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Registered Phenomena Code: 687
Object Class: Beta-Orange
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: | Grouped | Sentient | Bio-Hazard | Contact | Ideological | Mind-Control | Visual |
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: | Aquatic | Organic |
Containment Protocols: RPC-687-1 is to be kept in a .43 meter glass container locked with a pin-code keypad at Site-047. Jars of collected instances of RPC-687 are to be stored in a standard Beta class locker beside the glass container, restricted to Level 3 personnel only.
Should any subject manage to breach RPC-687, security personnel are to exterminate the subject and collect RPC-687 before recontainment and place it back into the locker and lock it. The chamber containing RPC-687 and RPC-687-1 is to be deep cleaned to assure safety to Authority personnel.
Should anyone take RPC-687-1, security personnel are to locate the subject and terminate said subject. RPC-687-1 is then to be picked up preferably with any extended grabbing device and placed back into its container, the container is then to be re-locked.1 If these devices are unavailable, standard medical latex gloves can be used as an alternative.
Security personnel entering RPC-687's chamber or retrieving RPC-687-1 are to be wearing protective clothing (ie; Level C Hazmats) to avoid being infected by RPC-687.
Description: The designation RPC-687 refers to a worm-like species of parasites. The species of RPC-687 is unknown but is speculated to belong to the Dracunculus Medinensis2 genus. RPC-687 instances are white in pigmentation and exhibit a shape similar to thin tubes.
RPC-687 instances exhibit extremely parasitic attributes such as infiltrating a subject’s body extremely quickly, utilizing its host for nutrients, draining intelligence, and reproducing within the host via binary fission.3
When RPC-687 is released from RPC-687-1, it will hastily burrow in the subject's skin and will begin eating away at the subject's flesh as well as reproducing rapidly. The subject is now designated RPC-687-A. While doing so, it has been observed that the RPC-687-A instance will suffer mild to extreme malnutrition depending on the starting mass of RPC-687-A. RPC-687-A's skin will then begin to become discolored, turning a soft gray hue as well as darker bags forming under the eyes. This process will worsen until RPC-687-A expires. RPC-687 will then exude from RPC-687-A's carcass and will search for RPC-687-1.
RPC-687, when outside of RPC-687-1 or its victim, will expire in a short amount of time and will decompose in ~2 minutes, although, this process can be slowed when instances of RPC-687 are stored in hydrochloric acid or water. This can slow the decomposition process by ~10 days. When placed in water, RPC-687 will remain alive for ~1 week.
When in water, RPC-687's epidermis will turn an opaque-white color, becoming nearly invisible. RPC-687 will then reproduce inside said body of water and infect others like a guinea worm.4 After 1 week has passed, all living instances inside the water will expire and will no longer be active.
RPC-687-1 refers to an untitled 300-page leather-bound book written by Jane & Dennis Mcarthy written in a previously undocumented language. RPC-687-1 has been observed to be immune to destruction.
In the instance of RPC-687 being exposed to a highly-populated area, RPC-687 will begin to reproduce and spread to other hosts.
Although there is one instance of RPC-687-1, RPC-687 can spread to different books. The way RPC-687 does this is by simply finding a book that it can reach and entering RPC-687-1 and anomalously vanishing.
This new instance, designated RPC-687-2, will still have the same attributes as RPC-687-1.
Although the new instance will have an entirely different language and author, the dialect in which the new instance is written will convert to the same language as RPC-687-1.
Depending on the thickness and composition of RPC-687-A's blood, RPC-687 will construct broods within blood vessels or capillaries and will overtake RPC-687-A's cognitive thoughts and take control of RPC-687-A's bodily functions in similarity to the Massapora fungus.5 RPC-687 will not attempt to spread itself via the vector, RPC-687-A, but will instead make RPC-687-A cause harm to itself or commit suicide.
Discovery: RPC-687-1 was discovered in the town of Nawabs, India when a couple by the name of Jane and Dennis McCarthy sold an untitled book to homeless gentlemen. When the person opened RPC-687-1, they were infested with instances of RPC-687. The person later spread those instances to 15 other citizens and killing them before expiring. RPC-687-1 drew the attention to the Authority when an Authority branded lab located in India ran tests on RPC-687 and concluded that they were apart of no known genus and had anomalous attributes when they reproduced on a petri dish on top of a shelf and later multiplied their population inside the lab from 45 to 206 instances.
Dennis and Jane were later interviewed and they stated they were making anomalies and this was their first one. They also stated that their plan was to infect all of India for an unknown motive. They were later terminated to help prevent future anomalies from being created by the couple.
Addendum 687.1: In recent studies and tests, the Authority has concluded that extraction of RPC-687 is not only a "waste of time" but too difficult due to the rapid reproduction of RPC-687.