Tagging Guide

Tagging Guide

Tagging your articles is an important part of article creation. It helps users find specific kinds of articles and it also helps staff archive articles effectively. This page is a guide on how to properly tag your articles.

If you are unsure of how to tag your article, contact a site staff member.

Do not create tags that are not on this list. Contact a staff member if you believe a new tag should be created.

ThermicLineThermicLine is in charge of managing the tagging system. If you have a suggestion for the tagging system, send a message to them.

Basic Tags

The most basic tags separate different basic page types.
rpc - Designates a main-list RPC article.
rpc-j - Designates a joke article.
tale - Designates a tale.
document - Designates an in-universe document.

RPC-specific tags

Object Classes

An RPC's object class is implemented as separate tags for both containment rating and threat level. See the Object Classes Page for information on the meaning of these tags.


Full explanations for these tags can be found on the Threats and Hazards page. They are used exclusively for RPCs and are subject to change as hazards are edited, removed, or added.

Other RPC tags:

uncontained - Designates an uncontained RPC.

Cosmic Embers Canon Tags

cosmic-embers - Designates an article within the Cosmic Embers Canon. (Any article without this tag is considered mainline canon.)
grp - Designates an anomaly of the GRPC in the Cosmic Embers Canon.

Document-specific tags

operation - Designates an Authority operation.
acquired-media - Designates an acquired media page.
site - Designates a site.
personnel - Designates a personnel document.
mst - Designates an MST page.

These tags separate pages in the acquired media section:

footage - Designates footage acquired by the Authority.
goi-doc - Designates a Group of Interest document acquired by the Authority.
photograph - Designates photographs acquired by the Authority.
writings - Designates writings acquired by the Authority.

Other Content Tags:

alternative-content - Designates any article that is not an RPC, tale or document (see below).
art - Designates an art page.

These tags are for labeling tales and documents for navigation purposes:

alt-timeline - Designates a tale or document taking place in an alternate timeline to the baseline Authority.
comedy - Designates a tale or document with themes of comedy.
containment - Designates a tale or document that involves the containment of anomalies.
continuation - Designates a tale or document that is a direct continuation of another page. (This tag is blacklisted from the "Random Tale" button.)
eoi-tale - Designates a tale or document that is related to groups, governments, or persons of interest.
history - Designates a tale or document involving the history of the RPC Authority universe.
horror - Designates a tale or document with themes of horror.
military - Designates a tale or document with themes of military.
noir - Designates a tale or document with themes of murder, mystery, and conspiracy.
non-canon - Designates a tale or document that is not canon.
research - Designates a tale or document that involves research.
short - Designates a tale or document that is less than 1000 words.

These tags go on division tone articles:

research-tone - Designates a research-tone article. See Research Tone.
protection-tone - Designates a protection-tone article. See Protection Tone.
containment-tone - Designates a containment-tone article.
administration-tone - Designates an administration-tone article. See Administration Tone.
aci-tone - Designates an ACI-tone article. See ACI-TONE.

These tags go on pages with badges:

toparticle - Designates an article that has been #1 on the top rated page with at least 25 votes.
topjoke - Designates an article that has been the top joke article on the top rated page with at least 25 votes.
top10 - Designates an article that has been in the top 10 on the top rated page with at least 25 votes.
contestwinner - Designates an article that won first place in a contest.
runnerup - Designates an article that won second place in a contest.
challengewinner - Designates an article that won a writers' challenge.

Miscellaneous Tags

001 - Designates an RPC-001 proposal.
aedf - Designates a page related to the Authority Extraterrestrial Defence Force.
archived - Designates an archived page, archived because of deletion. (see Archived Pages)
archived-by-author - Designates an archived page, archived per author request. (see Archived Pages)
author-page - Designates an individual author page.
ce-lore - Designates a page that expands the lore of the Cosmic Embers universe.
co-authored - Designates an article with multiple main authors.
collaboration - Designates an article open for contributions.
component - Designates an page meant for the operation of the website (Advised not to touch, and will likely be locked.)
contest - Designates a contest hub.
event - Designates an Event hub.
eventwinner - Designates an Event contest winning article.
format - Designates an article giving an example of a format
format-break - Designates an article that subverts the typical format.
guide - Designates a guide.
hub - Designates a hub.
information - Designates an out-of-universe informational page.
lore - Designates a page that expands the lore of the main-line RPC Authority universe.
policy - Designates a policy page.
redirect - Designates a redirect page.1
remake - Designates an article which fell below deletion and was rewritten and re-uploaded by the original author.
reserved - Designates a page that has been reserved by staff.
rewrite - Designates a previously posted article which was majorly rewritten by someone other than the original author, or in collaboration with someone other than the original author, and re-uploaded.
supplemental - Designates a page that acts as an extension to another article.
test-log - Designates a testing log linked to the Research Division.
theme - Designates a theme page.
translated - Designates an article with translations.
translation - Designates a translation article.

Entity of Interest Tags

Global Directorate Tags

Contest Tags

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