Registered Phenomena Code: 667
Object-Class: Gamma-Purple
Containment Protocols: Due to the nature of RPC-667, it is to be kept in Containment Zone 667 for the time being. Containment Zone 667 must be run at all times with these rules and restrictions:
- Containment Zone 667 is to be staffed with no less than 100 people at all times.
- The 2nd and 3rd floors of Containment Zone 667 are to be off-limits to all personnel.
- Under no circumstances are any anomalous objects, flora, fauna, and humanoids allowed to be within 5km of Containment Zone 667
- A perimeter fence with a radius of 2.8km is to be maintained around Containment Zone 667
- ASF personnel are to be kept on 24-hour watch walking on a marked path which is kept 5km away from RPC-667, keeping in touch with Containment Zone 667 to determine when RPC-667 is in its active state
- All air traffic is to be routed around Site-098 with the cover of it being a covert government compound.
- Any traffic found approaching Site-098 is to be forcefully turned away. Anybody who refuses to do so will be considered a threat and forced away. Lethal force is authorized in these situations.
- RPC-667 is to stay in the middle of Containment Zone 667's Cafeterium.
All instances of RPC-667-3 are to be under the impression that they are RPC personnel. If any instance of RPC-667-3 find this document or figure out their true status, they are to be given Level A-X Amnestics. If an instance RPC-667-3 that has not reached stage 2 continually causes issues, they are to be terminated. Upon the death or termination of an RPC-667-3 instance, a CSD will be sent to Containment Zone-667 as replacement. If no CSD are available, a Level-1 RPC researcher will be sent to Containment Zone-667 as a replacement. All Level-1 to Level-3 personnel are to be given Disinformation Document-667 (see above) when asking about RPC-667.
Description: RPC-667 is a 38-liter beverage cooler that has the words "POW!erade" adorning the front of the object, and a metal spigot as its dispenser. Despite being first discovered by the Authority in 193█, RPC-667 has a design nearly identical to coolers made in the 1990s and 2000s. When the Authority first investigated RPC-667, it was believed that its only anomalous property was its ability to dispense a liquid similar to that of a flavored rehydration beverage, RPC-667-1, whenever RPC-667 was empty. RPC-667-1 does not cause any apparent anomalous effects on its own, but if consumed while under the effects of RPC-667-2, will begin to cause cognitive regression within the consumer, as well as slowly making them more infatuated with RPC-667 and RPC-667-1 until they are considered an RPC-667-3 instance
RPC-667's other property is that if left empty, it will enter an active state at random intervals, marked by the transmission of a currently unknown type of signal, henceforth designated RPC-667-2. RPC-667-2 causes all persons within its 4.6km radius to begin making their way towards RPC-667, usually ignoring any current activities, which can easily cause harm to themselves and those around them. Once they make their way to start drinking from RPC-667-1 using any nearby cups or suitable replacements. This was discovered on ██/██/1940 during a test with the former RPC-████, leading to the deaths of 80 staff members before some of the members the now-disbanded MST Squad Juliet-20, "Fruit Punchers," were forced to neutralize the anomaly.
While RPC-667 is in an active state, persons affected by RPC-667-2 will be unable to control their speech or movements. Individuals stuck in this state will commonly recreate one of a few set movements and poses, usually revolving around drinking RPC-667-1. All statements given by individuals will also revolve around RPC-667-1, although these can be reactive to their current situation. (See Incident Log 667-1 for examples) RPC-667 will remain in an active state for approximately 30 minutes, at which point all affected individuals will regain their faculties. Any person entering the area after the initial signal will not be under RPC-667-2's effects. RPC-667-2 has not been shown to have any lasting effects on affected individuals.
If less than 95 humans are caught within the initial signal of RPC-667-2, the radius of the signal will rapidly increase until it reaches the required amount. Upon reaching the minimum amount, RPC-667-2's radius stops growing, but does not revert back to any previous sizes when future signals are sent. It is currently unknown what the original radius of RPC-667-2 was, or if there is a limit to its growth.
RPC-667-3 is the collective term for those deemed to be completely Lost because of constant exposure to RPC-667-1 and RPC-667-2. While the combined effects were not detected for a while, the rapidly increased rate at which RPC-667 entered its active state after Incident RPC-667-001 lead to many symptoms being displayed in the remaining members of Site-098's staff. RPC-667-3 fall into one of three stages. Stage-0 instances will have been exposed to RPC-667-1 and RPC-667-2 about 1-5 times. Instances are physically identical to humans, and their only psychological differences are a slightly impaired psyche and a major fascination with RPC-667 and RPC-667-1. While seperating them from RPC-667 will cause some level of withdrawal symptoms, it is the only stage where a person can be rehabilitated back to normal.
Most RPC-667-3 instances will be at Stage-1. These instances will all share the same monotone speech pattern, and typically have relatively pale skin with pinkish-red discoloration around their lips as well as physiological signs of sleep deprivation. At this point, while instances can typically still confer with unaffected or Stage-0 Individuals, their entire thought process revolves around RPC-667 and RPC-667-1. It is also noticed at this point that their speech patterns begin to resemble the phrases used by controlled individuals when RPC-667 is in an active state.
Stage-2 is the most drastic and final stage an RPC-667 instance can reach, and it is at this point that the original person's personality and intellect is considered completely Gone. Instance's skin will be sickly pale, and most of their hair will have fallen off. The most striking physical difference, however, is the inability to sweat properly, with dehydrated RPC-667-1 powder being produced by the sweat glands instead. Instances will not be able to speak properly, only repeating phrases that they have said during the last active phase of RPC-667. It has been noted, that stage-2 instances will be far more expressive with their speech than stage-1 for unknown reasons.
RPC-667-3 instances are highly protective of RPC-667, with stage-1 and 2 instances not allowing others to act upon the object in any way. (See RPC-667 Corresponding File 003 for more details) They will also force RPC-667-1 onto any non-RPC-667-3 instances as well as any Stage-0 instances, and attempt to keep these individuals close to RPC-667. If RPC-667 is in a situation that would result in its immediate destruction, All RPC-667-3 instances will attempt to stop the situation with whatever means available, even if it results in their bodily harm or death.
Once the true scope of RPC-667's effects had been noticed following a phone call between GD-ARCH and Former Site Director Frank Conway, It was decided by the GD Council to temporarily consider Site-098 Lost, and for it to be considered Containment Zone 667, as the Authority had its hands full with both the Austral War and handling the crises caused by the outbreak of World War II. Unfortunately with the still rapid rate of RPC-667's active phases, and the difficulty of handling all of the RPC-667-3 instances without possibly losing several dozen Authority Agents, Containment Protocols have not been able to change much since the initial reworking.
RPC-667 Corresponding File 003: Incident Log 667-006
Context: After the death of Former Head Researcher Marcus Laidlow, who was trampled to death by other RPC-667-3 instances during the last active phase of RPC-667, CSD-2034 had been taken to Containment Zone 667, being told he was allowed to "use the facilities of Site-098 as you wish, as long as you don't cause any damage." When this footage was recorded, he had been in the facility for about two and a half hours
CSD-2034: Ahh, Finally the lunchroom! And it looks like its pretty popular too! Although, I thought lunch break wasn't for another couple of hours…
Former Junior Researcher Meyers: Ahh. A new recruit. I'm sure you couldn't resist the delicious fresh and fruity scent of Pow. Erade
CSD-2034: You uhhh, got a cold or sum'n? Don't seem to speaking too well to me
Former MST Agent Cooper: Ha. Ha. Us. Sick. As if I could ever be affected by illness when I'm drinking the all natural and vitamin rich Pow. Erade
CSD-2034: Ooookayyy, I think maybe I'll try your gatorade thing later, I'm gonna go down to the gy-
???: I think I'd rather die than go without Pow! Erade
Former Site Director Conway opens the door in front of CSD-2034, grabbing him by the shoulders
Conway: Nothing beats a fruity fresh cup of Pow! Erade.
Conway forces CSD-2034 down on one of the cafeterium benches before filling up a plastic cup of RPC-667-1
CSD-2034: Listen, if this is about that lightswitch I broke I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit it that hard I swear I know you all tol-
Conway shoves the cup of RPC-667-1 into CSD-2034's mouth
Conway: Phil I know you hate sharing, but a life without Pow!erade is comparable to the experience of burning alive in the river Acheron!
CSD-2034: Khoff Oh Khak Khak Jesus… You motherfuckers are insane! I'm not gonna drink your fucking Propel shit! Maybe if I smash this fucking cooler you'll start to see reason!
Conway: Ha Ha Ha! Oh I always get it, once you've had one drink you can't help but grab approximately 2.34 gallons!
CSD-2034: Don't… khoff Don't even try… Huff Don't do it. Hffff Please.
Conway grabs CSD-2034 by the hair, shoving his head into RPC-667. He begins flailing his arms and legs, attempting to hit Conway.
Conway: Nothing tastes better on a Sunday afternoon than a glass of Pow! Erade.
CSD-2034 stops flailing his limbs, only using his arms in an attempt to lift himself out of the liquid.
Conway: Nothing tastes better on a Sunday afternoon than a glass of Pow! Erade.
CSD-2034 struggles to move his arms, weakly pushing at the floor in a final attempt to break out
Conway: Nothing tastes better on a Sunday afternoon than a glass of Pow. Erade.
CSD-2034 has ceased all movement
Statement from Former GD-ARCH "Warden"
What happened to Site-098 was a tragedy, and a reflection on how little we truly know about the anomalies we capture. I hope there will never be a disaster of this magnitude in the Authority's future, and I send my prayers to those who have Lost because of this terrible incident.
I personally considered Site Director Conway my friend when I was still a Director myself. He, and all the others taken because of this incident will be remembered.
GD-ARCH "Warden"