
Walking with Dinosaurs




Registered Phenomena Code: 869


Object Class:


Hazard Types:

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-sentient.png Sentient

General Properties:

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-ecological.png Ecological

Containment Protocols: Since RPC-869 cannot be contained due to the ecological devastation that would follow, Authority agents are to focus on disinformation campaigns. Books, news articles, and internet media discrediting and debunking sightings of the Mokele-Mbembe, Emela-Ntouka, Kamola-Minama, & Kongamato are to be put out through embedded Authority agents and Authority front companies. Members of MST Uniform-03 are to monitor the environments of RPC-869 for any signs of poaching remove any traps, and stop any poachers approaching the current location of an instance of an RPC-869 instance.

RPC-869-2 and RPC-869-4 are not to be approached, due to their high levels of aggression towards personnel, unless they have been caught in a hunting trap or tranquilized. All questions regarding RPC-869 are to be directed to Dr. James Davidson.

After the death of RPC-869-3, a smaller portion of MST Uniform-03 is to prevent the overpopulation of Orcinus Orca1 under the front company, "Richard's Porpoise Coursing," in order to replace RPC-869's place in the ecosystem.

Description: RPC-869 is the designation for a group of 4 unique animal specimens that mostly appear to be related to or are members of known extinct species that were extant between the Mesozoic and Oligocene periods, all living within Central Africa. RPC-869-1 is a herbivorous sauropod that lives around the northern region of the Congo. RPC-869-2 is a member of the Arsinoitheriidae genus, which is closely related to the modern day rhinoceros, and lives in West Africa. RPC-869-3 is a member of an unknown aquatic species that lived in the waters near Somalia. RPC-869-4 is a flying reptile living in Zambia.

All instances of RPC-869 seem to have remained alive for what is assumed to be millions of years and display enhanced physical strength, agility, resilience, and intelligence compared to what would be expected of an average specimen of an equivalent species.2

Parallel to their endowed capabilities, all instances of RPC-869 eat much more food than most animals. Based on observations, RPC-869 instances spend 18 hours a day either hunting or eating, with RPC-869-1 being observed eating approx. 46 kg of fruit in one day, for example. Despite this seemingly massive appetite, instances do not seem to be hungry as much as they are compelled to seek out food3, and almost all instances seem to lack any need for sleep as well. RPC-869 -1 through -3 have been observed periodically staring at ██████████ ██████████ for short periods throughout the day. This action appears to happen randomly, with instances prematurely ending a hunt or waking up in order to stare at ██████████ ██████████. All instances of RPC-869 continuously travel large areas of the region they inhabit. This is theorized to be the result of residual mating instincts combined with no proper mates to find.

Due to their large region of habitation, dietary habits, and the large area that these instances travel through, the ecosystem of Central Africa has adapted to each instance of RPC-869 as if they were a species living there. Each instance of 869 preys upon a certain species which begins to rapidly populate upon that instance’s absence.

Colloquial name: Mokele-Mbembe
Closest Known Species: Janenschia Robusta
Territory: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Current Status: Alive

RPC-869-1 appears to be a member of the Janenschia genus, with its habitat and appearance most resembling that of the Janenschia Robusta, however, close inspection of RPC-869-1's bone structure to verify this has been impossible. It prefers to eat the fruit of Landolphia mannii, usually eating most or all of the fruits on a tree. It traverses the Congo through the various river-ways, as it cannot maneuver itself through the more wooded areas.

While RPC-869-1 is passive compared to some of the other instances of RPC-869, it is still greatly territorial. The presence of certain animals — primarily humans and hippopotamuses — provokes hostile reactions from RPC-869-1. Upon being provoked, RPC-869-1 will raise its front legs and stomp at its perceived aggressor before returning to its passive state. If this does not successfully deter any provocations, then it will use its tail to continue its attempt at ridding its aggressor. RPC-869-1 is able to swing its tail as if it were a whip, with RPC-869-1 even be able to crack it on multiple occasions with seemingly no pain or noticeable damage to the tail.

Discovery: RPC-869-1 was first learned about on ██/██/18██ after Authority Researcher David Livingstone returned from his 3rd expedition. mentioning it in his notes:

"There is a very interesting quadrupedal creature living in the Congo. It has no fur and ████████ covering its body, and it travels the rivers of the Congo. According to the locals, there is only one member of this species, but it travels throughout a large area, only eating a certain fruit."

An Authority expedition was soon launched into the area of Congo Livingstone described. Authority members found and studied RPC-869-1 (then classified as simply RPC-869) until deciding that it needed to be contained. A few months after RPC-869-1 was contained, several scientists that remained in the Congo noticed the sudden abundance of the Malomba tree, which was a major source of sustenance for RPC-869-1. After another year of this dominant growth, researchers theorized that RPC-869-1 might be necessary to the ecosystem of the Congo, and released it back into the wild. Containment protocols were adjusted accordingly.


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