




Fig 1.0. A section within the forest restricted from public access.


Registered Phenomena Code: 648

Object Class: Alpha-Orange

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-extra-dimensional.png Extra-Dimensional h-emotional.png Emotional h-mind-regression.png Mind-Regression h-organic.png Organic h-regenerative.png Regenerative

Containment Protocols: Due to its nature and frequent visitations by the public, RPC-648 is to be monitored and patrolled by Mobile Specialized Team X-Ray-6 and Mike-9 ("Private Property")1 in attire identical to that of the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Department. Certain areas of RPC-648 have been restricted from access to prevent civilians from venturing further into RPC-648.

Patrols are to be conducted in between 08:00 AM to 21:00 PM. Security personnel are to be on the look out for any human remains attached to a tree root which must immediately be destroyed, including the tree attached to it. Missing reports of the deceased are to be filed and falsified to prevent the discovery of RPC-648's anomalous nature to the general public.

Security personnel assigned to RPC-648 are to be cycled out on a weekly basis, with mandatory psychological evaluations to be undertaken upon shift completion.

Reconnaissance operations within RPC-648 are to be approved by the Expeditionary Reconnaissance Detachment. During these explorations, recon teams are to be comprised by no more than five security personnel, and must wear a Level C hazardous material suit. Reconnaissance operations into RPC-648 are to be permanently suspended. (See Addendum 648.04)

At 21:00 PM, patrols are to be conducted at the outskirts of RPC-648 to prevent civilians and hikers from entry during this period of time. In the event that RPC-648 manifests and attempts to influence an RPC-648-A instance to enter RPC-648, personnel are to immediately apprehend and detain said instances until further notice. However, should an RPC-648-A instance become an immediate threat, security personnel are authorized to use deadly force.

CCTV cameras and motion detectors are placed within the proximity of the shrine to monitor RPC-648-3's activities, and public access to the shrine is to be restricted. In addition, security personnel are to avoid RPC-648-3 under any and all circumstances.


Fig 1.2. Kawajiri Forest, Hokkaido Prefecture.

Description: RPC-648 is a large forest that measures 82km2 on the northwestern flank of Iwamizawa, in the Hokkaido Prefecture of Japan. The Japanese Government initially contacted the Authority's Japanese Branch following an increase of disappearances and death occurring within the forest, and an incident where investigators from the National Police Agency's Security Bureau were found deceased a month after the National Public Safety Commission ensued inquiries. (See Addendum 648.01)

While the exact nature of the location's anomalous property remains unclear, RPC-648 has been observed to manifest when certain individuals (designated as RPC-648-A) with a history of psychological trauma come within proximity of RPC-648. When exposed to the environment, RPC-648-A instances will enter a brief stage of semi-consciousness where they will enter RPC-648 within the late evening hours, and approach an RPC-648-2 instance. Once approached, RPC-648-A instances will then lay before the trunk of RPC-648-2's, before being hoisted by one of its roots and terminated via neck snapping.

When an unaffected subject interrupts an RPC-648-A in any way, RPC-648-A will enter an agitated and hostile state and attempt to kill the subject disrupting them through any available means, up to forcibly pulling the subject towards an RPC-648-2 instance.

According to previous observations, indigenous wildlife found within RPC-648 do not appear to be targeted for termination and consumption by RPC-648-2 instances.

It is important to note that previously-exposed subjects towards RPC-648 that had no previous history of trauma will begin to gradually develop acute stress disorder (ASD) with prolonged exposure to the environment of RPC-648.

RPC-648-2 refers to an anomalous variant of a coniferous tree species (Picea alcoquiana) found only within RPC-648. When an RPC-648-A instance expires, RPC-648-2 uses their roots and branches to latch onto the deceased skin of an RPC-648-A instance, consuming the corpse as a nutritional source through absorption. Within 3-4 hours, the corpse decomposition rate severely increases and the vital organs and skin tissues would be absorbed, leaving nothing but skeletal remains.

RPC-648-2 instances are capable of replicating multiple instances through unknown means. It has been determined that additional RPC-648-A instances are created after the absorption process of an RPC-648-A instance, but the time of replication varies between a day to a week.

RPC-648-3 refers to an unknown extra-dimensional female entity located within the Kawajiri shrine. The subject is often encountered within the area of the shrine, and is seen wearing a tattered old Japanese traditional outfit. Damage upon its clothing appears indicative of slash marks. RPC-648-3 does not manifest in broad daylight, beginning to appear after 21:00. When any person encounters RPC-648-3 within the proximity of the shrine, the subject will immediately attack said person with an old katana that appears to be covered in a mixture of rust and human blood.

Further information in regards to RPC-648-3 is unavailable.

Electronic devices, including flashlights and communication equipment are affected by certain magnetic field hotspots within RPC-648. These hotspots also affect thermal and low-light imaging devices, to which any devices brought into a magnetic field is immediately drained of all battery charge.


Fig 1.3. The Kawajiri Shrine.

Addendum 648.01: Discovery

On May 9, 1982, the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Department carried out a series of investigations of suspicious disappearances and increase of missing reports in the City of Iwamizawa. Police investigators deduced that many of the missing people were last seen at the Kawajiri forest. When investigators initially searched the area, they discovered numerous human remains, but could not identify the corpses.

Police investigations continued until February 28, when two unnamed police officers went missing. A week later, the investigations concluded the case as unsolved which resulted in the Hokkaido Police Commissioner to order the discontinuation of the investigation. The case was eventually handed over to the National Police Agency's Security Bureau2

In July 14, following public scrutiny for the government's lack of actions on the increase of disappearances, the Japanese Government closed the Kawajiri forest to the public and established procedures to combat RPC-648's anomalous nature. However, these procedures proved ineffective after four investigators from the NPA's Security Bureau last reported in at the Kawajiri shrine, and were subsequently found hanging by RPC-648-A's roots.

In light of the incident, the Japanese Government contacted the Authority.

Addendum 648.02: History

In the early-mid 1800s, the Kawajiri forest was utilized by various locals, including travelers and cultists, during the Tokugawa period. The forest community flourished under the auspices of cultist leader Daiji Shinrikyo3 who followed the practice and spiritual worship of Yōkai4 through human sacrifice.

According to an old Japanese paper, Shinrikyo's followers were reported to have kidnapped locals in the forest, who were then sacrificed as a part of cult rituals at a nearby shrine. This shrine in particular was originally created for a long-forgotten yōkai, now presided by RPC-648-3, was believed to bring peace and prosperity throughout the nation. The Tokugawa Government grew concerned of the cult's activities in Kawajiri forest, but didn't intervene due to the rampant civil war with Imperialist supporters.

While it's unclear how RPC-648 manifested originally, the initial report of its anomalous nature dates back to 1868 when Daiji Shinrikyo and his followers fought against imperialist forces. Lieutenant Itagaki Toshizō was tasked to weaken the cult, which resulted the shrine being destroyed and numerous casualties. Shinrikyo and his surviving followers committed seppuku,5 and pleaded the Yōkai entity to grant a malediction upon the forest.

Further anomalous manifestations occurred in the 1940s when the Imperial Japanese Army assigned Unit 274 to study RPC-648 and its anomalous properties. By late 1942, the location became an experiment facility for the Japanese Army and many involuntary test subjects6 were experimented on with RPC-648. These experiments ceased after the Assistant Director of Unit 274, Lt. General Akashi Yasutsuna, ordered the location to be destroyed.

However, the order was unsuccessfully carried out as surviving documents revealed that after Lt. General Akashi Yasutsuna sent out the order, Imperial Japanese soldiers experienced severe casualties from RPC-648-2 instances when attempting to enact a scorched earth policy. By 1955, high-ranking members within the Japanese Defense Agency7 covered up the location and hid its knowledge from the Japanese Government.

Addendum 648.03: Video Reconnaissance Logs

Addendum 648.04: Incident 23/05/████

When an assigned team was dispatched to investigate reports of unusual activities occurred within the Kawajiri shrine, said team failed to report back to command fifteen minutes after they've been deployed. A secondary team was sent to investigate, however, secondary team reportedly came under siege after encountering an anomalous entity.

The following is a post-incident interview with Staff Sergeant Suzuki and Dr. Ishiba.

Addendum 648.05: RPC-886 Interview

Shortly after the interview with SSG. Suzuki, Dr. Ishiba requested to conduct an interview with RPC-886 to see if they have any knowledge relevant to RPC-648. Interview was approved by Site Management with consent from RPC-886's counselors.

The following is an interview with Dr. Hirobumi Suzki and RPC-886.

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