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Registered Phenomena Code: 893
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Grouped Hazard, Aquatic Hazard, Organic Hazard.
Containment Protocols: Because of the difficulties of transferring the whole population to Site-113, instances of RPC-893 are to be contained on-location in the Good Axe River in Wisconsin. A 5mx5m chain-link fence has been posted around the anomaly's habitat, with 40 hidden cameras above the area for security and below the river for anomaly observation.
ASF patrols assigned to IB-100 are instructed to act under the guise of civilian foresters and prioritize non-lethal force on trespassers.
Description: RPC-893 are brown aquatic organisms highly resembling Nematoda that only infest and take control of Lontra canadensis (North American river otter). Instances can measure up to 35m in length. They only inhabits 3.7km of the Good Axe River, and it is unknown why they do not extend its habitat.
RPC-893 instances not infesting a Otter. will reside underground or inside the stomach of a Lepisosteus osseus (long-nose gar). The instances will proceed to get itself consume by a gar but will not infest it, and will inhabit its stomach until it is deceased. When a North American river otter consumes a gar containing RPC-893, the instances will enter the otter through the mouth. It will infest the otter, which becomes RPC-893-1 after a 1-2 hour procedure.
RPC-893-1 looks identical to the North American river otter except for the top of the scalp being bald. The anomaly uses its lower legs to paddle at a high speed. It displays no reaction to injuries and can survive if its limbs are dismembered or a vital organ location is injured. It is theorized it unable to survive out of water as anomaly has yet to been encounter outside the river.
Dissecting RPC-893-1 reveals a tunnel system formed throughout the whole body. Organs such as the lungs and stomach are used as rooms for nursing the young or storing food. The skull contains a high mass compared to the skull of a North American river otter. In the center of the lower leg's upper joints is an elastic pad made of protein highly resembling resilin1.
RPC-893-1 will hide under the dirt for most of the day and only emerge from the ground when hunting outside human interference. It mainly hunts long-nose gars, and when one is caught, the anomaly will mainly consume the stomach area. It is theorized that it consumes the stomach to import more RPC-893 into its body.
RPC-893-1 displays the behavior of impacting logs or structures made of logs on the surface with its scalp from below it. It only impacts logs that are being ridden by humans. When proceeding with this behavior, the anomaly will extend its scalps above the water's surface in front of the log and then impact it at the front area. After the log has been impacted, the instance will flee. The anomaly will not impact the log if the rider looks at its scalp after it extends it to the surface or if a long-nose gar, either alive or deceased, is nearby.
RPC-893-1 are highly aggressive to North American river otters. It will hunt North American river otters if one is near by, and when it catches an adult, it will transfer RPC-893 instances to the otter through its reproductive organs. If the otter contains the same reproductive organ as the RPC-893-1, the anomaly will bring it to another RPC-893-1 with the opposite organ of the captured otter. If no instances are nearby or only those that do not contain the organ needed, the anomaly will kill the otter and consume part of its flesh mainly it's brain.
If RPC-893-1 encounters pups, it will briefly import them into its body through its mouth and after approximately 15 minutes, the pups will then be exported out of the anomaly's month and then buried underground. Analyzing the pups buried reveals RPC-892 eggs being ingested inside the pup's stomach.
Instances of RPC-893-1 tend to flee from when approached by a human. If an RPC-893-1 is captured, the RPC-893 instances inside the anomaly will immediately evacuate the body.
Discovery: RPC-893 was first reported in 2006 when a college student named Phillip Taylor tested a raft constructed of five tightly tied logs. Taylor planned to sail 2.3km down Good Axe River to an abandoned sawmill. After rafting up to approximately 1.2km, he noticed a pink bump extending off the water's surface, and the mid-left log was then knocked and broke off the raft. The raft fell apart, but Taylor could swim uninjured to the river's edge.
The next day, Taylor reported his encounter with RPC-893 to a local town press, which published an article about the "Pink Bump" spotted in Good Axe River the day after. He stated in the article that he had no plans to return to Good Axe River after the incident. Two days later, a bait shop assistant named Randell Lewis opened a blog on livejournal.com called "The Hunt for the Pink Bump" after Taylor's article brought his attention to the species.
Two days after Lewis's final LiveJournal post, the blog was reported to the Authority. Head Researcher Wladyslew Zieba then led a small team from Site-113 to investigate where RPC-893-1 was encountered. After approximately 20 minutes, the anomaly was properly encountered by a remote control submarine drone.
Addendum 893-1
In 2012, personnel digging up and collecting RPC-893 instances to be further researched at Site-113 found an unusual skeleton. The skeleton is 1.1m in height and was buried 35cm underground. It is avian-structured and highly resembles a passeriform skeletal system, except for a tail fin attached to the end of the pygostyle. The skeleton is stored in Site-113; another one has yet to be found.
Addendum 893-2
In 2015, when documenting footage of RPC-893-1, Patrolman Douglas Madison volunteered to balance on a log flowing through Good Axe River for the anomaly to impact. After the recording, Madison noticed that his metal cross necklace is missing. The recent recording reveals that the RPC-893-1 encountered quickly swiped Madison's necklace before fleeing.
After approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, the necklace was thrown near to a patrolman out of the river, the cross mildly dented. Approximately 20 minutes later, Madison started screaming and stating that his left arm is in pain. After getting medical treatment, a RPC-893 instance was found in front of his left arm. Further analysis reveals the instance has tunneled a cursive sentence in his arm that reads, "Your key is not what we are looking for."