




Registered Phenomena Code: RPC-704

Object Class: Beta-Yellow

Hazard Types: Organic Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Aggression Hazard, Corrosive Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-704 is to be contained within a specially designed avian containment cell at Site-031-1, measuring 9x9x9 meters. RPC-704’s containment chamber has been modified to have a five-inch layer of a tungsten-nickel alloy to line the entirety of the internal cell.

If RPC-704 is seen utilizing its acidic bile/saliva in what is to be believed an attempt at breaching containment, activation of its tungsten, electro-shock ankle bracelet is to be authorized.1 If RPC-704's ankle bracelet is either compromised or fails to incapacitate it even at increased voltage, at minimum, three security personnel are to enter RPC-704's chamber with stun batons and tasers to pacify the creature until containment can be fully re-instated.

RPC-704 is an omnivore and is to be fed at least twice daily. The diet of RPC-704 is to consists of foods rich in iron-based proteins, nutrient-rich viscera such as livers and intestine, and broccoli.2 On occasion, RPC-704 may also be given pieces of scrap metal as a reward for good behavior (which it uses to adorn itself and its containment chamber in a way that it would hypothetically use in a den in RPC-704's natural habitat).

Description: RPC-704 is a bi-pedal Corvian similar to the Utahraptor and Corvus brachyrhynchos3 measuring 1.79 meters to 1.98 meters (at the hips) in height, 5.4 meters in length, and weighs roughly 544 kilograms.

RPC-704 varies from its hypothesized progenitor species in a variety of speciations, ways excluding its appearance. In place of scales, RPC-704 is adorned in a variety of long, iridescent feathers that densely coat RPC-704, which help it to regulate temperature as well as protect itself against its own self-defense mechanisms. When present in a warm-climate, RPC-704 has been observed to fluff its feathers to help it regulate its body heat, with the inverse being the case when it is considered cold.

RPC-704's most notable difference is its saliva, the acidity of which is far beyond even hydrochloric acid. Unfortunately, due to the unstable and highly volatile nature of said saliva, all research on its effects has been obtained through observation alone. It is currently believed that RPC-704 innately uses said acidity both as a self-defense mechanism and for nest building near a suitable habitat with large concentrations of metal.4

Like other species with a similar level of intelligence, RPC-704 displays unique behavioral quirks likely inherent to itself. Such notable behavioral patterns being:

  • Pacing around its cell, seemingly in concentration.
  • Unique vocalization, that which can only be comparable to that of a mating call.
  • 'Playing' with metal provided by the Authority, melting the metal and twisting it into various shapes (most commonly the shape of a ball), followed by kicking said metal around its containment chamber as if it were a toy.
  • Paranoia regarding security cameras and/or other surveillance devices: attacking them after initially breaching containment, etc.

Extensive experimentation involving insight, cognitive bias, and pattern recognition tests displayed that RPC-704 possesses an above-average intelligence compared to other avian species and far exceeding that of any hypothesized ancestral species theorized to come before it.



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