




Artist's impression of RPC-624. Image drawn by Agent Tryon


Registered Phenomena Code: 624

Object Class: Gamma-Orange

Hazard Types: Info-Hazard, Invisibility Hazard, Organic Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Visual Hazard

Containment Protocols: (Updated 08/12/2023) As a result of the current understanding of RPC-624 and its anomalous properties, containment has two focuses: indirect tracking of individuals' travel patterns, and preventing encounters between RPC-624 and civilians. Fifty-five members of the RPC-624 population within Grand Teton National Park have been fitted with tracking devices, with an additional 900 tracked specimens in Canada.

Data recorded from these tracking devices is to be stored in a secure server and encrypted for twenty-four hours before it can be viewed by personnel. This data is used to identify sites regularly visited by RPC-624 in order to plan methods of dissuading civilians from visiting these sites, and of warding RPC-624 away from inhabited areas. Currently, no forms of tracking or observation that would determine RPC-624's precise location1 are permitted due to safety concerns. All observations of RPC-624 must be time-delayed by at least twenty-four hours.

In the event that additional trackers become necessary, agents are to be dispatched to areas frequented by RPC-624 armed with tranquilizer rifles and rubbing alcohol in order to drive potential specimens from their hiding places. All agents stationed in areas known to be frequented by RPC-624 are to be issued bottles of rubbing alcohol during the winter season to prevent attacks while on expeditions. Personnel who suspect they are being stalked by RPC-624 should rub contents on their face and hands before returning to safety.

Description: RPC-624 is a mammalian species2 native to the North American continent. Adult specimens of RPC-624 typically measure approximately 0.8 m in height at the shoulder and 2 m in length from snout to tail. DNA analysis of RPC-624 has identified the species as a member of the family Mustelidae.3 RPC-624's primary anomalous property is its ability to move quickly enough that its presence will not be consciously perceived by observers, though some persons have reported visible movements or shapes in their peripheral vision that vanish when focused on. The species primarily uses this ability to conceal itself almost instantaneously behind nearby objects to hunt prey or avoid being directly viewed.4 RPC-624 is believed to possess an instinctual knowledge that it is currently being observed by humans, and possibly by other animals. Instances have also demonstrated extreme flexibility, allowing them to conceal themselves with objects up to half their normal volumes.

RPC-624's abilities have made observation difficult, meaning most of the following paragraph is partially based on speculation informed by indirect observation.5 Individuals typically live alone and are generally nocturnal. RPC-624 is an opportunistic omnivore, eating leaves, roots, berries, fish, and carrion. Individuals also prey on large ungulates such as deer and bovids, targeting weak and old individuals. RPC-624's abilities enable it to stalk and attack these animals with a higher frequency and success rate than other large predators such as bears. Attacks on humans are rare, but have been reported in winter months when other food sources are scarce. RPC-624 mainly inhabits areas in Northern and Western Canada and the state of Washington, though a smaller population currently resides in Grand Teton National Park, WY; this population may comprise a distinct subspecies. Its historical range was likely larger, but increased human development has driven it out of previously inhabited areas.

RPC-624 has also demonstrated an extreme aversion to the smell of alcohol, and exposure to it has even caused individuals to forgo their usual attempts at concealment in order to flee. The reason for this is unclear, but may be connected with the species' anatomy. Autopsies have indicated that instances possess enlarged respiratory passages that allow it to exhale and inhale more air, likely to help dissipate body heat to support its speed; this feature may also make it more sensitive to certain smells.

History: Scattered reports of incidents matching RPC-624's behavior have been identified dating back to the 1890s. However, its existence was not confirmed until 1989, when civilian Canadian naturalist Philip Leroy discovered a recently dead specimen by chance while studying wolf populations in the Northwest Territories. Leroy then began attempting to track RPC-624 and gather evidence of its existence. Twelve years after his initial discovery, Leroy was able to capture and plant a tracking tag on a living individual before submitting evidence for publication. After he did so, Authority agents confiscated his research and administered amnestics to witnesses. By this point, Leroy himself had gained a reputation as a charlatan in mainstream scientific circles and was recruited as a member of the newly formed RPC-624 research team.

After this, attempts to track and/or capture living specimens were predominantly failures until 2018, when RPC-624's reaction to alcohol was discovered. After this, agents were more successful in driving RPC-624 out from hiding, allowing several hundred specimens to be tagged over the next five years. During this time, there was a noticeable increase in the rate of RPC-624 attacks on humans and the discovery of dead RPC-624 specimens. This increase culminated in Incident 624-147, which resulted in a reevaluation of containment protocols, and of the Authority's understanding of RPC-624's abilities.

Incident 624-147: On 06/19/2023, three civilians, Andrew Boggs, Jason Price, and Michael Stewart, encountered RPC-624-49T while in Grand Teton National Park. The three men were collectively the creators and hosts of "Unknown America", a YouTube channel devoted to self-made documentaries on supernatural phenomena within the United States, and were exploring the park with the intention of capturing footage of local cryptids. The transcript of relevant portions of their video is located below.

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