Registered Phenomena Code: 947

Containment Rating: Alpha

Lethality Rating: Black
h-biohazard.png Bio-Hazard h-toxic.png Toxic h-auditory.png Auditory h-memory-alteration.png Memory Alteration h-mechanical.png Mechanical h-organic.png Organic

Containment Protocols: RPC-947 is to be perimetered by steel chain-link fencing topped with anti-climb, thorn-barbed wire. Two sentinel personnel are to guard the remaining intact entry/exit into RPC-947 at its interior. No medical supplies capable of interacting with RPC-947-1 are to be present in the building at any time.

Trespassers are to be detained and questioned with a low threshold for amnesticization.1 The conspicuous presence of RPC-947 is to be explained under the cover story of a historical restoration project.


West Pavilion, RPC-947

Authority Administration is to resist any and all direct attempts to influence RPC-947-1, no matter the perceived necessity.

Discussion of RPC-947-1 between Authority Administration and the Office of Financial Affairs requires approval from >51% of governance votes.2

Any approved discussion is to be conducted in controlled circumstances, with full video and audio recording, which will then be stored on the Authority-native blockchain.3

As of 2015, a moratorium on testing has been ordered via governance vote, given that RPC-947-1's effects are sufficiently elucidated; this may be lifted with a new >51% vote.

Due to the complex, highly technical, obscured, and multifaceted nature of the financial system in question, further activity and documentation has been delegated to the purview of the Office of Financial Affairs.4 A dedicated MST (Charlie-13, "Buyers of Last Resort") is to be formed at the office's discretion.

Description: RPC-947 is an abandoned hospital building located between ████ and ████ Wall Street, New York City, New York, made aware to the Authority in early 2009. No records of its construction, use, or abandonment exist. However its architectural design points toward a relatively recent construction of no later than 1971. The discrepancy between its apparent construction and the Authority's recognition of it prompted scrutiny of a potentially anomalous nature.

RPC-947 is mostly devoid of any equipment and supplies: it has been vacated for an indeterminate amount of time, as evidenced by its apparent structural decay and numerous fungal growths extending throughout its derelict water installations. Despite its disrepair, no attempts to inspect, renovate, restore, or demolish RPC-947 are known to have taken place.

Upon discovery, copious amounts of currency in poor condition were found dispersed throughout RPC-947. Currency types ranged from official country-backed denominations (i.e. United States dollars, European Union euros, Argentinian pesos, etc.) to commonplace bartering items (i.e. cigarettes, foodstuffs, various digital devices)5 to falsified or disused denominations, universally shredded, burned or naturally decayed to the point of unusability.

RPC-947-1 is a lone IV infusion pump6 within RPC-947's emergency ward. RPC-947-1 is anomalously powered and rests on a mobile, chrome plated steel pole (commonly called an "IV pole"), and is found outside RPC-947-2.

RPC-947-2 is a patient room (P153) on the west pavilion of RPC-947, assumed to be an operating theater.7 RPC-947-2 is inaccessible; its handle is unable to be turned and the door is fused to its frame by an unknown sealant, save for two 1 cm holes at its base. Means of disrupting the door to the extent that the surrounding structure can tolerate have been perpetually frustrated. Radar pulses trained at the door and the presumed room beyond are anomalously deflected, the scans unrevealing.

A fluid is found in a bag hanging from the IV pole and this fluid fills the tubing that runs through RPC-947-1. Testing concludes that the fluid is mundane saline.8 The system delivers the fluid from the bag, through RPC-947-1, and through an additional 3 meters of tubing which disappears beneath the door of RPC-947-2 through the aforementioned 1 cm holes. The screen of RPC-947-1 does not reveal any useful information as to the nature or rate of this infusion, as the cell light is burned out, resulting in no display. However, calculating the rate of drip of the IV fluid and assuming a full 10 liter bag at initial conditions, it has been deduced mathematically that the infusion has been running since September 2008.9

The amount of fluid in RPC-947-1 directly correlates to the status of certain abstract economic factors throughout the developed world, generally precipitating economic crashes, bubble bursts and other unfavorable outcomes when low in fluid and preventing them when refilled. The mechanism by which this influence is exerted is poorly understood, but the following factors are strongly believed to have a direct relationship with the fluid level of RPC-947-1:

It is important to note that RPC-947-1 does not wholly control such factors. External circumstances may change their conditions significantly without any noticeable changes in RPC-947-1, but it still exerts a sufficient influence to be considered a massive financial risk.

RPC-947-1 may be refilled via the destruction of any asset with monetary value within RPC-947. The exact equivalence between destroyed assets and restored fluid amount is poorly understood, but is generally reliant on the value of the destroyed asset: 1,000,000 USD correlates to approximately 1 mL of fluid, which materializes inside the bag.

Despite the containment protocols, individuals who by all other measures are non-anomalous are occasionally seen to briefly manifest within RPC-947 and then vanish, though not directly and by no known means. These are often influential and well-known people, although they are most often registered to be in other locations during such events. Individuals discovered within RPC-947 include [DATA REDACTED], and other powerful figures of the financial and/or political spheres.

Addendum 947.1 - IV System Tests

Addendum 947.2 - 17 Sept. 2019

During the morning of September 17th, interest rates on repurchase agreements between US-based financial entities suffered an abrupt spike, increasing from 2.43% to 10% over the course of the day. A variety of factors precipitated the spike, such as the unwinding of numerous credit/debt positions causing simultaneous liquidity shortages ("a financial contagion") across finance firms.27

While publicly described as "temporary" and understood to have been quickly remedied by a $75 billion credit injection from New York's Federal Reserve Bank, in reality its effects were more lasting and widespread: interest rates remained abnormally high for the coming weeks, impeding the flow of necessary cash throughout New York's financial sector, decreasing liquidity and increasing market volatility to dangerous levels. The downstream effects of this were significant and primarily affected small businesses operating in finance, further consolidating economic points of failure on large institutions and entities.

Faced with the potential failure of the repurchase agreement market, which could quickly precipitate a collapse of numerous financial firms if coupled with known problems within the US mortgage sector, the Authority's Office of Financial Affairs successfully passed an order to rapidly mint and destroy $8.5 billion USD within RPC-947, per The Federal Reserve.28 The resulting cash flow helped protect more essential Authority-owned assets, which were already threatened by the financial fallout of Site-014's destruction.

Further investigation by MST Charlie-13 led OFA officials to believe that the New York Federal Reserve was unable to combat the crisis due to a fatal absence of sufficient reserves, and a ballooning of credit swaps. Unwilling to await a resolution from the United States Treasury, a further $10.7 billion USD were destroyed between Sept. 18 and 20, emptying Authority M2 and M3 reserves within RPC-947. These measures were insufficient in providing liquidity to the financial sector.

An unannounced intervention by the US Treasury on Sept. 23, coupled with further destruction of excess Authority assets (calculated around $9 billion USD) were finally sufficient to end the crisis. A substantial amount of emergency holdings were liquidated, including vaulted hard assets and the recruitment of millions in personal savings accounts and retirement pensions of Authority employees.29 Global markets and keystone financial institutions were successfully protected.

Addendum 947.3 - COVID-19 Economic Recession

During the early months of 2020, RPC-947-1 began rapidly consuming its available supply of fluid, likely as a consequence of the global economic shutdowns motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The rate at which the fluid was consumed (approx. 0.7L per hour) surpassed the velocity at which Authority assets could be destroyed to restore it, leading to a runout by February 20.

The complete consumption of RPC-947-1 fluid coincided with a catastrophic global stock market crash, the consequences of which precipitated the initial stages of the COVID-19 economic recession. Attempts to refill RPC-947-1 were unsuccessful: the anomaly was rendered entirely unresponsive.

Throughout the remainder of February and March, sounds of intense movement33 and panicked breathing were heard inside RPC-947-2, gradually becoming less audible until March 28, when they ceased completely. Several high-pitched tones were heard before a loud jolt and thud, possibly indicating attempts at cardiovascular defibrillation.

Some recovery began in April, when a sudden influx of liquidity and available cash revived economic activity in vital economic sectors, including the stock market and for other paper and synthetic assets. Over the following months a limited number of markets began recovering to their pre-recession levels and continued to grow, setting new activity records by the ending months of 2020. These sectors of domestic and global finances unilaterally benefited the upper 1% of wealth-holders.

RPC-947-1 is now considered inactive. It is to be reclassified as Neutralized, pending a governance vote re: a series of reactivation tests, which has an expiry of January 2023. New containment protocols for RPC-947 are currently being discussed, pending the the result of this vote, and any detailed analysis of the subsequent trials.

Addendum 947.4: Interview █████ ████████

Addendum 947.5: Further Analysis

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