Viderics Guide




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Our universe is more fluid, chaotic and unpredictable than we could ever expect. In the last couple hundred years humans have begun to scratch the surface of our universe and the workings behind it, but we are still far from understanding the vastness of our existence. With the things that science has explained, the common man can create both wonderful and terrible things. Alongside the Scientific Revolution and the development of our knowledge, humankind progresses. With that we turn to Viderics.

The human perception of the world around us has long been known to vary from person to person. Many things are widely perceived, but sometimes things that certain people are able to notice go unexplained. The most common is intuition. Hunches, feeling something in your gut or bones, or sometimes certain people are more perceptive to phenomena, leading to the widespread observation of specters and apparitions throughout the world. These things are not by chance.

The Mechanism

Sentient life has developed a specific neurotransmitter named Anopticin in order to filter out the smaller inconsistencies in our perception. Anopticin is continuously produced in the medullae of adrenal glands and the pineal gland, then secreted throughout the body. As with any natural hormone the levels of Anopticin vary from person to person, and over time, explaining the varying levels of perception that we can each experience. Norotropics is the name given to a class of chemical binding drugs that block the Anopticin neurotransmitter.

This neurotransmitter has been extensively studied by the Bureau of Acquisition, reaching several milestones of which the most notorious were: discovering the mechanisms by which sentient life has developed this neurotransmitter, how this substance works within the developing and adult brain, and most recently, how the effects exerted by it can be undone. The latter leads to the creation of Viderics.

Research into several psychotropic drugs (of which the most successful were the class of norotropics) within Research Site-074 resulted in the creation of Viderics (from the Latin Videre, to see) which act as powerful multiple neurotransmitter pathway synergists1, preventing the binding of Anopticin, and further allowing the binding of other neurotransmitters resulting in the revelation of previously hidden presences and connections to the user. Following extensive testing at Site-002, a method of administering these Viderics through numerous intake routes2 without severely compromising any cognitive functions was refined over time, with priority therapeutic targets being the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, the parietal lobe and the occipital lobe (Areas known for handling the processing of the senses and memory).

Naturally the concentrations of Anopticin waning throughout the body results in a higher potential for perception. The concentrations are especially variable in younger children and hormonally imbalanced individuals. Certain anomalous inconsistencies require the complete blockage of Anopticin to be perceived, whereas others only need lower concentrations; research into the cause behind this is ongoing. It is theorized that some phenomena are more prone to being concealed from our consciousness.

The anomalies discovered through the use of Viderics have been dubbed "Celantur". Through an unknown phenomena the exposure and subsequent communication about celantur anomalies via Viderics is in some instances transferable to others. It is theorized that some form of intuition mechanism is involved, though this is not confirmed. When a "Low Level" anomaly (believed to be close to our perception threshold) is discovered, bringing attention to the phenomena may be enough to override other spectators' mechanisms of Anopticin. This is not the case for "High Level" anomalies in which all observers must have a form of blockage to their baseline Anopticin in order to perceive.

Norotropic types and Administration

Multiple drugs are placed under the classification of Viderics. Each of these, like all drugs, have their own side effects, contraindications, duration of effect and administration methods. Each bind with varying levels of success to the types of Anopticin. All Viderics show increased effectiveness on children and are to be utilized with caution.

Oniritryptin - The most common Videric in use. Successful in revealing anomalies close to baseline. Binds to Cantocipin. Oniritryptin generally is effective for 10-12 hours.

L- prosectide - This class of Videric is successful in binding to Cantocipin and some Ansentinin, revealing anomalies further from our baseline. L-prosectide is effective for approximately 3-5 hours.

Leptosiderine - The most recent class of Videric developed. Research reveals this compound quickly binds to anopticin and cantopticin and marks them for faster hepatic catabolism to inactive forms. To date this compound has only been able to be administered orally via sublingual administration successfully for short term action. Effects are observed within 10 to 15 minutes after absorption by sublingual mucosa and remain active up to 6 hours.

Besides these compounds, the Department possesses other completed and in-development Viderics whose documentation is classified. Current research is developing newer methods of administration and newer compounds with alternate pathways of action, some of the most promising are:

Bradypticine - Research reveals this compound quickly binds to D-cantopticin, limiting its conversion to active Anopticin and promoting their renal clearance. Absorption of the molecule is predominantly dermal, with the test vehicle currently being via dermic patches containing 50mg of Bradypticine. Effects are observed within 30 minutes after absorption by the skin and remain active up to 24 hours due to a depot effect on fat tissue. Research is currently ongoing to shorten the absorption time.

Neo-Opticin - An antagonist analogous of Anopticin which binds to the enzymes in charge of converting Cantopticin to Anopticin. The compound is delivered via eye drops with minor side effects reported by testing subjects. Research is ongoing to determine optimal dosage rates due to exhibiting variable dosage necessities for each individual. Current preparations come in 10ml vials of 20mcg/ml.

Further inquiries about Viderics may be directed to Research personnel assigned to the Department of Viderics upon written request.

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