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Containment Protocols: Maintenance of RPC-917's mechanical components is to be performed on a monthly basis in order to ensure proper functionality in the case of an uprising event. RPC-917 is to be made known of any changes or discoveries regarding AR-017. Should any sector undergo an uprising event, RPC-917 is to be released to the area alongside stationed MST forces with the task to re-contain or terminate any anomalies.
Personnel with Level-2 clearance or higher are permitted to interact with RPC-917 but strictly prohibited from speaking of topics regarding modern-day geopolitics or economic politics, particularly those of the former eastern block, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the current state of Russia.
RPC-917 is self-sustaining and does not require external power sources to function, however, its mechanical components can become damaged or worn out with time. Should RPC-917 lose 80% or more of its system functionality during combat, the chest module is to be brought on the closest site and put into secure storage until such time that enough of RPC-917 has regenerated to allow manual repair. Typical recuperation cycles last for a period of 5 months.
Description: RPC-917 is a mechanical automaton measuring 8 meters in height (2 meters when buried under the ice during its inactive state) and approximately weighing 10 tons. Its most prominent feature is a Vladimir Lenin bust crudely attached in place of the now-lost original head module, which RPC-917 claims is now integrated into his body and design due to the anomalous influence RPC-917 used to repair its body. As a result of this fusion, RPC-917 believes itself to be Past Premier of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin and that the Soviet Union is still operating.
Photo of RPC-917 following its first known entrance into an inactive state.
This assimilation has caused RPC-917 to have divergent personalities as well as conflicting memories from both the life of Vladimir Lenin and the mechanical construct, although it appears that both parts are either incapable or unwilling to acknowledge these conflicts. According to RPC-917, this union began when a group of Soviet researchers sent to the Antarctic, by the Soviet Iron Initiative, found RPC-917 significantly damaged and frozen. While the soviet engineers found little success in their attempt to fix RPC-917, their efforts managed to kickstart RPC-917's self-repairing capabilities.
It is believed that, knowing of RPC-917's assimilation mechanisms, The Iron Initiative attempted to recruit RPC-917 by attaching a Lenin bust onto its now lost head module and making it believe it was Vladimir Lenin, this, however, did not last, as the soviet crew was killed during what is considered the second uprising event, which RPC-917 was successful in containing without suffering severe damage.
Aside from the aforementioned deep learning mechanisms, RPC-917 is equipped with:
- 1 Star-shaped nuclear reactor, visible from the outside of RPC-917's chest, which is used to power all of its mechanisms. Despite the age of RPC-917, reactor appears to be in good "health", showing no standard signs of aging or lack of fuel. It is theorized that thanks to RPC-917's repairing mechanism, the reactor has become self sustaining.
- 1 Self-repair system. The system is believed to be fueled by a mixture of stellar nucleosynthesis produced within RPC-917's core, with larger material gathered from the environment by small nano-bots inhabiting the body of RPC-917.
- 4 Missile launchers which are similar in design to M142 HIMARS US mobile missile launchers, despite predating their design by several centuries.
- 2 Ionizing cannons. Cannons heating gases within a straight line toward the point of ionization through anomalous means, creating plasma.
- 1 Laser cannon. This weapon comes hidden within RPC-917's right eye and can shoot beams up to a 1 trillon mW. It is believed to work with an array of mirrors inside RPC-917's head using power derived from its core.
- 1 Detection radar, capable of localizing entities within a 100km radius.
- 1 Device capable of controlling the temperature of the surrounding ████km area. This system appears to be responsible for maintaining much of AR-017's current frozen state.
- 1 Device similar to the last one, capable of dispersing Gamma radiation within a 20m radius by redirecting energy from the core into vents all around RPC-917's body.
- 1 Canister of gas-based incapacitating agent used by RPC-917 when attempting non-lethal re-containment.
- 4 Highly advanced thrusters attached to all 4 of its limbs. These thrusters use energy derived from RPC-917's internal nuclear reactor, mixed with liquid hydrogen to propel up to 40 feet into the air.
- 1 Audio device capable of broadcasting the State Anthem of the Soviet Union.
- Several unknown anomalous devices for specific breach protocols.
When questioned about the nature or functioning of any of the anomalous or semi-anomalous technologies that comprise it, RPC-917 will inevitably give evasive answers, attributing any effects that defy physical laws or are internally inconsistent to "Communism" or "The Power of the Proletariat". Such factors include, but are not limited to, how the entity's radar systems can function through obstructions at ground level, how its reactors are cooled, and how it can limit the spread of its radioactive exhaust.
The way by which RPC-917 is able to create ammunition for this weaponry is also unknown, but it is theorized to be produced using a process similar to its regenerative mechanisms. The circumstances under which AR-017 was buried below the ice is believed to have been caused (or at the very least, jump-started) by RPC-917's temperature manipulating mechanisms.
Attempts to research RPC-917's weapons have proven unsuccessful as RPC-917 refuses to share the means by which it was made, due to a fear of it coming into the hands of "Dirty American spies".
Discovery Log:
On June 23rd, 2019 an unknown city was discovered beneath the Antarctic ice by a group of Authority researchers during a scientific expedition. The underground structure is believed to have been (mostly) undisturbed by outside influence for at least 5 millennia. Shortly after the discovery of the northeast section of the city (now referred to as AR-017-13) a number of smaller pockets of ice collapsed and became exposed to the surface, presumably due to the significant amount of Authority forces and heavy equipment being transported into the area.
Following one of the collapses, a group of 10 fish-like humanoids emerged from a hole created above the AR-17-13 sector and began to initiate close combat with the nearby Authority personnel.
5 minutes following the initial engagement, a large explosion was observed, originating from 10km south of the base.
Following this, a large mechanical construct, described by witnesses as "a big robot with Lenin's face" lept from the depths and landed amongst the humanoid entities, immediately dispatching them with a barrage of artillery fire.
After all instances were terminated, RPC-917 sat motionlessly and began broadcasting what appeared to be the Soviet anthem. As the anomaly did not move or indicate hostility to Authority personnel, initial analysis and classification began. An interview followed.
Date: June 25th, 2019
Interviewer: Dr. Ivan
Interviewed: RPC-917
Foreward: The following interview is translated from Russian to English. RPC-917's vocal shifts are noted in red.
Dr. Ivan approaches the yet immobile mechanism (now designated RPC-917)
Dr. Ivan: Hello?
RPC-917 quickly reactivates and faces Dr. Ivan, causing him to stumble.
RPC-917: Hello COMRADE. Do you require assistance?
Dr. Ivan: I- We, uhhhh, we would like to know what or… who you are.
RPC-917: Of course, citizen. I am VLADIMIR LENIN, protector of the UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS and keeper of the sunken empi-AMERICAN IMPERALISTS.
Dr. Ivan: I, ok- Americans? Here? And you're their… keeper?
RPC-917: I was constructed millennia ago by the UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS, as they knew that the foolish AMERICANS would inevitably have their cycle of rebirth and catastrophy spill outwards and threaten those of the outside world. I have stood sentinel since, ensuring the DECADENT CAPITALISM they tampered with would not destroy others, as it has destroyed themselves.
Dr. Ivan: I'm.. not sure your timeline matches up. The soviet union wasn't even one millennium old, let alone multiple.
RPC-917 remains unresponsive for a period of 5 minutes. A loud whirring can be heard emitting from somewhere inside its chassis.
RPC-917: I. I. I. I was built with the sole purpose of ensuring the AMERICAN city and their monstrous mistakes remain sunken below. I have not faltered, although their IMPERIALISM grows stronger each day. If it weren't for the help of my FELLOW SOVIETS, my mission would have faltered long ago.
Dr. Ivan: The Soviets trudged all the way out here? And they… ah, yeah, I'm starting to get it. They integrated that bust into you, right?
RPC-917: Ah yes, my dear COMRADES, of the Iron Initiative. They found me on SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1958 at 12:45PM. Their GLORIOUS ENGINEERS were able to initiate my self-repairing mechanisms. Through THE QUICK THINKING OF THE COMMON MAN, they were able to attach my current head, and their tales of Soviet victories during my long absence from THE MOTHERLAND helped me recover my TRUE IDENTITY.
Dr. Ivan: Right. Are… the soviets still down there? As far as I can tell, we haven't found any evidence of recent habitation anywhere we've explored.
A red tear manifests upon RPC-917's left "eye". The rest of the bust does not change expression.
RPC-917: My dear COMRADES, the GLORIOUS PATRIOTS they were, perished during the second uprising- to very same vile Piscine spawn of the AMERICANS which your people disturbed today. I must now revise LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL UL-332 to account for these changed conditions. It is unlikely these were the only ones freed.
Dr. Ivan: I'm- uh, sorry for your loss- but, you contain these things? That's what we're here to do as well, maybe we coul-
RPC-917: More warriors in the fight against THE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE are always welcome, my friend. I will share all I have, AS ALL SHOULD DO. Perhaps, in return, you could.. share the newest stories of the THE MOTHERLAND? My heart aches ever so deeply for the WARM EMBRACE OF MOSCOW.
Dr. Ivan: That, uh… that could be arranged. I just.. probably need to run this by my supervisors, if that's alright.
RPC-917: I find this entirely agreeable, my friend. And please- you may call me LENIN.
Following this, RPC-917 burrowed underground at the entrance to AR-017, taking the form of a Lenin bust over a pedestal, entering an inactive state. It has since returned to this position following each deployment.
Date: June 26th, 2019
Interviewer: Dr. Ivan
Interviewed: RPC-917
Foreward: The following interview was organized to inquire on the inner workings of AR-017 and the protocols RPC-917 used in it's attempted containment of AR-017 and the anomalies within it.
Dr. Ivan: Hello again, ah… Lenin, I guess. My higher-ups want to know more about these "Lockdown Protocols" you have in place.
RPC-917: Ah, of course COMRADE! I have one for each of the horrors dwelling in the depths of the AMERICAN EMPIRE. I have labored long to ensure none break free.
Dr. Ivan: Right, our people are also doing their best at trying to contain the, uh, "Americans". That's our job here.
RPC-917: A worthy cause SPUTNIK, you certainly MAKE YOUR NATION PROUD. I will share as much of my MANIFESTO as I am able.
Dr. Ivan: Uh.. sure, why don't we just start by sharing notes on what we've already found down there?
RPC-917: Of course, if the beasts once again walk the halls of the damned city freely, truly the WHITE TERROR is upon us again. We all must be prepared.
Protocol's Codename and Sector |
Containment Tactics |
"The sunken empire" |
"This is no mere city, my COMRADES, this is something far more unnatural. An AMERICAN EMPIRE that stretches across borders of culture, civilization and even peoples- cycles upon cycles of BOURGEOISIE GREED, OPPRESSION OF THE COMMON MAN and dabbling into the most ruinous forms of CAPITALISM. An unfettered line of empires rising and falling to a calamity of their own making, building new atop the bones of the old and ignoring the shadowy horrors left behind to rot by each subsequent forebearer. This is why we must stand together, as a POPULAR FRONT, for it is not a battle one can fight alone." |
"The Black Pillar" |
"A monument to the BOURGEOISIE, the tower pierces the heart of the AMERICAN EMPIRE. A gift from the same dark CAPITALIST powers that have destroyed the empires below a thousand times over, it is filled with the darkest of horrors. I have seen what you seek to do with it, and while your intentions may be for the good of THE COMMON MAN, your actions tamper with the CAPITALISTIC powers I have sought to seal away. Through undoing my work to seal it away, you will only bring the same FASCIST fate upon us that has claimed so many iterations of the sunken AMERICAN EMPIRE. I would advise you to leave it buried." |
"The Moths, the armor, and the Shattered Zeppelin" |
"No better than beasts, while once they were the PROLETARIAT under the heel of AMERICAN CAPITALISM, they did not rise against the BOURGEOISE and were punished with near annihilation for it, as they were consumed by the flames of CAPITALIST GREED. Now they breed en masse, uneducated and unconscious of themselves and the POWER OF THE COMMON MAN. They have violently resisted my attempts to share with them the BOLSHEVISM that could rise their stations, and as such are a lost cause. From within the armor they EXPROPRIATED from their former IMPERIALIST MASTERS they are formidable foes to the unprepared. My COMRADES, I see that you have them locked away like the RUNNING DOGS they are, and I recommend turning up the heat to let nature do the rest. They will quickly outbreed any attempt to keep them contained. As for their AMERICAN ZEPPELIN- I have dealt with it, and for your sake, I hope it remains that way." |
"The Howlers" |
"These creatures are not native to the AMERICAN CITY, as I believe you already know, but rather came here looking for shelter from the EASTERN WARS. These UNPRINCIPLED DEFECTORS do not belong in the city, little more than they do in this reality. Their screams and mental tricks, however, make them feel like home alongside the TWO FACED AMERICANS. I have had to adapt to defend myself against them, the first in a long time, but I did find their bodies rendered INVALIDNOST by the radiation that fuels me. Now they know it too, and their fear has sent them scrabbling to the depth of the city, hiding from my sight within their dirty REZIDENTURA. I recommend dispatching them from a distance, to prevent your minds to be corrupted by their pestilent IMPERIALIST PROPAGANDA." |
"The Star-Spangled Hurricane" |
"That construct is not born of the AMERICAN EMPIRE, yet still it is somehow born of AMERICAN CAPITALISM. It has lurked in the distance for decades, too cowardly to close in and yet too foolish to leave. The mechanical spawn, while nowhere near the might of the VOYENNO-VOZDUSHNYE, have flown over more times than I can remember, assimilating any that wander too close with IMPERIALIST PROPAGANDA. I recommend keeping your distance and not approaching it, should you wish to remain untainted by PROPAGANDA, as it will always pass as quickly as it forms." |
"Sarahnai." |
"Sarahnai… one of the greatest COMRADES I have had the pleasure to serve with. I am glad you found her, such time alone must weigh heavily on a heart already as closed as hers. You are good men, but even you would benefit from her training… perhaps as much as her heart may benefit from your presence." |
"The Permafrost Prison" |
"This second city… I did not learn of it until recently, shortly before I was deactivated and made whole by my SOVIET BROTHERS. Perhaps host to more evil than CAPITALISM, I fear my failure allowed this deep corruption to take root on the outskirts of the city. I knew from the moment I saw their depraved and AUTOCEPHALOUS rituals, their confusing web of deities, and terrible spite against GOSATEIZM that something was truly wrong. I may hate the AMERICAN CAPITALISTS but I have never feared them or their creations, these… VERMIN however, they cause a deep uneasiness within me. I fell a creeping evil sprawling from deep beneath the earth, something that SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN LET OUT. I have tried to freeze them as I did with the AMERICAN EMPIRE, but no matter how hard I try, the city rots away any attempt to keep it contained. I do not know what hides within that accursed place, but I hope that keeping it away from the SUNKEN CITY is enough, for all of our sakes.." |