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Registered Phenomena Code: RPC-704
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Organic Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Aggression Hazard, Corrosive Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-704 is to be contained within a specially designed avian containment cell at Site-031-1, measuring 9x9x9 meters. RPC-704’s containment chamber has been modified to have a five-inch layer of a tungsten-nickel alloy to line the entirety of the internal cell.
If RPC-704 is seen utilizing its acidic bile/saliva in what is to be believed an attempt at breaching containment, activation of its tungsten, electro-shock ankle bracelet is to be authorized.1 If RPC-704's ankle bracelet is either compromised or fails to incapacitate it even at increased voltage, at minimum, three security personnel are to enter RPC-704's chamber with stun batons and tasers to pacify the creature until containment can be fully re-instated.
RPC-704 is an omnivore and is to be fed at least twice daily. The diet of RPC-704 is to consists of foods rich in iron-based proteins, nutrient-rich viscera such as livers and intestine, and broccoli.2 On occasion, RPC-704 may also be given pieces of scrap metal as a reward for good behavior (which it uses to adorn itself and its containment chamber in a way that it would hypothetically use in a den in RPC-704's natural habitat).
Description: RPC-704 is a bi-pedal Corvian similar to the Utahraptor and Corvus brachyrhynchos3 measuring 1.79 meters to 1.98 meters (at the hips) in height, 5.4 meters in length, and weighs roughly 544 kilograms.
RPC-704 varies from its hypothesized progenitor species in a variety of speciations, ways excluding its appearance. In place of scales, RPC-704 is adorned in a variety of long, iridescent feathers that densely coat RPC-704, which help it to regulate temperature as well as protect itself against its own self-defense mechanisms. When present in a warm-climate, RPC-704 has been observed to fluff its feathers to help it regulate its body heat, with the inverse being the case when it is considered cold.
RPC-704's most notable difference is its saliva, the acidity of which is far beyond even hydrochloric acid. Unfortunately, due to the unstable and highly volatile nature of said saliva, all research on its effects has been obtained through observation alone. It is currently believed that RPC-704 innately uses said acidity both as a self-defense mechanism and for nest building near a suitable habitat with large concentrations of metal.4
Due to the rate at which RPC-704 molts,5 it is currently considered to be in its later adolescent stage and is estimated to grow to 7 meters in length, 2 meters tall, and roughly 900 kilograms in weight by the time of full maturity. Feathers gathered from RPC-704's molting process are seemingly non-anomalous, with the exception of their molecular structure. Said structure, through a currently unknown process, is highly resistant to corrosive elements, being able to resist RPC-704's own acidic saliva for an extended period of time.
Like other species of crow, RPC-704 possesses a degree of vocalization: Able to produce a low, guttural "caw" sound to express itself and alert others of its presence. Unlike other species of crow, however, RPC-704 vocal patterns appear to be much more advanced: Somehow being able to not only copy but almost perfectly mimic the vocal patterns of humans, short-spoken phrases, and random noises.6
Further analysis of feathers shed from RPC-704 show a striking genetic resemblance to that of RPC-514, which have led to perplexing questions amongst researchers on what exact deviation occurred in both environment and genetics to warrant such a dramatic change in biology, it is currently believed that RPC-704 may originate from ALTR-D2AJ7 based upon testimonies from authority personnel from said ALTR.
For instance, during a previous containment breach, RPC-704 was able to near perfectly mimic the screaming of Junior Engineer Janet Issac after being startled by and subsequently attacked Junior Engineer Issac; leaving her severe chemical burns on her left arm8. Said mimicking led medical staff to RPC-704 instead of tending to Junior Engineer Issac as intended, causing them to be attacked as well as but still left alive.9
Excluding RPC-704's volatile saliva, RPC-704 hosts a wide variety of other self-defense mechanisms as well as other biological features that make it well-adapted to a multitude of environmental conditions: The most prevalent feature being RPC-704's 12.5cm long, 5cm wide10 claws that adorn on its three-toed feet, similar to that of the Corvus brachyrhynchos. Other such biological features include but are not limited to:
- Brief flight, comparable to that of a chicken
- Average run-speed varying between 40-48km/h (or 25-30mph)
- Low-light adaptability greater than that of the North-American crow
- Pattern recognition comparable to that of a young human child(7-12 years of age); more information disclosed in Incident Report RPC-704-3
Like other species with a similar level of intelligence, RPC-704 displays unique behavioral quirks likely inherent to itself. Such notable behavioral patterns being:
- Pacing around its cell, seemingly in concentration.
- Unique vocalization, that which can only be comparable to that of a mating call.
- 'Playing' with metal provided by the Authority, melting the metal and twisting it into various shapes (most commonly the shape of a ball), followed by kicking said metal around its containment chamber as if it were a toy.
- Paranoia regarding security cameras and/or other surveillance devices: attacking them after initially breaching containment, etc.
Extensive experimentation involving insight, cognitive bias, and pattern recognition tests displayed that RPC-704 possesses an above-average intelligence compared to other avian species and far exceeding that of any hypothesized ancestral species theorized to come before it.
Log #: RPC-704 Discovery
Location: █████, Nevada, Twenty eight miles from Site-015
Date of Occurrence: 11/11/2020
EOI Involved: RPC-704, currently unknown Spatial Anomaly.
Witnesses: Researcher ███, of Site-015. Alpha-3 ("Scavengers").
Description: When the detection of low ACS alerted site staff at Site-015, Alpha-3 ("Scavengers") was deployed to the area where said detection was located. It is currently believed that RPC-704 had manifested right within the outskirts of ██████. Due to negligence on the part of Alpha-3, RPC-704 had fled into █████ through unknown means. Seemingly able to comprehend the fact that it was outnumbered. While initially believed to be running in fear, RPC-704 had first demonstrated its cognitive abilities by adapting to the unfamiliar environment of █████ through running into an adjacent alleyway. After doing so, RPC-704 was then believed to have scaled up the alleyway and dropped below onto squad leader Chris 'Ostickel, fracturing his spine and tearing his trachea out, instantly terminating him.
The rest of Alpha-3 opened fire, with one member having accidentally tripping over a newly-formed acidic hole and falling face first into the acidic remains where Squad Leader 'Ostickel's throat once was. Despite further collateral damage ( as well as near-fatal to fatal injuries accumulated by Alpha-3 ), RPC-704 was eventually sedated, and Site-015 was contacted for retrieval.
Reactionary Measures: RPC-704 was temporarily contained at Site-015 as it was the nearest site from ■■■■■, soon after a transport vehicle arrived to take the RPC to Site-015. RPC-704 re-awakened and proceeded to tear through the vehicle, killing the driver in the process. After heavy sedation and through trial and error, RPC-704 was eventually moved to Site-031, where it currently remains.
Incident Report: "Rowdy Guest"
Anomalies Involved: | RPC-704 | The anomaly was able to escape its transport vehicle. |
Incident Type: | Engage & Contain | RPC-704 was able to injure two ASF officers. |
Incident Location: | Site-015 | Temporary/Light Containment Wing |
Cause of Incident: | Standard Containment Cell inefficient to contain RPC-704 | Materials used in cell were not acid-resistient. |
Status: | Resolved | RPC-704 was successfully sedated by ASF personnel. |
RPC-704, upon initial discovery and acquisition thereafter, was contained at Site-015 for further analysis. Upon placement in a standard containment chamber, RPC-704 soon reawakened and began to pace around frantically, chirping in what is believed to be confusion. RPC-704 then utilized its acidic saliva to quickly melt through an adjacent wall. ASF personnel then attempted to intervene quickly, it should be noted that the feathers of RPC-704 were durable enough to break the tips of tranquilizer needles when attempting to sedate the RPC.
05:25 AM: RPC-704 arrives at Site-015.
05:48 AM: RPC-704 is placed within a standard containment chamber.
06:07 AM: RPC-704 awakens from sedation.
06:09 AM: RPC-704 observes in its containment chamber, scratching at the main door.
06:10 AM: RPC-704 inspects the door, utilizing its acidic saliva to melt, and eventually pry open the melted door utilizing its claws.
06:12 AM: RPC-704 breaches containment, ASF personnel are alerted.
06:15 AM: ASF Personnel arrives at RPC-704's temporary containment chamber and attempts to lure it back into its cell. This course of action proves futile.
06:15 AM: ASF Staff Johnathan Pactor is struck on the head by RPC-704's tail, temporarily incapacitating him.
06:16 AM: ASF Staff Gary Martinez is attacked by RPC-704 using its front claws, tearing through his body armor and leaving him with a minor chest wound.
06:17 AM: ASF Staff J. Pactor leaps atop RPC-704, diverting its attention from a vulnerable ASF Martinez.
06:17 AM: After a brief scuffle, ASF J. Pactor successfully injects RPC-704 with a high-strength sedative but is quickly thrown off thereafter.
06:19 AM: RPC-704 enters a state of panic, flailing about. RPC-704 stares directly at a nearby security camera as the effects of the sedative take hold, incapacitating it.
Personnel Injured:
- Authority Security Force:
- 2 Minorly Bruised personnel
- Assets Compromised:
- 1 Containment Chamber Door
RPC-704 is first recorded utilizing its acidic saliva, as well as demonstrating its cognitive awareness in deciding where it would be most advantageous to erode containment chamber it was within. While sedated, an electro-shock ankle bracelet was outfitted to the RPC to aid in further re-containment efforts. Staff between Site-015 and Site-031 discussed moving RPC-704 to Site-031, said decision was agreed upon by both parties.
Incident Report: "Cost an Arm & a Leg"
Anomalies Involved: | RPC-704 | The anomaly was left unsupervised during testing. |
Incident Type: | Engage & Contain, SMAck | One ASF officer was fatally wounded; five others injured. |
Incident Location: | Site-031-1 | Heavy Containment Wing; Break Room |
Cause of Incident: | Weakness exploited of RPC-704's containment chamber exploited by Anomaly | Lead-Researcher Thomas Wreed |
Status: | Resolved | RPC-704 was overwhelmed and recontained. |
REPORT DESCRIPTION: RPC-704 exploits the weaknesses in its cell's door system to breach containment: Killing one guard and tearing off one arm and the leg of the then-current RPC-704 Lead-Researcher Thomas Wreed before being re-contained)
RPC-704, having initially been housed at Site-031-1, had been safely transported from Site-015 with minor difficulty in which the anomaly could be kept under safer conditions. After communication between Dir. Gilda Jair of Site-031-1 and Head Supervisor Kui-Xing of the Engineering Component were established, negotiations were made to determine the construction of a containment chamber efficient enough to deal with RPC-704's acidic properties.
Said protocol proposal was approved and RPC-704 was put into a standard containment chamber for the following two months; with a shock collar attached to its leg to dissuade utilization of RPC-704's acidic saliva. Researcher Thomas Wreed was originally designated to contain RPC-704. However, following a display of negligent behavior when leaving a supervised test for coffee, RPC-704 was able to once more breach containment. This incident resulted in the death of at least ASF personnel, Researcher Wreed being put into critical condition due to severe acidic burns across his left leg in the process of re-containment.11
02:18 PM: RPC-704 paces about in its containment chamber, looking occasionally at the ceiling of its chamber.
02:20 PM: 02:20 PM: Researcher Wreed begins a supervised test of RPC-704 involving its willingness to obey and/or understand commands, (The ultimate end-goal of the experiment being to test whether RPC-704 could be reliably tamed along with any other RPC-704 instance that may be discovered).
02:21 PM: Researcher Wreed alerts RPC-704's attention using a microphone, attempting to see if it can understand human speech., RPC-704 takes notice of Reed’s vocal commands but displays no signs of comprehension.
02:23 PM: Researcher Wreed grows frustrated, and begins to utilize the electro-shock collar attacked to RPC-704 when it becomes aggressive towards the testing procedure, but not when it fails to complete a task.
02:24 PM: RPC-704 is shocked with its electro-shock collar for failing to complete its tasks, RPC-704 seems uninjured but slightly frightened.
02:26 PM: After briefly writing down the results thus far, Researcher Wreed continues the test with a different set of objectives, primarily determining what food will RPC-704 prefer when given multiple options.
02:28 PM: RPC-704 inspects all the food presented to it, devouring the cattle gizzards presented to it as well as inspecting but not eating various fruits.
02:30 PM: Researcher Wreed begins to conclude the test, only for him to notice RPC-704 scrawling what is believed to be the symbol of an eye upon its containment chamber right where it would be in direct view of the security camera within its chamber.
02:32 PM: Researcher Wreed begins to quickly write this information down, noticing as it continues to draw eye after eye on its cell, with RPC-704 becoming faster as it does.
2:50 PM: After eighteen minutes, RPC-704 had covered nearly its entire containment chamber in drawings of an eye, with even usage of its electroshock collar not impeding its progress. With Researcher Wreed believing its behavior to be predictable, Wreed left in the middle of a supervised test to grab a coffee.
02:51 PM: Barely a minute after Researcher Wreed leaves, RPC-704 seemingly is able to detect it is not being watched directly, and begins to utilize its acidic saliva on its shock collar, melting the collar off of itself within seconds.
02:52 PM: RPC-704 proceeds to take a forward leap up, grabbing onto the security camera within its cell using its beak and tearing the camera right out of the foundation of the wall it was on, RPC-704 then proceeds to utilize the same trick it had performed in its prior containment chamber and melts through the containment chamber door, breaching containment.
02:53 PM RPC-704 pounces on ASF Jim Richardson, who had been guarding the exterior of RPC-704's containment chamber, incapacitating him and proceeding throughout the facility.
02:53 PM Researcher Wreed arrives at the break room, begins to pour himself a cup of coffee.
02:53 PM ASF Personnel locate and open fire upon RPC-704, RPC-704 is minorly wounded and proceeds to side-swipe one personnel with its claws, puncturing a lung in the process.
02:53 PM RPC-704 hoists another ASF Personnel utilizing its powerful beak and proceeds to toss said personnel at a nearby security camera with enough force to damage the lens.
02:54 PM Researcher Wreed begins chatting with Researcher Richard Maitland while in the break room, seemingly forgetting his test in the process.
02:54 PM RPC-704 pounces upon ASF Personnel Daniel Dashe (who was assigned to guard the break room), impaling him in the neck with its claws and proceeding to devour a majority of his innards.
02:55 PM Researcher Wreed and Maitland drop their coffee in horror, the noise attracting RPC-704 who attacks Researcher Wreed; severely corroding his left leg and tearing off his right arm, Wreed falls unconscious from shock and blood loss.
02:55 PM Researcher Maitland slowly sneaks around RPC-704, grabs previous ASF Dashe's gun at entrance of break room.
02:56 PM Researcher Maitland hits the emergency alarm outfitted in all Site-031 break-rooms and open fires at RPC-704, slightly injuring it.
02:56 PM RPC-704 attempts to pounce upon Researcher Maitland, but slips on a puddle of blood and misses, the anomaly begins to give chase to Researcher Maitland.
02:57 PM Researcher Maitland runs out of the break room and into a nearby supply closet as RPC-704 locates him
02:58 PM RPC-704 begins to secrete acidic salvia across the door, only to stop mid-way to destroy a security camera above said closet door
03:00 PM Medical staff accompanied by ASF personnel arrive at the scene, overwhelming RPC-704 with numbers as medical staff arrive to treat Researcher Wreed
03:02 PM After a brief scuffle, RPC-704 is sedated and brought to an unused standard containment chamber for temporary containment, as well as outfitted with a newer shock collar (this time outfitted around the neck)
Personnel Injured:
- Authority Security Force:
- 1 Personnel killed-in-action
- 1 Personnel in critical condition
- 2 Personnel incapacitated minorly Bruised
- Anomaly Experimentation Team:
- Amputation of Lead Researcher's arm and leg
- Assets Compromised:
- 2 Metal Door
- 3 Surveillance Cameras
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Researcher Wreed, while approved for use of RPC-270 was severely reprimanded for his inadequate and incompetent behavior. Researcher Wreed attempted to bond with RPC-270 but was unsuccessful, resulting in contact with the Biomechanical Module to commission a prosthetic arm and leg for Researcher Wreed. After being outfitted with a new prosthetic arm & leg, Researcher Wreed was relocated to a different site and Researcher Richard Maitland was assigned to RPC-704.
Incident Report: "The Tortoise & The Crow"
Anomalies Involved: | RPC-704, RPC-420 | The anomaly exploited its chamber's door systems; encountered RPC-420. |
Incident Type: | Snowball, Hudson | RPC-704 escapes Site-031. |
Incident Location: | Site-031-1 | RPC-420's containment chamber |
Cause of Incident: | Power Outage caused by weather-related malfunctions allowed RPC-704 to breach containment | A tropical storm |
Status: | Resolved | RPC-704 was lured back to its cell. |
RPC-704, since being assigned to Researcher Richardson and had not attempted to breach containment once more successfully in two months. This has been primarily attributed to Researcher Richardson's more cautious approach to RPC-704's habitual and comfort requirements. However, due to a recent power outage caused by a severe thunderstorm, RPC-704's monitoring was temporarily disabled allowing RPC-704 to breach containment successfully once more. The anomaly was able to approach RPC-420's containment chamber, but quickly showed signs of distress before making eye contact and actively attempting to avoid the anomaly without experiencing its effects. RPC-704 was successfully and willfully lured back to its containment chamber by Junior Engineer Jannet Issac by offering her lunch as well as a metal baton as bait.
07:28 PM: RPC-704 awakens from a temporary nap, the weather surrounding Site-031 seemingly having some correlation.
07:48 PM: A minor power surge occurs, temporarily disabling RPC-704's surveillance system.
07:49 PM: RPC-704 notices the change in power from the surveillance cameras within its chamber and begins to act.
07:52 PM: RPC-704 observes its behavior is not being reacted to, furthering the speed at which RPC-704 attempts to breach containment.
07:53 PM: RPC-704 with minor difficulty melts through the shock collar attached to its neck and proceeds to melt through its main containment chamber opening as backup generators begin to kick in.
07:54 PM: RPC-704 breaches containment, however, uncharacteristic to its previous attempts ignores all personnel it encounters and instead makes a direct sprint for the main exit of its portion of Site-031-1.
08:02 PM: ASF Personnel spot RPC-704 arriving on the surface and begin to lay down suppressive fire in an attempt to frighten it. This proves futile and ASF Personnel begin to directly aim for RPC-704 in fear that it will attack site personnel
08:04 PM: RPC-704, under the growing cover of night is able to avoid fire from ASF Personnel and slip into the nearby Jungle Canopy.
08:06 PM: Convoys are called to pursue RPC-704 to prevent it from reaching civilized areas as RPC-704 runs further into the wilderness.
08:28 PM: As RPC-704 makes its way throughout the wilderness is spotted by aerial surveillance as it makes its way towards RPC-420's containment area.
08:32 PM: RPC-704 comes within 400 feet of RPC-420's containment chamber and suddenly stops, seemingly on high alert as it begins to sniff the air.
08:33 PM: RPC-704 enters a state of panic, and begins to make a hasty retreat from RPC-420's containment chamber without ever having directly encountered RPC-420.
08:44 PM: After knowing the rough location of RPC-704's position, the previously mentioned convoy was able to catch up with and subsequently subdue RPC-704.
- Assets Compromised:
- 1 Containment Chamber Door
- 1 Tire; ASF Convoy Vehicle
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: After this, the RPC is appointed a new animal specialist by the OAS, Dr. Anna Perkins, who specialized in both hostile entities and cryptozoology. Over the course of 2 months, Dr. Perkins made several attempts to tame it. Results are semi-successful, with no other containment breach attempts made but the RPC still being highly territorial.
Interviewed: ALTR Researcher Steven Krisp
Interviewer: Researcher Richard Maitland
Foreword: After the events of Incident Report RPC-704-3 transpired, it was concluded by staff at Site-031-1 that more information would need to be gathered regarding RPC-704 if containment was to become any more efficient. After studies proved RPC-704 to be genetically related in some way to RPC-514, a known associate of ALTR-D2AJ was contacted regarding the currently believed hypothesis regarding RPCs sudden arrival, said hypothesis stating that RPC-704's origin and sudden manifestation into our reality.
<Begin Log>
Researcher Maitland: "Hello and good morning Researcher Krisp, I hope this is an alright time to chat?"
Researcher Krisp: [ Researcher Krisp takes a seat, sipping on their coffee as they do ] "I've got a virtual meeting with another site in about oh, 25 minutes? As long as we're done by then by all means."
Researcher Maitland: "Yes, yes, that should be ample time. As to not waste either of our time I'd like to get down to the questions I'd like to ask you regarding Alternate Reality D2AJ if that's alright.
Researcher Krisp: "Go for it"
Researcher Maitland: "Right, so within the past few months we've come across quite the rather well, 'pain in our asses' as we'd say back in the states and after careful consideration, we may believe to be from your reality. Please, take a look at these photographs and um, let me know if it's anything you would've encountered originally."
[ Researcher Maitland opens a small folder, sliding the folder and its contents across the table the two are sitting at. Researcher Krisp opens and inspects the photographs within ]
Researcher Krisp: "Oh, no no, fuck, don't tell me they're here too. Fuck."
Researcher Maitland: "I understand you might be shocked, and while this interview is rather informal, we should still try and remain professional when the tapes are recording."
Researcher Krisp: "I-ah, where the hell do I even begin with this? There is a lotta stuff I left behind when I escaped, alot of things I'd rather had not left behind. But these fucking things? I'd go back to pre-alpha trigger expired rations for the rest of my life if it meant not seeing these things again."
Researcher Maitland: "That bad, huh? So you have seen these creatures from your reality then? Could you tell me more about them?"
Researcher Krisp: " *Sigh* we couldn't tell you much. Alot of our data we had taken on them were from deceased instances. What I can tell you is that Site-031 is probably the best place to contain it. Its always been spotted in dry, arid climates like what remained of Nevada, or Arizona. They aren't fliers, thank god, but they make ostriches look like chumps in a race."
Researcher Maitland: "I, uh, more meant what exactly made them so feared amongst your colleagues?"
Researcher Krisp: "Oh, besides the fact they are five hundred kilogram death machines designed to be just smart enough to fuck with humans? Yeah, we only ever contained one live specimen, an egg at that. The egg itself was about the size of an ostrich egg, with a rustic brown coloration to it, at least the one we had was."
Researcher Maitland: "This… chick was enough to kill multiple of your colleagues?"
Researcher Krisp: "What? No, no, it was an ugly little duckling but it never directly attacked us. What it did do however was escape. And when it escaped? It taught its new pack everything it learned about us. It turned the 'big murder birds' into the 'scrap iron crows' as we called 'em."
Researcher Maitland: "Fascinating! So you're saying the chick retained enough valuable information on human behavior even at only a few days or weeks old? And escaped your containment at that?"
Researcher Krisp: "Yeah, sounds more impressive than it was to break out. All our 'sites' were running on duct tape, coffee, and prayers. We literally had a chalkboard that we'd write down the days between each causality amongst us in the main cafeteria. It was small enough to fit in your hand."
[ Researcher Krisp takes a moment to sigh, revealing a small flask from their breast pocket and putting a few drops of what is believed to be a hard liquor into their coffee, as the liquid mixes with their coffee Researcher Krisp leans forward onto the table, his arms holding his head. ]
Researcher Maitland: "Hey, you're a good man Steve. I don't want to push this any further than the brass upstairs requires me to. We can always reschedule this another time."
Researcher Krisp: "I-no. No. I will be fine, thank you. Just gotta' get through this week. Let me continue, so the RPC-704 instance we have goes and forms a pack of its own. This pack by itself made a great deal of Arizona and Nevada inoperable, let alone all the other anomalies out in that area. What differentiated them, however, was their coordination and creative thinking. They'd lay traps specifically designed to kill us. Human 'top of the food chain' beings'."
Researcher Maitland: "A single pack was enough to make an entire state inoperable? How many were in the pack, and how quickly was this process?"
Researcher Krisp: "At first, only three or four, a threat. But if you had automatic firearms or fire, you could hold them back. Within oh, a few months that number quickly rose to about a hundred."
Researcher Maitland: "Excuse me, a hundred?"
Researcher Krisp: "Despite being birds, the fuckers well, fuck like rabbits. And the alphas? Well, they grew a little bit slower but they also had spit that made chlorine trifluoride look like its bitch."
Researcher Maitland: "So, only a select few can secrete acidic saliva? That sounds more like a recent mutation. I wonder if the RPC-704 instance we have in containment has any correlation."
Researcher Krisp: "You have an Alpha, are you insane?! We could barely kill the adolescents. Which based on your pictures indicates that this ones still young, its feathers are still black. That's, that's good." [Researcher Krisp stands up from the table, also checking the time on his watch.]
Researcher Maitland: "Calm down will you? It's too early for this and I just said to try and keep it professional. What is so important about RPC-704 being young?"
Researcher Krisp: "The Alphas are the ones that spread the population so fast. It helps to keep the gene pool growing, I guess. But, think of it like this. You're dealing with something that has already breached containment on numerous occasions and has torn body armor like paper. The fact that its still growing should be enough cause for alarm."
[ Researcher Krisp's watch begins beeping, prompting Krisp to glance back down at their watch, turning off the alarm they had set and beginning to depart. ]
Researcher Krisp: "Look, I gotta go. But you listen to me Maitland, if you take anything from our conversation here? Kill the son of a bitch. I know we're the Authority and all, but a single alpha could turn a pack of three into a pack of one hundred, and a group of well, us, my friends; from about two hundred to twelve in one night. If that thing finds a mate in this timeline? Kiss this whole continent goodbye."
[Researcher Krisp exits the interview room, Researcher Maitland allowing the Interview to conclude then.]Researcher Maitland: "Sigh Damnit Richard, just what have you gotten yourself into?"
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Later that evening, following his shift, Researcher Krisp would put in an official request for the termination of RPC-704. Dr. Krisp's request has since been denied. Researcher Maitland has also taken more precautions into understanding RPC-704's psyche and allowed Junior Engineer Janet Issac to assist in various projects or experimentations involving RPC-704. Issac was noted to have expressed personal interest in the anomaly after a previous containment breach involving RPC-704 corroding her left arm to the point of prosthetic involvement. Maitland's request is currently pending approval.