearing a 90% efficacy of conventional female hormones. The host(RPC-603-2)'s hormonal cycle proceeds as normal and ovulates without fail at day 14 of the menstrual cycle.

Should RPC-603-2 be impregnated soon after, a secondary growth in RPC-603-1 is triggered: The leaf grows broader and covers the entirety of RPC-603-2's abdominal region as the pregnancy progresses. Both the Palisade Mesophyll and Stoma of the implanted RPC-603 are located on the outer side, allowing the plant to respire and photosynthesize through the same layer. As such, it is recommended for RPC-603-2s to expose their gravid abdomens towards direct sunlight for a minimum of 1hr per day. RPC-603-1's root network also grows to entirely cover the womb, acting as an additional layer of physical protection.

In an absence of sunlight, RPC-603-1 will begin drawing nutrients directly from RPC-603-2's bloodstream via its roots, causing adverse effects such as fatigue and accelerated hunger. Conversely, observations under satisfactory conditions detect a reverse-transportation mechanism of fluids across the root network towards the womb and the placenta. Samplings of this fluid reveals a nutritional composition similar to amniotic fluid, maintaining a nutrient-rich environment optimal for foetal health and growth.

Upon birth of the child (RPC-603-3), RPC-603-1 rapidly ages and withers. The leaf turns brown and peels off to expose the mother's abdomen3, the stem slowly slides out the navel, and any remaining micro-root structure is either removed with the placenta or consumed by the body. Gynaecological examinations of former RPC-603-1s reveal traces of micro-fissures surrounding the womb and the ovaries. This abdominal remodeling leads to faster implantation times and reduced discomfort within RPC-603-2 for successive uses of RPC-603-1.

While most RPC-603-3 present as typical newborn infants, the usage of RPC-603 is not without potential anomalous consequence. RPC-603-1 may directly influence the growth of the foetus, hypothesized to be "filling in the blanks" with its own genetic material in order to guarantee a viable human life. Should this happen, the resultant RPC-603-3 will possess anomalous botanical effects and features drawn from random plant species that may or may not be easily detectable. This risk scales linearly with the extent of damage presented by the female reproductive system, and includes any health conditions that the male partner may also present.


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