The Office of Analysis and Science constitutes the major bulk of Research Division — a conglomerate of departments dedicated to the study of the anomalous through all fields of science. Most of what refers to the OAS is rather self-explanatory; the Physics Department deals with the Laws of Physics and how they are bent by anomalies, as well as dealing with new ones that may spring out from them; the History Department researches the intervention of the anomalous throughout history, and so on and so forth.
Every department within the Office of Analysis and Science operates near-independently from the rest, working on their projects separately and contacting other sectors of the Office or the Bureau of Acquisitions when required; more often than not, a single research project or anomaly under testing requires collaboration between different fields of science — and perhaps outside of it.


Anthropology Department
This year, the Anthropology Department presents Rowan Berries, and Dancers Beyond the First Fires; a terrifying account of the visions of our ancestors.
In the wake of joint operations with archaeologists from the Blackley Company out of Cultural Affairs, and premiere Viderics Researchers Prof. Arnald Harryn et al, Anthropologists under Dr. Samuel Hahn have made shocking discoveries in the past year regarding a possible impact that a natural form of viderics found in the berries of a certain species of rowan tree appears to have had on early hominids in coastal southern Finland.
While the exact chemical composition of said berries is still undergoing research in the Department of Plant Sciences, presentations of current findings will be shown today - including a to-scale replica of a Neanderthal cave found in the area, hypothesised to have served as a 'viderics temple' by Hahn's team.
The Anthropology Department, however, still has more examples of human nature;
- Soviet Secrets in the South Pole - A Frigid Tale for a Frigid Nation (together with the History Department)
- The Malthusian Manifesto - Thomas Robert Malthus Rolling On His Grave
- Neanderthals Still With Us? Lost Cousins Reunited.
You can visit them in Sector-4B, at the right of the entry hall!

Biology Department
Our associates from the Biology Department present Iceland's Neural Fungi; the hidden threat under the water at Þórisvatn.
Working in tandem with the psychology department, AETs within the Biology department operating out of OL-Site-035 have been studying strange radial patterns of ecological succession along various bodies of still water north of Þórisvatn, Iceland for the past five years. Mycologists have uncovered the cause - a strange type of fungi that seems to be hijacking vascular systems of any kind, plant or animal, and turning them into some kind of proto-neural network to survive. Microorganic life is not affected.
While containment has been ultimately successful, such a life form can pose significant threat to the world at large - we can only hope that it is harnessed for our uses in time.
Further presentations can be found below:
- The Man-Made-Man
- Life Without Matter (is it possible?)
- The Affects of Anomalies in Evolution (together with the Anthropology Department)
You can visit them in Sector-2A, at the left of the entry hall!

Chemistry Department
Our associates from the Chemistry Department present The Phantom Element; on ectoplasm and its many unique properties.
Ectoplasm is unique in that its state does not change with temperature; when encountered, it may have the consistency of gelatin, drip like a liquid, or expand like a gas. It seems to react randomly with its environment, being highly unstable and vaporizing when in a vacuum. However, these reactions are not random — a team of Authority chemists under Prof. Galo Anderson has discovered that ectoplasm, when diluted, tends to reflect the properties of surrounding substances, including their state of matter, while conserving its excellent conductivity. […]
Most notably, ectoplasm is a superconductive material: regardless of its pseudo-state of matter, it presents an electrical resistance near absolute zero. This makes ectoplasm an incredibly valuable material of nearly limitless applications — with careful preparation and sealing, it can be stably maintained under a singular pseudo-state of matter. Unfortunately, it can only be found in minuscule quantities, approaching several centiliters acquired per encounter with a suitable spectral entity. Even then, different sub-types of ectoplasm may prove unpredictable and dangerous to collect.
Prepare for a men-thanol experience with the Chemistry Department;
- Extra-Dimensional Chemistry, the New Frontier! (together with the Physics Department)
- Low-ACS Compounds 101
- Fausteride, Anderite and More: All You Need To Know!
- The Philosopher's… Tablets? (together with the Department of Cultural Affairs)
You can visit them in Sector-2C, to the middle of the entry hall!

Physics Department
Our associates from the Physics Departments present The Hidden Laws of the Info-Plane; a 5th dimension of space, as intriguing as it is mysterious and unknown. Or is it?
Information within the info-plane acts both like a particle and like a wave, individual units of which are called quanta. These can exist in two states; vector and scalar, the first of which is freely mobile and the latter immobile, attached to a "memotic ground" — a space that exists simultaneously in realspace and the infoplane —, like the brain. […]
A Physics Department team in Boston under the leadership of Prof. A. Tonks has recently discovered a worrying phenomenon — the abrupt, unexplained vanishing of memotic quanta under observation. While it is uncertain if the quanta in question truly vanish, the destruction of information could have troubling implications; could important information simply disappear from your brain without warning? According to Tonks's team, this is simply not possible. […]
God's fingerprint isn't only found within infinite graphs;
- The Theory of Everything, Again!
- Time Travel, No Longer Science Fiction
- The Theory of Primordial Chaos
You can visit them in Sector-KC, to the middle of the entry hall!

Geology Department
Our associates from the Geology Department present Ira sub Vesuvia; the frightful heart of Mt. Vesuvius.
For as long as the spirit of discovery has existed in Europe, the ire of Mt. Vesuvius has fascinated and terrified the brightest minds of mankind; the consequences of the tragedy of Pompeii making themselves felt throughout history. Long deified and longer feared, the volcanic heart has always been a source for suspicion in the Geology Department — and in the months following the cracking open of the Crypta sub Vesuvia, these suspicions lay confimed.
But there is always one more stone to turn over;
- Class-X Earthquakes, a Thrilling Reality
- Uranium-333, The Devil's Glow
- Levitating Bronze, an Alternative to Null-Gravity? (with the help of the AEDF)
You can visit them in Sector-11, at the end of the entry hall!

History Department
Our associates from the History Department present Outside of the Universe; a fascinating study on branching timelines and what our fate could have been — with the help of the Physics Department.
While indeed not an easy topic to research, as the great majority of our ventures outside of known reality consist of brief voyages to "pocket dimensions" - small bags of reality padding the space between us and other universes - of little stability, recent advancements to available Reznor Reality Observation Engines have allowed for the construction of rough summaries of the history of alternate timelines. […]
Careful cross-referencing of our little available data demonstrates that major historical differences between alternate timelines and our own increase by a factor of several thousand as time advances; approximately 3,500 per decade. In a few select cases, this signifies that prior to a certain point in time, these timelines were roughly identical to our own.
And now, for the things they don't teach you at the academy;
- The Nightmare of New Swabia (together with the Theistic Department)
- The Lost Magic of Japanese Swordsmithing (together with the Prometheus Primogenitus)
- Yugoslavia, The Tale of Whom Never Existed
- The Anomaly Boom and the Greater Mystery
- An Incomplete History of the Authority
You can visit them in Sector-3H, at the second floor of the entry hall!

Psychology Department
Our associates from the Psychology Department present Abandonment and Abaddon-ment; how childhood trauma affects humanoid anomalies.
While anomalies are more often than not treated as inherently unpredictable and thus better contained where they can not do any harm — namely, an isolated containment cell —, recent research supports the long-rejected hypothesis that the most human-like of humanoids have greater control than they may think over their properties. […]
"Indeed, the properties of [REDACTED] grow more unpredictable as it spends time inside its cell." — says Richard Schrieffer, member of the containment team of RPC-███ — "Which has the exact psychological benefits of a sensory deprivation chamber to a victim of psychosis; which is to say, none at all."
But the worries of the mind are yet not over;
- Do Tables Suffer from Depression?
- Occultism as a Coping Mechanism (together with the Prometheus Primogenitus)
- Smithsonphrenia, Anomaly-Induced Madness (together with the Physics Department)
You can visit them in Sector-3Z, at the middle-right of the entry hall!
Botany Department | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- | Vegetal Prosthetics & Fungal Circuits |
Acoustics Department |
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Auditory Life |
Climatological Department |
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Operation Cloud Coverage |